Eternal Sunshine #162

November 2022

By Douglas Kent - 911 Irene Drive, Mesquite, TX  75149


On Facebook at or on the web at  Follow on Twitter at @EternalSunshDip.  Also be sure to visit the official Diplomacy World website at 

Sign up for the Eternal Sunshine Mailing List at

Check out my eBay store at


Quote of The Month“Will you quit giving us a play-by-play of your flabby bladder?” - (Val in “Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things”)


Welcome to Eternal Sunshine, yet another Dipzine that has seen better days.  A gravestone marking the long list of zines gone by.  From Graustark to The Abyssinian Prince to Maniac’s Paradise and hundreds of others.


I’ve decided to make it official.  Eternal Sunshine is running down to a fold.  All games currently running in the zine proper or in Andy York’s subzine will be run to completion, and at that point the zine will fold up shop and be done for good.  Even if my games end before Andy’s, the zine will continue until all the games are over.


Publishing Eternal Sunshine has been an enjoyable experience, but there’s just not enough demand for a monthly zine these days…at least not one that I publish.  At one time there was a vibrant, thriving community of players, but now the pool has shrunk so much that there just isn’t any reason to keep going.  I’ll continue with Diplomacy World and its quarterly schedule, and with playing Diplomacy on the sites and zines where I currently do.  But a monthly zine is simply no longer in my future.


I guess that’s it from me for now.  See you in December! 

Game Openings

No game openings, as the zine will fold when the currently-running games are completed.


Standby List: HELP!  I need standby players! – Current standby list: Andy York, Andy Lischett, Paul Milewski, Harold Reynolds, Jack McHugh, Brad Wilson, Graham Wilson.


Meet Me in Montauk

The Eternal Sunshine Letter Column


Andy Lischett: My I'll miss Eternal Sunshine when you fold, but plan to drag out More Than Ever for at least ten more game-years.


[[Whatever it takes.]]


It's surprising that the government has not mandated window-breaking equipment in new cars (as well as waterwings). I hope no government employees are reading this.


I will try to find the movie Happiness, and maybe Scare Campaign, to watch while Carol is doing something else. She doesn't care much for anything offbeat. I recorded The Host off television because she likes monster movies, but it has subtitles (it is Korean), so she wouldn't watch it. Why do monster movies even need dialogue? There is a lot of screaming and it's obvious what's happening. A pretty good movie, too.


[[Calling Happiness “offbeat” is…well…you’ll see.  An understatement.  A lot of people simply can’t handle subtitles.  I myself have no issues with them.]]


Richard Smith: I've never been big on video streaming services, with only Amazon Prime (which is a steal at £99 per year) to my name and I still buy some DVDs.


[[I may have mentioned this before, but the only two I pay for right now are Shudder and Netflix.  I continually ask myself why I pay for Netflix at all, since I rarely find anything on there I want to watch, and it’s twice as expensive as Shudder (or more).]]


We've all heard the services are losing some of the subbers they gained in the pandemic, but they are still making enough revenue to fund eye-wateringly expensive shows. Password sharing (encouraged by Disney+) is becoming an issue, as well as the possible use of ads and the move to weekly episodes instead of instant box sets. Of course we Brits have to pay £160 a year for the BBC whether we like it or not (I'm OK with that myself).


[[I think that’s part of the problem for me: I don’t really want to find any new shows, unless they are limited in length (such as Deadwood, the Finnish Euro-noir which I just watched the 3rd season of).  Movies, yes.  But I am not currently interested in investing as much time as a good show would require.  If I had Hulu I’d maybe try the new Hellraiser series – and I might even HAVE Hulu, I think my phone service gives me a free subscription but I’ve never bothered to install it.  I don’t want or need to become committed to a new universe, which is basically inevitable in most of these shows.  Perhaps if I was sharing them with another person, I might feel differently.]]


Andy York: Hope your birthday went well, though I expect it was low key as usual.


[[Thank you, kind sir.]]


Regarding Mark Nelson's comment/question about the electronics in cars, one of my neighbors recently had a dead battery. As it didn't have a key ignition, she was unable to activate anything in it - including being able to shift it into neutral to push it out as it was faced into a skinny, one-car, garage near the back wall. She'd called AAA, but was wondering how they'd be able to get to the battery. I haven't chatted with her since then, so don't know how it was finally resolved.


[[I kind of wonder about that when I see new cars that have no normal lock on the door.  My car is almost ten years old and has both automatic door locks and a manual lock on the driver door only.  The more reliant we become on power – both with the powered fob and the vehicle in general – the more potential problems.  See the movie review of Alone in the Dark, where a power failure caused the inmates to escape!  I am amazed at how tow services are able to get at some vehicles, so hopefully she could resolve it.]]


I do have to agree with Mark on the favorite companion being Elizabeth Sladen. I don't know how many of you know that she returned to the role in a spin-off series "The Sarah Jane Adventures", which ended after she passed. She also wrote an autobiography that I enjoyed reading some time ago.


[[It seems that – aside from the most recent Who fans - she’s the clear favorite for companion.]]


Mark Firth: I’m behind on ‘current’ reading by 5 zines and 2 Private Eyes. I have this weekend and a train journey to London and back for work to try to catch up.


[[I still miss the good old days when I’d anticipate the arrival of multiple zines in my mailbox.  And then savor each one.]]


Although I am hoping that train strikes might yet save us the trip. It’s a company internal conference. Whilst not expected to be massively technical - more a chance to meet colleagues (many for the first time) - I could well do without it. I‘d quite happily not travel anywhere of any distance except occasional trips to the coast now.


Strangely it was on a trip to the coast in the summer I spoiled another record. I went to a supermarket not once but twice, having done so only four times in the preceding six years. I time my rare visits to shops generally so that there are usually two or fewer other customers. Maintains sanity of a sort.


[[Back when Mara and I lived in Rahway, NJ, I’d get up at 1am on Saturday morning to do our grocery shopping.  I’d be the only customer in the local Shop Rite, with just the overnight workers there to keep me company. It seemed the only way I could handle the crowds.  There were two smaller shops I’d run to for necessities if we ran out of something, at higher prices of course.  But for the big trips this was my pattern for a good year.]]


The Dining Dead – Eternal Sunshine Movie Reviews


Deadstream (Shudder) – I might have passed this one by, or not given it a chance, if not for my familiarity with streamers on platforms like Twitch.  I watch Kitboga on there when I can during his live streams of “scambaiting” (calling scammers using fake voices with the goal being to waste as much of their time as possible).  I also watch a few small channels where it’s more hanging out with some friends while they play games like Hunt or Dead by Daylight (I don’t play any of those games).  Through them, and from watching KiraTV and both his streams and YouTube videos, I’ve become acquainted with some of the drama these streamers cause, or get drawn into.  Anyway, this film is entirely live streams by a character named Shawn Ruddy (Joseph Winter, who co-wrote and co-directed as well).  He’s loud and annoying, which is entirely on purpose for the film, because some streamers are exactly this way.  His stream’s theme is him doing wacky stunts to supposedly conquer his fears; like white water rafting with no paddle dressed as baby Moses, being smuggled across the border in the trunk of a car…or yelling at some police and throwing an egg at them before trying to run away.  And like some streamers, he had a fall from grace due to controversy during one of his stunts.  This resulted in losing monetization for six months (not being able to earn income from viewers) and his sponsors dropping him for six months, until he made a twenty-minute apology video.  (You’d be surprised how often this stuff happens in the streaming world; people making self-serving apology videos and then being welcomed back by their audiences after saying or doing terrible things).  So now Shawn is looking to restart things with a bang: locking himself inside a real haunted house and staying there alone, all night.  That’s the premise.  Everything else is…well, it’s what happens. A live stream taking the place of found footage, in effect.  There’s a lot of yelling and hiding in a closet, and Shawn can start to wear on you after a while.  But I appreciated the effort, and there was some over-the-top humor which started to feel like an homage to Evil Dead II.  Things got very silly near the end, but I never really considered turning it off.  For a low budget indie flick where two people co-write, co-direct, and co-star, I’ve seen a lot worse.  The live streaming idea gave them a believable way to have outsiders communicate with Shawn, from messages typed in the chat to videos shared by viewers.  And since – in theory – they were watching Shawn live, he didn’t have to do the annoying “type and say what you are typing out loud” stuff to converse with them.  He could just speak into the camera.  I do question how enjoyable it might be to people unfamiliar with streaming, but that’s hard to tell.  You decide.  It’s a low-budget found footage comedy-horror film for the streaming generation.


V/H/S 99 (shudder) – The fifth (and newest) installment in the V/H/S series of found footage films, this one is set in 1999, what the filmmakers call the “very end of the punk VHS age.”  Five stories make up the film, along with a bit of silly wraparound stuff which was enjoyable in its own right.  None of the five stores are BAD, but as you might expect they range from not so good to pretty good (saving the one that is the most “fun” for last).  If nothing else, a few of them enjoyed going the more obvious route and then making a quick and unexpected turn.  There are also some cute references to 1999-era culture, including Y2K, Blockbuster and Radio Shack still existing, and some of the fashion trends still hanging around at the time.  I’ve quite enjoyed a couple of the V/H/S films, and while this one doesn’t hold up quite as well as the previous V/H/S 94, it’s still a decent watch for fans of the genre.


All Quiet on the Western Front (Netflix) – A new German-language adaptation of the 1929 novel, directed by Edward Berger.  Felix Kammerer stars as Paul Bäumer, one of four friends who volunteer for the German army in 1914, the third year of World War I.  Clearly they have no idea what they’re getting into, as the conditions at the front are utterly removed from the civilian life they lead.  Their youthful idealism is ripped from them in only a few hours after being sent to the front.  This version really focuses on the comradery, misery, desperation, and fear of the front-line soldiers.  It’s much more violent than the 1930 and the made for TV 1979 version (which was the first one that I ever saw).  All of the adaptations are anti-war but this one is the bleakest and most bloody of all of them.  I was quite impressed with it. As long as you don’t have problems with subtitles, if you have Netflix you should give it a watch.


Trouble is My Business (DVD) – I backed this 2018 film on Kickstarter in 2017 or 2016, but through a series of minor accidents I never was able to watch my physical copy until now.  It’s a black-and-white film noir written by co-stars Tom Konkle and Brittney Powell, and directed by Konkle.  Let me start by saying that while I am a fan of noir, I am not an expert in the genre.  With that said, Trouble is My Business is part film noir, part tongue-in-cheek film noir, and part homage to film noir.  It has all the tropes of classic noir (and B-movie noir): the hero private eye (Konkle), the damsel in distress (Powell), a cruel villain (Vernon Wells), snappy dialogue (sometimes a bit too snappy), shadows, plot twists, flashbacks within flashbacks, a plot that confuses itself, a treasure everyone is hunting for, and a shoestring budget.  It reminded me of some of the films I’ve enjoyed during Noir Alley, which shows Saturday nights on TCM.  It took me about five minutes to mentally adjust to the tongue-in-cheek flavor of the film, but once I did, I found it very enjoyable.  And I don’t mean it’s a satire, not at all.  It’s just that the film recognizes the silliness of some aspects of the lesser-known noir movies (and even some of the better-known).  So it never takes itself very seriously, which makes the ride that much better once you understand where it’s coming from.  Konkle is pretty good – you’ve read my previous comments on how writer/director/lead projects sometimes would be better off without the lead actor portion, but in this case it didn’t hurt the film - while Powell and Wells provide strong performances.  I believe you can find this streaming on Amazon, so you might look for it there as well.  It was a good time, and in a few years I may pull it off the shelf and watch it again.


Alone in the Dark (Shudder) – Somehow, with big names in the cast and an original release date of 1982, I’d never heard of this movie.  Perhaps it was simply never released on VHS, and by the time is was released on DVD in 2005 most of the remaining Blockbusters wouldn’t have bothered picking it up.  The plot is simple and rather silly: Donald Pleasence is the head psychiatrist at a progressive mental hospital.  Dwight Schultz plays a new doctor joining the staff.  Some of the more dangerous patients (played by Martin Landau and Jack Palance, among others) become convinced that this new doctor must have killed the previous one, and decide to take revenge when a power failure enables their escape from the facility.  For all of its flaws, it does manage to build a good deal of suspense, in part because of how well Palance and Landau portray unhinged mental patients.  It’s not a good movie, but it’s still a rather fun one.


Weird: The Al Yankovic Story (Roku) – If you’ve ever seen the Weird Al movie UHF, you’ve got an idea what kind of humor this “autobiographical” film about Weird Al Yankovic is filled with.  Daniel Radcliffe stars as Weird Al, who becomes the most popular and most successful musical act in the history of the universe.  I can’t even list all the celebrity cameos, mostly as other people.  Such as Rainn Wilson as Dr. Demento, and Evan Rachel Wood as Madonna.  Like a lot of this type of humor, it gets overdone at times, and the movie runs a bit long.  The last twenty minutes are pretty pointless, and while those jokes don’t fall flat, they hit the same note as the rest of the movie so they’re not really funny.  I did enjoy the blatant pokes at popular “accurate” biopics like The Doors and Bohemian Rhapsody, both of which have become the “truth” simply by being made.  Radcliffe and Rachel Wood are the best parts of the film.  Overall it was mostly funny, and at least it was something different.


Older Movies Watched (that I’ve seen many times) – Nightwing (haven’t seen this one in 40 years, it’s goofy but the cultural aspects are better than I remembered), Creepshow 2, Candyman, Robocop, The Strangers (Uncut), Severance, Halloween III, V/H/S 94, Poltergeist, Pieces, House of 1000 Corpses, Paranormal Activity.

Out of the WAY #50

by W. Andrew York

(wandrew88 of




First off, a big thank you for those who submitted orders early. It helped me get a bit ahead of the curve, as this was another packed month. As your getting this, I’m enjoying (or, at least hope I am enjoying) a session of Railroad Tycoon at MillenniumCon. I’m hoping all will go well and it’ll be the start of the return of con gaming for me. They’ve already hinted at restarting OwlCon at Rice University in early 2023.

This year at M-Con I’m running a “Merchants of Venus” game and one of “Suburbia”. I’m playing in a couple boardgames, one D&D RPG and some miniature sessions. The Con is a good mix of different games and, after contracting to almost only miniatures, have started expanding the types of games offered again. At last report 326 folks pre-registered, plus around 100 expected walk-up registrations, for a scheduled 166 games/events/tournaments from 86 GMs.

Next, as a reminder, I’m heading out of town for a trip to Michigan the Tuesday after the issue comes out. As I won’t be able to print out orders, I won’t officially acknowledge submissions until I return and have some time to catch up. If you sent something and don’t have an official “receipt” message from me by, say, the day after Thanksgiving either check with me or resend them. Hopefully there won’t be any issues.

With the immediate things out of the way, turning to the column itself. Doug has made the final determination to run ES down and give it a proper closing. Therefore, I’m suspending all openings in OOTW, at least for now. This will likely be the last round of Facts in Five, though I might try to squeeze one more in based on where Doug is with the zine and how the Gunboat unfolds. Gunboat, obviously, will run until it ends. For Hangman, by Definition, I’m guessing we’ll at least have an additional round after the current one finishes. However, this is just a back of the envelope calculation and we’ll see how things shake out. Standbys for Gunboat, as always, are welcome.

As for the rest of the zine, it’s as slim as they’ve been recently. I only finished one book so I’m going to hold that until next month (hoping I’ll get several read while in Michigan). There are a couple of other short bits I’ve been mulling, but I doubt I’ll have time to put them together for this issue. Hopefully I’ll be able to get them in December’s issue.

I hope everyone that celebrates Thanksgiving has a wonderful time and plenty of tasty food!





Letter Column

(always welcome, send them in!)

(if something shouldn’t be included here, clearly mark it as a personal comment)


[John David Galt] – Re: “Off the Map”

[WAY] – regarding a book reviewed last issue

[JDG] – I’ve encountered plenty of politically motivated maps, often in unexpected places. On a visit to western

Canada in the ‘80s, a local tried to sell me a map of Canada drawn as if Labrador did not exist and all its territory

belonged to Quebec. I guess they have “sovereign citizens” up there too.


[Mark Firth] – I awoke to what currently seems a closer set of mid-terms than expected over there. [WAY] – yep, the “Red

Wave” is now being called a “Red Ripple”. However, in Texas, though, Republicans continue to dominate in statewide

positions, though not making much progress in flipping congressional delegate districts (both at state and federal). But,

still more votes being counted. [MF] - Over here, the ruling party continue in internal (and unfortunately by extension

external) chaos. [WAY] – hopefully things will sort themselves out over there in short order.



Babylon 5 Quote


In “Signs and Portents” – Lady Ladira: “The future is always changed. We create the future with our words, our deeds,

and with our beliefs”


Source: But In Purple...I’m Stunning! by J. Michael Straczynski, edited by Sara “Samm” Barnes, copyright 2008.





Game Section


Everyone Plays Games: Hangman, By Definition; Facts in Five


Game Openings: None currently


Standbys: Gunboat Diplomacy (x1)





 “Round Rock Express”

(No-Press Gunboat, Game #1)

MN: 2021Crb32


Spring 1906


Austria: F GRE s ita a arm-ank (imp), A TRI s a bud-vie, A BUD-vie, A RUM s rus f bla-sev (nso), A sil-WAR, A BUL-con

England:  F NTH c a nwy-bel, F spa(nc)-GAS, F mao-SPA(SC), A nwy-BEL, F ENG s a nwy-bel, a ruh-hol (ann)

France: A mar-BUR, A BRE s eng f eng-bel (imp), A PAR s a mar-bur

Germany: F DEN-nth, A bel s a kie-ruh (r-pic/otb), A TYL-tri, A STP s f swe-nwy, F swe-NWY, A sev-MOS, A HOL s a bel,

A VIE-bud, A boh-GAL, A MUN s a kie-ruh, A kie-RUH, A ber-SIL

Italy: F eme-SMY, A smy-ARM, A pie-VEN, F aeg-ION, F tyn-TUS

Russia: F BLA-con

Turkey: F ANK s f bla-con (nsu)


Supply Center Count


Austria: Bud, Tri, Ser, Gre, Bul, Rum                                                                            

England: Edi, Lpl, Lon, Nwy, Por, Spa                                                                         

France: Mar, Par, Bre                                                                                                        

Germany: Ber, Kie, Mun, Den, Hol, Swe, War, Bel, Mos, Stp, Sev, Vie                

Italy: Nap, Rom, Ven, Tun , Smy                                                                                    

Russia: Con                                                                                                                         

Turkey: Ank                                                                                                                        

Neutral: none


Next Due Summer and Fall 1906


Note – Split seasons are granted when 2 or more requests are received if 4+ players; 3 or less requires only 1.





Hangman, By Definition


**See Rule Change in bold below**


This is a five-round game, with each round consisting of a variable number of turns. The winner will be the person who wins the most rounds, with a tie breaker being fewest total number of turns in those winning rounds. Second tie breaker will be the greatest number of letters guessed (by total count revealed, not by individual letter).


Each round will consist of identifying a word of at least six letters. Along with each word will be the first definition given. All words and definitions will be identified by blank spaces. Words and definitions are verified in a dictionary that was my high school graduation gift (slight hint to those who might want to find the edition).


The goal is to guess the word in as few turns as possible. Each turn, all players will submit up to three different letters to be revealed. The letter submitted by the most players will be the letter revealed in the next turn. Ties will be broken by a randomized method. Additionally, each player should submit a guess for the word. Once the word is correctly identified (spelling is important), that round will end and a new round will begin. All players who guess the word in the same turn will share in the win for the round. If the word is not guessed by the end of six turns with no letter being revealed, no one will win the round.


Along with revealing letters in the word, letters will be revealed in the definition. There are no bonus points for guessing any part of the definition, it is only there to help players figure out the word. No guesses about parts of the definition will be confirmed or displayed except by the letter revealed in that round. The letters “E” and “S” can never be chosen as the letter to be revealed.


Game 2, Round Two, Turn 2:


                Letter Votes: A – 3; D – 1; F – 1; I – 1; K – 1; M – 1; N – 3; O – 1; P – 2; R – 3; T – 1; W – 2        

Revealed: R (dice roll decision with d6)


                Words Guessed:   Testament (Firth); Impatient (Galt); Caballero (Kent); Obstinate (Lischett);

 Articular (Maslen); Pacemaker (Smith); Frequency (Wilson)




                Word:     __  __  R  __  __  __  __  __  __  (9)


Definition:             __  __  R  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  (10)   __  __  (2)   __  __  __  __  R  __  (6)   __  R  (2)


__  __  __  __  R  (5)


                Never Revealed:  E, S                         Already Revealed: R


Game Words Correctly Guessed: Metamorphosis (Firth, Maslen, Smith, Wilson)





                                                                        FACTS IN FIVE


Rules:     There will be five rounds, the cumulative high score at the end of the fifth round will be the winner. Anyone may join anytime with a starting score matching the lowest total from the previous round. Anyone missing a round will add the lowest score of that round.

                Each round will consist of five categories and five letters.  Each player submit may an entry for each category which has a key word that starts with each of the letters (twenty-five total entries). Key words are generally the first word; however, articles (the, a, etc.) and modifiers (“red” in red bicycle for “R” in “mode of transportation” or “general” in General Lee for “G” in “Military Leaders”) are not key words. A word in the category may not be the key word (“bank” in “Bank of America” for “B” in the category “Banks”). For given names, the last name is the key word, if married it will be their post-marriage last name. However, in the case of commonly used stage names, that name should be used (in a category of female singers, ”Q” could be “Queen Latifa” and “Cher” for “C”). An entry may only be used once per round. Please clearly identify which individual you are using as your answer if there are multiple potential people with a given name. For instance, if the category is American Presidents, answering Washington is fine as there is only one; however, if you decided to use Bush you need to indicate whether you are submitting the father or the son. Unclear answers will be matched to score the least points. Using the Bush example, if one person submitted “Bush” and three people submit “George W. Bush” the latter would score 2 points and the former 1.

                One point will be scored for each entry that unarguably meets the letter and category. An additional point will be added if anyone else also uses the same valid entry for the same category. Maximum possible score in a round is 50 with a lowest possible score of 25, presuming an individual submits a valid entry for each category and letter in that round.

                Research is allowed, collaboration between players is not.


Game Six, Round Two


Bolded - Scores 2 points for matching another entry; Crossed Out - scores 0 points; otherwise scores 1 point.


REMINDER - Last names are generally the key word, not first names.


   Players                               C                             F                              G                             H                             K            


American Humorist

    Doug Kent                        George Carlin     B Franklin           L Grizzard           C Handler             Garrison Keillor

    Andy Lischett                  Samuel Clemons Ben Franklin       Ray Goulding       Jack Handey       George Kaufmann

    Walt O’Hara                    S L Clemons        Ian Frazier             L Grizzard           Jack Handey       Doug Kinney

    Kevin Wilson                   George Carlin     Al Franken           Gallagher               Jack Handey       Garrison Keillor


Medieval Leader/Ruler

    Doug Kent                        Clovis I                  Frederick I          Empress Genmei   Henry I              Genghis Khan

    Andy Lischett                  Charlemagne      Ferdinand of A     Empress Genmei   Henry V             Genghis Khan

    Walt O’Hara                    Charles of BC      Francis II              Guy of Thouars   Henry II of France  John Kourkouas

    Kevin Wilson                   Charlemagne      Frederick I          Genghis Khan      Henry VIII            Khalid Ibn al-Walid


Movie Character

    Doug Kent                        M Corleone           Axel Foley            Forrest Gump       Annie Hall            James T Kirk

    Andy Lischett                  Harry Callahan    Frank’s Monster  Godzilla                 Humbert Humbert  King Kong

    Walt O’Hara                    Sarah Conner       Axel Foley            Samwise Gamgee                Ethan Hunt           James T Kirk

    Kevin Wilson                   C-3PO                    Frodo Baggins      Groot                      Harry Potter          Katniss Everdeen


Autobiography Title

    Doug Kent                        C Cinderella          FoMF                    Gift from the Sea H to Catalonia     King of Fashion

    Andy Lischett                  Cash                       Flying Free            Gorillas Mist         The Happy Hook Kelly: MtMSoIA

    Walt O’Hara                    Confessions of… Freedom in Exile The Glass Castle  AHWoSG              Kiss and Makeup

    Kevin Wilson                   Cancer Scha…     FoMF                    Grow Up Brady   HtRKWWHY       Kitchen Confidential


Candy Product Name (such as Rolo, not chocolate caramels)

    Doug Kent                        Coke Bottles         Fun Dip                  Gummy Bear      Hershey Kiss       Kaboom

    Andy Lischett                  Chunky                 Frango Mints        Gold-Bear Gummies           Hershey Bar        Kit-Kat

    Walt O’Hara                    Cadbury C Bars   Ferrero Rocher  Good and Plenty  Hershey Bars      Kit-Kat Bars

    Kevin Wilson                   Candy Corn          Ferrero Rocher  Gummy Bears    Hershey’s Kisses                                Kit-Kat


Note – for allowed and disallowed answers, please feel free to correct me!


General Notes –


Notes on Doug’s Answers: B Franklin is Benjamin Franklin; L Grizzard is Lewis Gizzard; C Handler is Chelsea Handler; M

Corleone is Michael Corleone; C Cinderella is Chinese Cinderella; FoMF is Faith of My Fathers; H to Catalonia is

Homage to Catalonia

Notes on Andy’s Answers: Ferdinand of A is King Ferdinand of Aragon; Frank’s Monster is Frankenstein’s Monster; Cash

(Johnny Cash); Flying Free (Cecilia Aragon); Gorillas Mist is Gorillas in the Mist (Dian Fossey); The Happy Hook is

The Happy Hooker (Xaviera Hollander); Kelly: MtMSoIA is Kelly: More than My Share of It All (Clarence Johnson)

Notes on Walt’s Answers: S L Clemons is Samuel Langhorne Clemens, aka Mark Twain; L Grizzard is Lewis Gizzard; Charles

of BC is Charles of Blois-Chatillon (1319 – 29 September 1364); Francis II is Francis II, Duke of Brittany; John

Kourkouas, Walt notes, was a Byzantine General, 900-946); Walt notes Sarah Conner (Terminator series), Axel Foley

(Beverly Hills Cop and sequels), Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings series), Ethan Hunt (Mission Impossible series)

and James T Kirk (Star Trek Universe); Confessions of… is The Confessions of St Augustine [WAY] – which I’m

currently reading!; [WO] – Walt notes Freedom in Exile, Dalai Lama, The Glass Castle (Jeanette Walls); AHWoSG is

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (Dave Eggers); Walt notes Kiss and Makeup (Gene Simmons, KISS);

Cadbury C Bars is Cadbury Chocolate Bars

Notes on Kevin’s Answers: Genghis Khan is disallowed as his last name is “Khan”; Frodo Baggins, Harry Potter, Katniss

Everdeen are accepted as they are well known by just their first name in cinema; Cancer Scha… is Cancer Schmancer

(Fran Drescher); FoMF is Faith of My Fathers (John McCain); Grow Up Brady is Growing Up Brady (Barry Williams); HtRKWWHY is How to Raise Kids Who Won’t Hate You (Alan Thicke); Kitchen Confidential (Anthony Bourdain)



General Player Comments:


[Kevin Wilson] – I had to think a bit on the movie characters on whether the letter should be the last name or first word. Seems

most references to not differentiate surnames and simply use the first letter so that’s the way I went. Were they true

people, it may have been different. [WAY] – there is some validity to that approach, but names are generally names and

should use the last name convention. However, in the three responses you choose, the first names are effective

substitutes for their full name (ala the “Cher” exception). It would be different if less, unique, characters were chosen

for their first names, such as in the Potter films using for “A” Albus Dumbledore (definitely belongs to the “D”




Game Six, Round Three


Letters:                  B             I              N             T             * (Wildcard)

Categories:            Men’s Name over 8 letters; Communicable Disease; Color; Living American Religious Writer;

                                                Ship Name of a Current American or British Naval Vessel 



Current Standings


Scores by Category             1st           2nd         3rd          4th          5th          Now                        Previous                 Total     

   Kevin Wilson                      8             6             5             6             9             34         +                  36       =                 70

   Doug Kent                           9             8             7             6             7             37         +                  33       =                 70

   Walt O’Hara                       8             5             7             5             8             33         +                 33       =                 66

   Andy Lischett                     8             8             5             5             7             33         +                  30       =                 63





Deadline for the Next Issue of Out of the WAY:


December 7, 2022 at noon Central US Time Zone

See You Then!


Game entries, letters of comment and other material can be sent to:


                wandrew88 at; or by post to: W. Andrew York; POB 201117; Austin TX 78720-1117



Eternal Sunshine Game Section


Diplomacy, “More Than Ever”, 2021A, F 05


Austria: Andy Lischett – Retreat A Bulgaria - Serbia..

 A Apulia Itches to Do Something (Hold), A Bohemia Supports A Tyrolia – Vienna, F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea,

 A Piedmont Supports A Gascony – Marseilles, A Serbia Supports A Vienna – Budapest, A Tyrolia – Vienna,

 F Tyrrhenian Sea - Ionian Sea, A Vienna – Budapest,

 F Western Mediterranean Supports F Spain(sc) - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.

England <Civil Disorder>: F Irish Sea Unordered.

France: Brad Wilson - - A Gascony – Marseilles, F London Supports F North Sea,

 F Spain(sc) - Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F Wales - Liverpool (*Fails*).

Germany: Andy York – - A Belgium – Ruhr, A Burgundy – Munich, A Kiel – Denmark,

 A Marseilles Hold (*Dislodged*, retreat to Burgundy or Spain or OTB), F Mid-Atlantic Ocean – Brest,

 A Munich – Silesia, F North Sea Hold, A Paris Hold.

Russia: Simon Langley-Evans - - F Bulgaria(ec) - Black Sea,

 A Constantinople Supports F Rumania - Bulgaria(ec), A Galicia Supports A Ukraine – Rumania,

 A Liverpool Supports F Yorkshire - Edinburgh (*Cut*), F North Atlantic Ocean Supports A Liverpool,

 F Norway Hold, F Rumania - Bulgaria(ec), A Smyrna Hold, A Ukraine – Rumania, F Yorkshire - Edinburgh.


Paul Milewski resigned, so his order for this season was not used.

Andy York has taken over as Germany


A/G/R Draw Fails



Supply Center Chart


Austria:            Budapest, Greece, Naples, Rome, Serbia, Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Vienna=9       Even

England:           None=0                                                                                                            OUT!!

France:             London, Marseilles, Portugal, Spain?=3 or 4                                                      Even or Remove 1

Germany:         Belgium, Berlin, Brest, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich,

Paris, Spain? = 8 or 9                                                                                       Build 1

Russia:             Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Moscow, Norway,

Rumania, Sevastopol, Smyrna, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw=13                 Build 3




Madrid: A new world order, perhaps. Meanwhile, more sherry, please.


Deadline for W 05/S 06 is December 10th at 7am My Time

Where in the World is Kendo Nagasaki?


The Rules were in Eternal Sunshine #131, read them if you want a detailed explanation and examples.  Basically, this is a guessing game, trying to guess the mystery person and their location (both chosen by me before the game started).  Closest guess gets a public clue and notification they were the closest.  Everyone else sees the clue but has to figure out on their own who was the closest that turn.


Turn 1


Kevin Wilson:

Ralph Waldo Emerson in Stony Rapids, Saskatchewan, Canada


Simon Langley-Evans:

Theodore Roosevelt in Cork, Ireland


Richard Smith:

Alice Cooper in Alice Springs, Australia


David Burgess:

Vladimir Putin in Hell, Michigan


John David Galt:

Elon Musk in Kourou, French Guiana


Andy Lischett:

Lee Van Cleef in Fairbanks, Alaska


Tom Howell:

Nathaniel Parker in New Scotland Yard, London


Brad Wilson:

Josh Hawley in Antwerp, Belgium


Dane Maslen:

Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv, Ukraine


Jack McHugh:

David Koresh in Wako, Texas


Mark Firth:

Mortimer Mouse, in Hoboken. New Jersey


Hint to Person Placed Closest to Me:

I’m dead, you’re not.  Right chromosome.


Turn 2


John David Galt:

George Herbert Walker Bush in Mar-a-Lago, Florida


Brad Wilson:

William Ewart Gladstone in Yerevan, Armenia


David Burgess:

Genghis Khan in Sidney, Australia


Dane Maslen:

Neil Armstrong in Hanoi, Vietnam


Richard Smith:

Che Guevara in La Paz, Bolivia


Simon Langley-Evans:

Charles Darwin is in Berlin, Germany


Tom Howell:

Saparmurat Atayevich Niyazov in Balkanabat, Turkmenistan


Andy Lischett:

James Monroe in Oslo, Norway


Jack McHugh:

Alexander Graham Bell in Munich, Germany


Kevin Wilson:

Albert Einstein in Perth, Australia


Mark Firth:

Christian Bale, in Vejle, Denmark.


Hint to Person Placed Closest to Me:

We were born in the same country.  I died nearly 400 years before you were born.


Turn 3


John David Galt:

Sir Francis Drake in Sebastopol, California


Simon Langley-Evans:

King John of England in Warsaw, Poland


Tom Howell:

John Burley in Rumbek, Lakes State, South Sudan


Richard Smith:

Humayun in Kabul, Afghanistan


Dane Maslen:

Sir John Donne in Akkystau, Kazakhstan


Andy Lischett:

William de Greystoke in St. Petersburg, Russia


David Burgess:

William Shakespeare in Hiroshima, Japan


Kevin Wilson:

Richard II in Tbilisi, Georgia


Mark Firth:

Richard of York in Plovdiv, Bulgaria


Brad Wilson:

Chaucer in Teheran, Iran


Jack McHugh:

Galileo Galilei in Guangzhou, China

Hint to Person Placed Closest to Me:

Right country (of birth).  I knew relatives of yours, but died before your 20th year.


Turn 4


John David Galt:

Pope Pius XI in Shanghai, China


Simon Langley-Evans:

Charles V of France is in Kyiv, Ukraine


Richard Smith:

William Courtenay (former Archbishop of Canterbury) in Elazig, Turkey


Dane Maslen:

Henry Bolingbroke (aka Henry IV) in Tsarevo, Bulgaria


Andy Lischett:

Phyllis Diller in Tabriz, Iran


David Burgess:

Alice Cooper in Oslo, Norway


Mark Firth:

Richard Whittington in Varna, Bulgaria


Brad Wilson:

Chaucer in Tbilisi, Georgia


Jack McHugh:

Joan of Arc in Bucharest, Romania


Kevin Wilson:

William Caxton in Budapest, Hungary


Hint to Person Placed Closest to Me:

I was born before you and died after you.  I worked with you, and for you.


Turn 5


Simon Langley-Evans:

Ralph Neville (1st Earl of Westmoreland) in Larissa, Greece


David Burgess:

Raoul de Gaucourt in Moscow, Russia


Dane Maslen:

Sir William Gascoigne in Primorsko, Bulgaria


Richard Smith:

John of Gaunt at Rustavi, Georgia


Andy Lischett:

Thomas Arundel in Burgas, Bulgaria


John David Galt:

Cardinal Richelieu in Pressburg, Austria


Brad Wilson:

Sir John Falstaff in Adrianople (Edirne), Turkey


Mark Firth:

Richard Whittington, in Burgas, Bulgaria


Hint to Person Placed Closest to Me:

I was born before you and died after you.  We supported the same side in a conflict.


Turn 6


John David Galt:

Henry VI in Burgas, Bulgaria


Simon Langley-Evans:

Bishop John Fordham in Patras, Greece


Richard Smith:

Henry Ware (bishop of Chichester) in Ahtopol, Bulgaria


Brad Wilson:

Henry V in Salonika, Greece


Dane Maslen:

Hugh Luttrell in Tobruk, Libya


Kevin Smith:

Sir Peter Buckton in Vizitsa, Malko Tarnovo, Bulgaria


Andy Lischett:

Henry V in Basra, Iraq


Jack McHugh:

Humphrey of Lancaster, Sofia, Bulgaria


Mark Firth:

Ralph Neville, in Chernomorets, Sozopol, Bulgaria


Hint to Person Placed Closest to Me:

We died within five years of each other.  We appear in the same Shakespeare play.


Turn 7


Simon Langley-Evans:

Sir Thomas Erpingham in Athens, Greece


Dane Maslen:

Sir Thomas Erpingham in Kos Town, Kos, Greece


David Burgess:

Sir John Falstaff in Lovech, Bulgaria


Richard Smith:

Sir Thomas Erpingham in Corinth, Greece


Andy Lischett:

Edward of Westminster (Prince of Wales) in Kalamata, Greece


John David Galt:

Queen Margerite d'Anjou in Thessalonika, Greece


Mark Firth:

Sir John Falstaff in Ruse, Bulgaria


Brad Wilson:

Thomas Percy, 1st Earl of Worcester in Ankara, Turkey


Jack McHugh:

Thomas Beaufort in Sparta, Greece


Tom Howell:

Thomas Beaufort in Knossos, Crete


Hint to Person Placed Closest to Me:

You know who I am, but not where I am.


Turn 8


John David Galt:

Sir Thomas Erpingham in Santorini, Greece


Tom Howell:

Sir Thomas Erpingham in Evdilos, Ikaria, Greece


Simon Langley-Evans:

Sir Thomas Erpingham is in Kalamata, Greece


Dane Maslen:

Sir Thomas Erpingham in Kalymnos, Greece


Richard Smith:

Sir Thomas Erpingham in Kalymnos, Greece


Andy Lischett:

Sir Thomas Erpingham in Argos, Greece


Jack McHugh:

Henry Holland in Sofia, Bulgaria


Brad Wilson:

Thomas Beaufort in Rhodes, Greece


Mark Firth:

Sir Thomas Erpingham, in Volos, Greece


Hint to Person Placed Closest to Me:

You know where I am, but not who I am.


Deadline for Turn 9 is December 10th at 7am My Time

By Popular Demand


The goal is to pick something that fits the category and will be the "most popular" answer. You score points based on the number of entries that match yours. For example, if the category is "Cats" and the responses were 7 for Persian, 3 for Calico and 1 for Siamese, everyone who said Persian would get 7 points, Calico 3 and the lone Siamese would score 1 point. The cumulative total over 10 rounds will determine the overall winner. Anyone may enter at any point, starting with an equivalent point total of the lowest cumulative score from the previous round. If a person misses a round, they'll receive the minimum score from the round added to their cumulative total. In each round you may specify one of your answers as your Joker answer. Your score for this answer will be doubled. In other words, if you apply your Joker to category 3 on a given turn, and 4 other people give the same answer as you, you get 10 points instead of 5. Players who fail to submit a Joker for any specific turn will have their Joker automatically applied to the first category. And, if you want to submit some commentary with your answers, feel free to. The game will consist of 10 rounds.  The score for Round 10 is doubled.



Turn 3 Categories:


1. A makeup brand.

2. A pill you might take every day.

3. A number between 91 and 99.

4. A game children play at recess.

5. A Max Von Sydow movie.


Joker category shown in BOLD.  Most popular answer shown in the bottom row.

Andy Lischett earned the top score of 32 this round (out of a possible 37).  Mark Firth gets the low score of 15. 


Comments by Category:


A makeup brand: None.


A pill you might take every day: None.


A number between 91 and 99: Kevin Wilson – “Right down the middle for the Joker and 95. We’ll see.”  Brad Wilson – “One of my favorite Haydn symphonies is No. 95, so ...” 


A game children play at recess: Paul Milewski – “I cannot recall ever playing a game during school recess periods. Ohio Revised Code Sec. 3313.48(A)(3) mandates "morning and afternoon recess periods of not more than 15 minutes duration per period for pupils in grades kindergarten through six." What game can you play in 15 minutes?” [[Tag, jump rope, catch, hopscotch, king of the hill.  Plenty of games you can play that have no specific end.  In elementary school we used to play a game called “kill the guy” where we’d take a football and throw it in the air.  The idea was whoever caught it tried to keep away from everyone else.  The rest of us had the task of trying to tackle him and steal the ball.  At which point, we became the target.  It ended when time ran out, there was no designated winner.  Just a lot of grass stains, skinned knees, and bruises.]]


A Max Von Sydow movie: Paul Milewski – “My favorite Max von Sydow movies are Dune (1984) and Buck Rogers (1980). Of course, the object in BPD is to guess which of those two most participants will pick, so I'm going with Dune.”  [[I got VERY confused by this until I realized you had just misspoken and meant Flash Gordon, as he wasn’t in Buck Rogers and that came out a year earlier in 1979.]]


General Comments: Andy Lischett – “I did awful last time but these look easy. Comparing my answers with Carol's, Revlon should beat Maybelline, but Tag should beat Hopscotch. I picked The Exorcist as my Joker because after two days I still can't think of another Max von Sydow movie.”  [[The first two that come to mind today are Needful Things and Three Days of the Condor.  And Dune.  But more than any, The Seventh Seal.]]  Kevin Wilson – “Some tough ones this time.  Lots of make up brands, MVS movies and drugs.  We’ll see.”




By Popular Demand

Turn 4 Categories – Remember to Specify a Joker Category


1. A landlocked nation.

2. Something you swing.

3. A restaurant chain that doesn’t exist anymore (or barely does).

4. Something you frequently run out of.

5. A Christopher Guest movie.


Deadline for Turn 4 is December 10th at 7am My Time

Deadline for the next issue of Eternal Sunshine is: Saturday December 10, 2022 at 7am My Time (U.S. central time) – some games and subzines earlier