Postal Diplomacy Zine Archive

Doug’s Diplomacy

Postal Diplomacy Zine Archive Page

(This page last updated on 1/2/2025)

This section of the web site is for past issues of any other old Diplomacy zines that

I find or that people send along.  I very much would like to keep this section

growing, so if you have any old zines, please get in touch with me.  You could

either send them to me for keeps or simply scan them yourself and send me the

pdf files.  Regardless, email me at and let me know

what zines you have!

 Back issues of Diplomacy World can be found at

We’ll have the entire collection, more than 100 issues, posted very soon!  Back

issues of Eternal Sunshine have their own section on this website; just look for that

in the menu bar above.  Back issues of The Abyssinian Prince and Ishkibibble can

be found on the Diplomactic Pouch postal section at

 If you want to see Stephen Agar’s archive of UK postal Diplomacy zines, visit his

site at:

 I created a Facebook group to notify people about additions to this section, and so

we can discuss who has old zines on hand and the possibility of borrowing them or

having them scanned.  You can join the group at:


Click on a Letter to Jump Directly to That Page of the Archive

Each Letter Corresponds to the First Letter in the Zine’s Name

(not counting words like A or The)

Remember: New Zines and Issues Are Being Added All the Time!!!


I J K L M N O P 

Q R S T U V W