Eternal Sunshine #103

August 2015

By Douglas Kent 911 Irene Drive, Mesquite, TX  75149

Email: or

On the web at  Also be sure to visit the official Diplomacy World website which can be found at 

All Eternal Sunshine readers are encouraged to join the free Eternal Sunshine Yahoo group at

 to stay up-to-date on any subzine news or errata.  If you don’t like the sign-up process just send me an email and I will send you an invite which cuts through the red tape.  You should also join the Eternal Sunshine Facebook group at


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My book “It’s Their House; I’m Just a Guest” is available in softcover and Kindle from Amazon at


Welcome to the latest issue of Eternal Sunshine, the only Diplomacy zine with a Dead Pool.  Well, I think so anyway.  And the Dead Pool is just starting this issue.  But still, the only one.


I’m happy to say there has been some decent support and participation now that I am trying to get ES back on its feet.  By Popular Demand, Kendo Nagasaki, and Hypothetical Questions are starting to gain momentum, and there are even a few letters this month.  I’d love to see the Diplomacy and Modern Diplomacy games fill, but if it takes some time that’s fine too. 


Please be sure to keep an eye on Richard Weiss’ subzine, as he has multiple games on offer too.  And, as always, if you’re interested in running a game or simply writing an occasional column, drop me a line.


I mentioned the Dead Pool above.  That, and the annual Football Prediction contest, are ready to go this issue so send in your answers.  I’m also doing another one-and-done football game this year, which I’ll talk about in the Eternal Sunshine Facebook and Yahoo groups. 



Hypothetical of the Month


Last month we gave you the following questions: #1A house a few blocks from you always has five or six random cars parked in the driveway, and you’re pretty sure they are running an unlicensed repair shop there.  You live too far away to ever be bothered by any noise, but you are also concerned about whether they might be dumping waste into the storm sewer.  Do you mind your own business, alter the city authorities, or do something else? 


John David Galt - I mind my own business. If the repair shop is doing anyone any harm, it will be somebody closer to it than me, and there's no reason they couldn't complain for themselves.


Melinda Holley - I make an anonymous complaint.  That's as far as I take it without having definite proof.


Andy York - "Concerned about" or "aware of" the dumping of waste is the key.  Mere suspicion, or profiling ("I've heard of other unlicensed dumping so they must be"), isn't really enough to involve officials. However, if there's a local news channel with an investigative team looking for leads or stories might be a better and more effective route (presuming they are fair in their reporting and aren't the type that makes a negative story about ANYTHING).


Richard Weiss -I'd never even notice all the cars or the potential pollution.  If someone pointed it out to me and asked me if I'd do something, I'd say they noticed it, do what they want. 


Andy Lischett - I would do nothing. Not so much that I would "mind my own business", but if somebody is trying to earn a living and not bothering me or closer neighbors, apparently the only one he is bothering is government. Let them harass him without my help. They're good at it. As for "They might be dumping waste..." They might not. 


#2You’re in a Fantasy Baseball league which allows trades between teams without league approval.  Another team proposes a trade which is so lopsided in your favor you are certain they made a mistake.  Do you accept the trade and enjoy the windfall, or reject it and point out the error?


John David Galt - I'm not going to assume the other player is stupid. When I see the trade offer that's "too good to be true," the first thing I ask myself is "What does he know about this week's baseball news that I don't?" So I spend an hour or two on the web trying to answer that question. This also gives the offerer time to realize his mistake (if it was one) and send me an "oops, I didn't mean that!" message, which I would honor.


But if, in that time, he hasn't sent one, and I haven't found new data which says that the trade would be bad for me, I take him up on it.


Melinda Holley - I'd ask "Are you sure you want to make this trade?  Give it a second look & if you're serious, we have a deal."  I've given then the opportunity to correct their mistake.  Maybe this is that player's first fantasy game.  A horrendous mistake like that could easily convince them never to play again.


Andy York - First off, I'd likely be the person making the lopsided trade rather than being the one getting the deal. However, if I noticed it (unlikely) I'd point out that it really isn't a fair deal, possibly make a more balanced offer (how about I throw in XYZ), and verify that they truly intended the offer as it stood and that they don't want to rethink it.


Richard Weiss - I'd query the person as to what they were getting and giving and then accept the deal.  If I knew the person was a lame evaluator of talent and value, I'd accept without asking, because they'd give someone else a lopsided deal.  I'd try to get the person out of the league the next year and feel slightly guilty all the way to my Yahoo baptism.


Andy Lischett - I have never been so competitive that I'd enjoy taking advantage of an obvious and stupid mistake by an opponent. I would ask, "Are you sure you want to make that trade?" If he said yes then I'd make the trade. If he said no then I'd say okay, you owe me a "player to be named later."  


For Next Month (For the time being, I am often selecting questions from the game “A Question of Scruples” which was published in 1984 by High Games Enterprises).  Remember you can make your answers as detailed as you wish..but “this could never happen” is a cop out answer: #1 – You pay for Netflix Streaming service.  A very good friend is on a horribly tight budget and asks if she can have your password to use the account too.  You want to comply, but also fear she may “loan” the account to some of her own friends.  What do you do or say? 


#2 – The duplex down the street houses two families or groups of friends, one on each side; you’ve never met either.  One of your neighbors says “white supremacists” live there, another jokingly referred to the place as the “local ISIS base.”  Last week you saw a box on the porch marked “Lamp Oil.”  This week you noticed a delivery where the box is marked “Slow Cooker.”  What do you say or do?


The Dining Dead -
The Eternal Sunshine Movie Reviews


Seen on DVD and Netflix – The Disembodied (C, a goofy Full Moon feature that includes references to many of their other films.  Horror camp but not great); The Fall – Season 1 (B+, Gillian Anderson leads a show built of good acting and developed multi-dimensional characters.  Fun to watch a strong female lead, something the UK can do but they refuse to do properly in the US); Saw V (C, more of the usual, but the traps are always fun); Preservation (B-, better than I expected, with some real funny dark humor moments thrown in); Good People (B-, a bit of a tangent to the wonderful Shallow Grave, but still a decent film); Creep (C+, too slow but not bad execution.  Duplass at his most uncomfortable.  Supposedly they plan two sequels, which I will watch).  Dark Summer (B-, somewhat confused turn-the-tables stalker film but enough originality to make it fun).


Couldn’t Finish – Filth, The Traveler (Val Kilmer), Extinction.



Meet Me In Montauk
The Eternal Sunshine Letter Column


Roger Cox - Just read #102 of ES and it was an enlightening, entertaining piece.  Nostalgia, some current events, religion, and of course games.  I get the distinct feeling that you have led a more interesting life than most of us Diplomacy pbm'ers from back in the 70s and 80s; being a published author for one.  I've also still been soloing wargames and decided that running a game in a zine would be fun---maybe bring back some of that love for the hobby I have always had but just lost track.  I don't want to screw it up, so I'd like to run a game I know very well, and one that can be completed fairly quickly.  Suggestions would be appreciated.  I know DUNE the best, but movement just can't be made simultaneous (as DIP), so that would slow it to a crawl.  Source of the Nile could work with everyone sending their movement orders at the same time with only a minimal chance of bumping into each other,  Mythology would be perfect for simultaneous moves AND orders, but with the rules about contesting other players' moves, I'd have to have a step added to allow for that.  Divine Right appeals to me the most, but is probably the most obscure.  I'll keep going through the old games, dragging them out & setting them as I have been for the past couple of weeks, and maybe I'll find a perfect candidate.  Thanks for letting me know about ES--brings back many good memories for me.


[[Roger has suggested he may be willing to run a wargame or other old game someday in the future.  Got any ideas for him?]]


Dick Martin - i picked up a copy of your book on amazon - interesting reading. i think i worked briefly with your bunkie alan before he went to prison ;)


[[I don’t remember what job he had or what profession he was in…so you never know!]]


Jim Burgess - So, Doug, I went for a cool Jonathan Richman connection for my initial Kendo choice.  Jonathan's classic song about Pablo Picasso with the ubiquitous "Peter Gunn" chords leads with the following "Doug Kentish" lyrics: "Well some people try to pick up girls/And get called assholes/This never happened to Pablo Picasso/He could walk down your street/And girls could not resist his stare and/So Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole."  And then for my location, I choose Government Center in Boston (you can just use Boston if you like), which has the equally wry lyrics: "Well we've got a lot a lot of hard work today/We gotta rock at the Government Center/To make the secretaries feel better/When they put those stamps on the letters."  This is such a cool choice that it has to be closest, but of course you cannot say.  You are the inscrutable man.


[[I think I’d prefer to be the invisible man.]]


Andy Lischett - Sorry about not answering your earlier e-mail asking if I will be starting any new games. I'm not sure. As you can tell from recent issues of Cheesecake I've lost interest lately, which may be temporary or not. If I start any new games I would like to have at least two or three new players.


[[Anybody who wants to play in a classic zine should contact Andy, he’s been running games in Cheesecake longer than I’ve been in the hobby!]]


A few months ago a local newspaper recommended the movie Nightcrawler and I made a mental note to rent it. Silly me. But now that you've reminded me, I've made a paper note.


[[It wasn’t exactly what I thought it was going to be, but I liked it.]]


Jim Burgess - I think Dead Pool is just sort of morbid. If you want to do it, I'll play it, but I'm not in favor of it.  I wonder if you can make up a better movie game that would be more fun and allow you to use the Internet to read about cool movies.


What I have in mind is something like Kevin Bacon Degrees of Separation.....  You name two actors/actresses, or a bunch of pairs, however, I'm still thinking like a ten round game.  Obviously, people have to do movies and people to connect them, but sort of like By Almost Popular Demand, you get points for choosing movies and people no one else chooses -- alternatively choices chosen by others could invalidate that connection -- but I think you would want to allow people to do internet research.  You also would give more points for shorter connections.  If you're completely against that, OK.


But this thought gave me another idea, what about Diplomacy degrees of separation, where you play a similar game as above, with DIPLOMACY figures, and you have to find games that they've been in with other players to connect them (this also allows internet searches for documentation).  Points could be as above, or finding shortest path, or both.  That might be fun, and make people root around in the archives that you're scanning in.


[[I’ve actually thought about some kind of movie game similar to Kevin Bacon, but research messes it up.  Still, your idea of points for unique connections, or invalidating common ones, might be the ticket.  I’ll have to think on that.]]


MC900444665[1]The Eternal Sunshine

Dead Pool



Time for another Eternal Sunshine Dead Pool!  I’ll be running it this time, using rules similar to those Jack McHugh used the last time he ran one.  I will email my list to Jack McHugh and Richard Weiss soon after this issue is published, so I have no advantage (in fact I will have a disadvantage since I’ll likely be the first to make a list).  A prize will go to the winner, as is often that case.  The pool will end with the May 2017 issue (published in late April 2017).  Send your 10 celebrities in now (and we’re defining celebrity to basically mean “famous people or people of note.”  I reserve the right to reject any name, and you will then have the opportunity to submit a new one).  Excluded from this list is anyone condemned to die by a court or nation, and anyone currently in a coma or an Intensive Care Unit.    Deadline to get your list to me is August 25th at 7am my time. 




Rules for new Dead Pool:

1.    Each person submits a list of 10 celebrities.  I reserve the right to reject anyone who I decide is not famous enough.  No current or former President or Vice President of the United States can be chosen, nor those listed above (coma/ICU).

2.    For every one on your list who passes away you get 30 points.

3.    For every year under the age of 80 the person is upon their death, you get one point.  For every year OVER 80, you lose one point.  So if they are 76 years old when they die, you get four extra points.  If they are 91 you lose 11 points.  If they are 80 you gain and lose no extra points.  The point of this rule is to penalize someone who just picks a bunch of people over 85 years of age and to reward people by taking a chance on choosing younger people.

4.    Your score will be your total points for everyone on your list who dies after the lost or added points based on their age at death.

5.    Is this morbid?  Eh, I don’t think so.  It’s more a game of strategy and prediction.  If you don’t like Dead Pools, just don’t play!

Deadline to get your list to me is August 25 at 7am my time.



MCj04417880000[1]MCj04125320000[1]The Eternal Sunshine Football Prediction Contest


Time to make your predictions in the annual Eternal Sunshine Football contest.  The contest is simple: you get one point for each correct division winner, and one point for correctly selecting the wild card teams (two per conference).  Then you get two points for each team you correctly choose as conference championship (meaning they play in the Super Bowl), and three points for correctly picking the Super Bowl winner.  We’re not picking winners for individual playoff games…just the division winners, wild card teams, and who goes to the Big Game.  Any commentary you want to include with your picks is welcome.  And remember, like all Eternal Sunshine contests, there will actually be a REAL PRIZE for the winner!  In fact, if we get enough entries, I’ll give one to the runner-up too.  If you’ve got any questions, just ask me. So send in an entry and join in the fun!  All entries will be published next issue, so get them in by the deadline!  In case you need reminding (or if you are not a football fan and just want to see if you can guess the winners and embarrass these so-called experts), the divisions and their member teams are as follows:


NFC East: New York Giants, Philadelphia Eagles, Dallas Cowboys, Washington Redskins.


NFC North: Minnesota Vikings, Chicago Bears, Green Bay Packers, Detroit Lions.


NFC South: Carolina Panthers, Atlanta Falcons, Tampa Bay Bucs, New Orleans Saints


NFC West: Arizona Cardinals, San Francisco 49ers, Seattle Seahawks, St. Louis Rams.


AFC East: Miami Dolphins, New York Jets, New England Patriots, Buffalo Bills.


AFC North: Pittsburgh Steelers, Baltimore Ravens, Cincinnati Bengals, Cleveland Browns.


AFC South: Tennessee Titans, Indianapolis Colts, Houston Texans, Jacksonville Jaguars.


AFC West: San Diego Chargers, Kansas City Chiefs, Denver Broncos, Oakland Raiders.


Remember to keep your eyes peeled on the ES Yahoo or Facebook group for news about the “One and Done” Football Contest


Deadline for Picks: August 25th at 7am my time

Where in the World is Kendo Nagasaki?


So come on people!  Send in your Round 1 guesses.  I won’t use those annoying “the number of miles your guess is away from me is about 9 times the differences in our ages” clues…I’ll use my normal awesome ones.  And don’t forget to play in Richard’s subzine too!  Two games at once is easy!


Turn 1


John David Galt:

Curt Schilling in Tokyo, Japan


Kevin Wilson:

Johann Sebastian Bach in Pretoria, South Africa


Andy York:

Doug Kent in Mesquite, Texas


Richard Weiss:

Oliver Cromwell in Brasilia, Brazil


Hank Alme:

George Clinton in Des Moines, Iowa


Rick Desper:

Prince in Minneapolis, Minnesota


Marc Ellinger:

Ronald Reagan in Berlin, Germany


Jim Burgess:

Pablo Picasso in Government Center, Boston, Massachusetts


Tom Howell:

Susan Glaspell in Schwyz, Switzerland 


Brendan Whyte:

Bill Cosby in Alcatraz, San Francisco Harbor, California


Jack McHugh:

Leonardo Di Vinici in Tokyo, Japan


Andy Lischett:

Albert Einstein in Madrid, Spain


Mark Firth:

Emil Zatopek in Christchurch, New Zealand


Hint to Person Placed Closest to Me: I died before you were born.  Wrong nationality…but correct chromosome.


Deadline for Round 2 is August 25th at 7am My Time


XENOGOGIC - Est. 1964
By Larry Peery

Since time is of the essence, as David Hood would never say, I thought I would try something a bit different in this issue of XENOGOGIC. Instead of reprinting an article(s) and then commenting on it at length, I thought I would streamline things a bit and suggest a topic, introduce you to it very briefly and then, if you’re interested, send you off to Google, Yahoo, Wiki, You Tube, etc. to do your own research, if you are good. If not, well, that’s your loss. Just keep in mind that the most unfamiliar subjects may turn out to be the most interesting.

To make it really easy for you, I’ll even give you a list of the topics at the top so you can pick and choose which ones might interest you. Here they are: Hermes/Mercury, the original Diplomacy movie, the German BND, “Anthrax Island and Mailuu Suu, The Russian Air Force, Helen Gahagan Douglas, Thomas Pickering, Ho Feng-shan, Michael Jabaley, and last but not least, Eloise and Barack.

As an aside for the “techies” among you, after years of using Windows Internet Explorer and then Google as my browsers, I finally got tired of the battles being waged on my computer (mostly late at night) between them and McAfee and Norton over who would control my browser and computer security. My computer guru, Mike Maston, told me that their battles had totally screwed up my system. His solution was simple --- get rid of Internet Explorer, Google and McAfee and switch to Firefox. So I did. Bingo!

Hermes, a/k/a Mercury

Twenty years ago Simon Szykman, a Dipper and valued contributor to TDP, wrote: “One of the first diplomatic figures appears in Greek mythology. Hermes, the brother of Apollo, was known for his charm, cunning and trickery. What better qualities for a diplomat? (Or a Dipper?) Zeus, having a similar opinion, employed Hermes for the most sensitive diplomatic missions and he came to be regarded by the other gods as the intermediary between the upper and lower worlds. The Greeks regarded him as the patron of travelers, trade, merchants, thieves, persuasion, writings, athletics, animal husbandry and diplomats!
The Romans renamed Hermes Mercury for reasons of their own. Although the Norsemen had hundreds of minor and major gods in their pantheon they had no direct equivalent to Hermes. Interestingly, the Chinese Buddhists, at least according to a temple in Macau, elevated a foreigner to their pantheon because he had many of Hermes characteristics. His name was Marco Polo.

Hermes/Mercy is still very much in our memories. Mercury auto hood ornaments are still collectibles although the Mercury Milan was phased out in 2011. The Mercure hotel brand is the largest of Accor’s (in itself the largest hotel chain in the world) labels with 711 hotels on five continents and 89,203 rooms in 54 countries.

Today, of course, Hermes is known, at least among fashionista of a certain class for its luxury goods: leather goods, bags, belts, perfumes, etc.  To go along with its two boutiques in New York the company is opening an exclusive perfumerie in the chic chic Brookfield Plaza across from the WTC. Check it out and be sure to ask for a sample of their new line, “Horses’ Sweat.”

But surely pride of place in today’s “bling world” belongs to the Hermes collection of ultra, high-end bags and the “best of the best” of these is the Hermes Birkin bag 35 made of porous crocodile skin in black with an elephant gray black horseshoe. You can have that “one of a kind” bag for a mere $125K at Hermes flagship store in Paris.

Movie Diplomats

Unless you’re a serious actor or an amateur thespian of more than ordinary skills, the name Victorien Sandou may not mean anything to you, but Sardou was a playwright who kept Paris amused while Berlin was building the ancestors of the “Big Berthas,” the fore-runners of the long-range Paris Guns that the Germans used to bombard Paris in 1918. Among Sardou’s 40+ plays was one called “Diplomacy;” which was made into a movie in 1926. Finding a copy of the play or movie is just about impossible these days, but a review of the movie, “Movie Diplomats” by Mordaunt Hall in the 13 September, 1926 NY Times may be enlightening.

German Intelligence “to be reorganized in response to spy scandal”

In a recent issue of DW or TDP, or perhaps even Eternal Sunshine, I wrote about the “spy scandal” involving the USA, Germany and Austria spying on each other. The story made front-page headlines in the international media for a couple of days and then dropped off the radar, apparently when their respective intelligence agencies agreed not to wash their dirty linen in public. Now we learn that the German intelligence service is “to be reorganized in response to the spy scandal.” According to the head of BND, Germany’s premier intelligence service, 6,500 field officers will be brought back under central control following the revelations that the BND spied for the USA on European partners. Under the new plan 120 field officers will be transferred from Bad Aibling, near Munich, the former base of the Gehlen organization, and a key US intelligence base in Europe to that magnificent new intelligence Taj Mahal just a short walk from the German Chancery. 

Poisoned Legacy

Not surprisingly two of the world’s most polluted spots are “Anthrax Island,” a former island in the Aral Sea” and Mailuu-Suu, a town  in southern Krygyzstan’ The Vozrozhdenike” (or “Renaissance Island,”  was the site of Cold War Soviet experiments, manufacturing and disposal of extremely toxic WMD wastes. With the shrinkage of the Aral Sea caused by the Russians siphoning off water from its rivers, that island has now become connected to the mainland and the best efforts of Russian and US ECHS people aren’t helping much. Mailuu-Suu is a primary site for some 21 Soviet-era uranium mines and processing plants. Today, the whole mess threatens the nearby Fergana River valley, home to ten million people and some of the best farm land in Central Asia.

The Russian Air Force Is Falling Out of the Ground

For the last month or so the international and military media have been covering the woes of the Russian Air Force which seems to have a problem --- keeping its planes in the air. Recently the Russians have lost a Su-24M tactical bomber, two Mig-29 fighters, a Su-34 strike fighter, and two Tu-95 strategic bombers. The youngest of the planes was 24 years old. The oldest dates back to a design that pre-dates me. Some experts blame this on the poor maintenance of the Soviet aircraft fleet. Others blame it on the increased demands Putin has put on his Air Force to fly more and longer flights to impress other countries with how powerful the “new” Russia is in comparison with the former Soviet Union. Only half-jokingly I suggested all these crashes were actually being caused by US Special Forces operating on the ground or in the area using a variety of “special” weapons. After all, if amateurs armed with a simple laser can almost bring down a commercial jet on an approach to Newark Airport why not a fifty-year old Tu-95 on an approach to the Ukrainka Airbase in the Russian Far East?

Ho Feng-Shan

If the story or 1993 movie of “Schindler’s List” moved you, you might enjoy the story of Ho Feng Shan, who is known as “The Chinese Schindler” for his efforts during the Anschluss to save thousands of Austrian Jews while serving as the Republic of China’s consul in Vienna. Another part of the story is Ho Man-Li, Ho’s daughter, who spent 15 years tracking down and writing the story of her father’s remarkable career as a diplomat and humanitarian.

Helen Gahagan Douglas

Those of you of a certain age, especially if you are from California or loathed Richard Nixon, may be fascinated to read something about the life of Helen Gahagan Douglas, against whom Nixon ran what most political scientists and historians considered to be one of the most despicable political campaigns in American history.

Thomas Pickering

Eighty-three year old Thomas Pickering isn’t a name most Americans would recolonize but he served the USA long and honorably as a diplomat; including tours as ambassador to the UN, Russia, India, Israel, El Salvador, Nigeria and Jordan before retiring with the personal rank of career ambassador, the State Department’s equivalent to a four-star general; except there are only six living career ambassadors compared to umpteen retired four-star generals double-dipping in the MIC trough..

Michael Jabaley

RADM Jabaley is another name most Americans won’t recognize but he is following in the steps of Hyman Rickover and William Raborn as a “father” of the US nuclear submarine fleet. Today he’s the Navy’s new point man for the Navy’s current Virginia-class subs; the new, longer, and more heavily armed Virginia variant; and the replacement to the ballistic missile Ohio-class subs; the cost of which may sink the rest of the Navy. Jabaley’s new job title is Program Executive Officer – Submarines. Keep a periscope on him.

A New Take on Eloise and The Plaza (about the time ABC was designing Dip), Roy and Sultan of Brunei; Barack Obama and The Waldorf-Astoria

Thompson and Knight, the creators of Eloise, followed up Eloise (1955) with four sequels. Eloise is a girl who lives in the "room on the tippy-top floor" of the Plaza Hotel in New York City with her Nanny, her pug dog Weenie, and her turtle Skipper. I don’t know what she paid for her room at The Plaza but she managed to sweet-talk Conrad Hilton into appearing in the first Eloise movie in 1956.

Conrad Hilton sold The Plaza to The Childs Corporation in 1955 for $55.7M. That was about the time Eloise moved in. Eventually the hotel fell into the hands of the Sahara India Pariwar, an Indian financial services group controlled by billionaire Subrata Roy (Think Donald Trump.). Subrata tried to peddle his interest in The Plaza and the Grosvenor House in London to the Sultan of Brunei to raise funds to pay his $1.6B bail in a law suit but that deal fell through.

Anbang Insurance Group, owned by Wu Xiaohui, who is married to a daughter of the former Chinese leader Deng  Xiaoping bought The Waldorf Astoria Hotel in 20144 for $1.95B. The Hotel has always been the home of the US Ambassador to the UN, the US Secretary of State, when in NYC, or the President when he’s in NYC. However, after the hotel’s sale, the unhappy Secret Service and NSA let it be known they thought the President should look for some place cheaper than the $25,000 a day Waldorf Presidential Suite.  In a 2015 visit to NYC with his daughters Malia and Sasha, Barack did not stay at The Plaza, for “security” reasons according to some.  Of course what we really want to know is would Obama pay the rack rate of $25,000 a night or the $304 a night per diem GSA allowance for NYC?

Government security experts were worried about the dangers of “bugging” and other forms of spying in a Chinese-owned Waldorf Astoria.  I’m sure Conrad Hilton would have found that amusing since his hotels, including the ones in Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Turkey were used for years to spy on guests, complete with audio and video recordings, at the request of the CIA and NSA.







ZERO SUM3    Subzine to Eternal Sunshine, Issue 5   July 26, 2015


Published by Richard Weiss. 


GM Musings: The USA Presidential Primary Bourses have started.  Anyone can join at any time.  Clarification of the rules below.  July deadline extended to 1 August.  August deadline 8 AM Oregon time Sunday 23 August 2015.


Jack McHugh asked me to consider running a Dead Pool.  Doug was considering running one.  He is/will be.  Please join in – via Eternal Sunshine.


I asked about the name Golden Gate.  Jim Burgess replied, ” On the Golden Gate Bridge, that's easy, isn't it?  I thought the Strait it passes over is the Golden Gate Strait....  then if you ask how THAT got its name, I think it was Fremont who named all those things when he made his map of California.”  Yes, mostly.  Gate has a few meanings.  On coastal CA, where there is a low coastal range or a gap in the range and fog pours through and fills up the next valley, that is one “gate.”  However, the primary reason is that when first Europeans sailed into SF Bay, all of the hills were covered in golden poppies, now the CA State Flower.  Thus, the Bay, the strait, and then the bridge became known as the Golden Gate. 


I have accepted a permanent position with The Permanente Medical Group (the Physicians who provide the care to members of Kaiser Permanente) in the Sacramento suburb of Roseville.  I believe The Permanente Medical Group is again demonstrating what the future of medicine is now.  Payment by Insurers and employers is capitated.  Pay to clinicians is based on health of a panel of patients, not productivity or fee for services.  Care can be telephonic, web cam, email, in person, or other as the person prefers and their condition allows. 


I plan to live a few miles up into the foothills past Auburn, CA, so I can see the Sierras every day, have some land, and grand vistas. If all goes well, this will be the last home I guy, unless assisted living apartment counts in 30 years.  Will start in early November.


I finish in Salem 4 September.  I’m looking into a trip to Vermont to visit family, finally make it to Quebec City, and maybe see some foliage before back to Portland to move back to NorCal.  Then, I think 3 weeks in New Zealand.


At one point, I thought my youngest daughter was going to be getting a Master’s from Cambridge in late October and I’d go to New Zealand, India, Africa, Europe, England, Vermont, then back to West Coast, just to fly around the world.  But, that will wait for another year, it seems, as she has been delayed.  Have you flown or sailed around the world?


I imagine being on six continents is rather easy.  I don’t know that I have a goal of all seven, any more than I have a goal of getting to Earth, our moon, and Mars. 





  1. Intimate Dip Only Need Two More

A great two-person variant.  The rules are printed in Issue 1 and Issue 2. 

Takes two.  Will run multiple games. 

Signed up:


  1. Where In The World Is Doug Kent In Kendo Nagasaki’s House:  .

Rules are in Issues 1 – 4.

Can take any number.  Minimum of six before the game starts. Need One More.

Signed up: Kevin Wilson, Doug Kent, Mark Firth, John David Galt, Jack McHugh and Jim Burgess signed up, technically after the deadline.  So WITWIDKIKNH officially starts.  Send in names and locations.  All those who already have done so, if you send something new, that will take precedence.


  1. The Cathy and Pete Gaughan Memorial Snowball Fighting Game. 

For those who have played, this is a frivolous game of runny around the yard throwing various types of snowballs at whomever, sometimes running into the house to have hot chocolate with Mommy, and sometimes making all the snow and icicles on the roof fall down on an unsuspecting kiddo. 



Doug did send me the rules.  The map will be sent to all entrants and printed in the next Eternal Sunshine


Can take any number.  Need One More to start.

Signed up: Jim Burgess; Doug Kent, Jack McHugh, Mark Firth, John David Galt


  1. Nuclear Yuppy Dip now changed to Nuke A Gay Baby Seal for Christ Dip (after my favorite outrageously offensive to everyone bumper sticker of all time)


Game requires seven players.  Send in requests for home countries.  Algorithm decides per GM whim.  Rules per regular Dip except as below.  Spring 01 orders are submitted for units and also orders for the nukes each country has.  Each country has 5 nukes, except Russia has 4.  Thus, 34 SCs and 34 nukes. 

Spring 01 is adjudicated as moves first and then nukes. 


Unit moves are adjudicated before Nuke strikes are adjudicated.

Nukes are ordered to strike (obliterate) provinces.  If there is a unit in the province nuked, the unit is annihilated and the province becomes impassable for 224,666+ years.  If the province has an SC, the SC is annihilated. 


If a nuke is not ordered to strike, it is effectively decommissioned and does not remain available.  Send it or lose it.  There is no requirement to send nukes. 


For Fall 01, players submit orders for their units remaining.  Provinces that are impassable are impassable. 


Winter 01, is per regular Dip with the addition that if a player has a surviving Home SC, the player is given another Nuke for each SC under his or her control.  


For Spring 02, players with units and/or home SCs submit orders for the units and any nukes gained in Winter 01.   Moves first, then the nukes.  Then Fall 02 and continues until all annihilated, one victor, or no more home SCs and units stuck without viable moves.  A single victor or survivors draw or all lose. If at any time only one player has a Home SC, that player is immediately the solo winner. 


I’d play on a map of the middle east (thank you Doug for the map) to make this more realistic, but, heck, who wants to play a realistic and scary game.


Needs seven.

Signed up: Jim Burgess, Mark Firth, John David Galt, Doug Kent, Jack McHugh


  1. 2016 Republican and Democratic Presidential Candidate Bourse

Sign Up to Get Your Free 1,800 Shares of Bourse Stock With Face Value of 1,800 ZerosCubed.  First 27 Entrants Also Get Bonus Gift Packs!  Do It Now.

Signed Up: Richard Weiss, Hugh Polley, Mark Firth, Jack McHugh, and John David Galt


Democratic Party Presidential Candidates Bourse

1.     Joseph Biden, Jr

2.     Lincoln Chafee

3.     Hillary Clinton

4.     Martin O’Malley

5.     Bernie Sanders

6.     Elizabeth Warren

7.     Jim Webb

8.     Other


Republican Party Presidential Candidates Bourse

1.     Jeb Bush

2.     Chris Christie

3.     Ted Cruz

4.     Lindsey Graham

5.     Mike Huckabee

6.     Bobby Jindal

7.     Rand Paul

8.     Marco Rubio

9.      Scott Walker

10.   Other, including Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich, Geroge Pateki, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, and Donald Trump


 Each initial entrant gets 100 shares of stock in each candidate.  (Players joining the game after start, get shares at then current values.)  To start, you have no cash on hand, only shares of stock.


You have to sell stock to get money to buy additional shares. Each turn you can sell up to 100 shares of stock in each the Democrat and Republic bourses.  You can buy as many shares of stock as you can afford.  You must have the full share price available to buy a share.  There are unlimited number of shares.  You can get change to the even penny and save some ZerosCubed$ for another round.  Sales trigger price changes – down $0.05 (five cents) per share sold.  Purchases trigger price changes - 0.05 (five cents) per share purchased. 


There will be a candidate in each party named, “Other/Not named.”  Each person will get shares in Other.  When a named candidate emerges from the Other pool, each shareholder will be able to transfer whatever amount of shares he or she has in Other to the named candidate, or not.  The newly named candidate’s share value is what Other was trading at before the candidate emerged.  


Players get initial shares in the candidates in each party.  Each party is separate regarding money and shares.  Winner of the Bourse is determined in 2016 after the conventions.  Only the stock of the winner has any value.  The player with the most money (shares of stock times $ value) combined for the Republican and Democrat candidates wins. 

Needs enthusiastic investors.  Profit guaranteed.  Money invested is tax deferred. 

Signed up:  Me, Mark Firth, John David Galt, Jack McHugh, and Hugh Polley.



Deadline:  Sign up and third puts and calls: Sunday 23 August 2015, 9 AM Oregon time.


For those with personal stories of interactions with presidential candidates or other high government officials, send in some comments.  Let’s get something going in the way of letters and press. 



By Popular Vote: Rules

A game of open participation. This is By Popular Demand, with a twist.  The GM lists a category and seven items in the category.  Each participant submits a name for each.  In addition, each entrant enters his or her own item fitting within the category and provides a name for that as well.  Each person’s “special entity” will likely be different.


As example, Category is Thoroughfare Names, item is “Circle” and participant submits, “Déjà vu Circle.” 


GM publishes the submitted names and each participant gets one vote for each of the eight items.  Votes are for the “best” entry per type.  “Best” is subjective and not defined. 


Participants can vote for any entry other than their own.

No vote received by a participant results in one vote for each rivals’ entries.


Votes are tabulated.  Winner for each item is given two points.  If there is a tie, then each entrant in the tie gets one point, even if this awards more than two points.


Points are summed for each round and in total. 


Any participant can anonymously petition the GM to hold a vote to decide whether to withhold the results of the penultimate round and the round before that, if one thinks gaming of the votes is occurring to create a winner or prevent a winner. 


Press is encouraged.   This is more about the press than the game.

Suggestions for future categories is encouraged. 


Lacking input, some of the future categories will be person’s names (eg, name for an electrician), town landmarks (eg, name of a town park), natural landmarks (eg, name of a Butte), entertainment genre (eg, name of a country band), franchise type names (eg, name of a sewer clean out company), and species names for produce (eg, Roses).




Aldrich Ames  Intimate Diplomacy  Jack McHugh vs. Geoff Kemp

Pre-Pre Winter 00: Selecting Home Countries

Geoff:   No de Plume - Mac ee Jelly!

             Colour – Red

               Preference list   - E - F - T - R - A - I - G


Jack:  Germany, Russia, Austria, Italy, France, England, Turkey

Press:  GM to all: Perhaps not surprisingly, Geoff chose his home country of England to be his home country.  Jack chose Germany.  These two countries are about as close as they can be to each other.  This could be a short game, as the victory condition is when any one country’s own units occupy the home SC of the opponent.  Very intriguing.


Pre Winter 00: Bidding on the Neutral Countries

Austria (Neutral): SCs: Budapest, Trieste, Viena

England (Mac EE Jelly): SCs: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London

France (Neutral): SCs: Brest, Marseilles, Paris

Germany (Jack): SCs: Berlin, Kiel, Munich

Italy (Neutral): SCs: Naples, Rome, Venice

Russia (Neutral): SCs: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, Warsaw

Turkey (Neutral): SCs: Ankara, Constantinople, Smyrna

Neutrals: Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Greece, Holland, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Tunis


Bids                             England/Mac EE Jelly            Jack

Austria                                    0                                  3

France                         11                                6

Italy                             1                                  3

Russia                         8                                  4

Turkey                        0                                  1

England controls the Neutral Countries of France and Russia at an expense of -19.  Had 20 ZeroSums and now has 1. 

Germany controls the neutral countries Austria, Italy, and Turkey at an expense of – 7.  Had 22 credits, so now has 15 credits. 


Next orders are for Spring 1901. 


Spring 1901 Orders for MAC EE Jelly Jelly

F(Lon) - ENC
A(Yor) - Wal
F(Edi) - NTH

France F(Bre) - MAO
A(Par) - Bur
A(Mar) SA(Par) - Bur


F(StP)sc - GoB
A(Mos) - Lvn
A(War) - Sil
F(Sev) - Rum.


Orders for Spring 1901 for Jack

'Set #1:




F Kie-De

A Ber-Kie

A Mun-Bur



A Bud-Gal

A Vie-Boh

A Tri-Tyr



A Rom-Tus

A Tri-Pie

F Nap-Tys



F Ank-Bla

A Con-Bul

A Smy-Arm


Guy Burgess  Intimate Diplomacy (AKA: Puddle Jumper)

Doug Kent vs. Mark Firth

Pre-Pre Winter 00: Selecting Home Countries


Mark: E/I/R/T/F/A/G


GM to all: Perhaps not surprisingly, Mark chose his home country of England to be his home country.  Doug chose France.  These two countries are about as close as they can be to each other.  This could be a short game, as the victory condition is when any one country’s own units occupy the home SC of the opponent.  Very intriguing.


Mark to Doug:   Well, I don’t think you’d get much closer to reverse prefs! Glad it’s not I v F though, as I’m playing that in Quartz.  Doug – in the spirit of fair play I’ll give you a clue for W’00: I’m not bidding 10 for Turkey.


Doug in reply: “So kind.”


Pre Winter 00: Bidding on the Neutral Countries

Austria (Neutral): SCs: Budapest, Trieste, Vienna

England (Mark): SCs: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London

France (Doug): SCs: Brest, Marseilles, Paris

Germany (Neutral): SCs: Berlin, Kiel, Munich

Italy (Neutral): SCs: Naples, Rome, Venice

Russia (Neutral): SCs: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, Warsaw

Turkey (Neutral): SCs: Ankara, Constantinople, Smyrna

Neutrals: Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Greece, Holland, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Tunis


Bids                             Doug               Mark                          





By Popular Vote (AKA Sorta By Popular Demand)

Unlimited entrants.  First round of possibly regular/erratic/only SBPD.  Send your favorite names (if you got to name the thoroughfares in a town) for each of the following types of thoroughfares. 



Doug Kent

Jim Bob Burgess












This Must Be the



Tompkins Square Park



The Circle Game











Blue Jay



Jim explains his selections, explaining all are song related:

1. Fascination Street -- a great song by the Cure!

2. Danger Avenue -- a great song by the Schemers!

3. Sunset Boulevard -- sort of a song, sort of an album, just a place... and so then....

4. This Must Be the Place -- one of my favorite Talking Heads songs

5. Tompkins Square Park -- cool song by Mumford and Sons

6. The Circle Game -- Joni, I couldn't think of the right way to do this

7. Abbey Road -- where else?

8. Penny Lane -- ditto

9. Grand Canyon -- don't know what what else to choose here... isn't really a song, but inspires songs!

10. My Way -- by Frank, how else could you end this?



From Andy Lischett:  “I've never thought of renaming streets but often wonder how they got their names. Most are obvious like country roads named after farmers, or roads named after presidents or war heroes, or those named for landmarks like Hill Street or Twisted Oak Road or Old Barn Road. West of Chicago is Shoe Factory Road, although any shoe factory is long gone. 


“North of Chicago in a subdivision in Northbrook (gee, I wonder where that name came from?) is my favorite street name, Pensive Lane. I figure that when planning the subdivision the developer ran out of tree names and was sitting in his study with his feet on his desk and staring into space while chewing on the end of a pencil when his wife walked in and said, "What are you so pensive about?"


“I never have, but always meant to turn down Pensive Lane to see if the rest of the subdivision has names like Truculent Street or Irascible Avenue or Content Court.”


Doug and Jim please vote.  Or not, as you wish. 


GM 2 ¢: I like “Déjà vu Circle, personally.    Come on, join in this game. 


Next Round (first real round)

Town Landmarks

  1. Green
  1. Tower
  1. Bridge
  1. Park
  1. Square
  1. Common
  1. Library
  2. Your Option

(come up with whatever you think is cute)


Due 23 August 2015, 9 AM Oregon time.  Be there, or “Be Square” (obviously would be my choice for “square.”)


Presidential Bourse

Mark (Robiv)  and Jack Mchugh sent orders.

He sold 25 shares of Biden, Warren, Webb, and Other.  He bought 40 shares of Hillary and 30 shares of Chafee and Sanders.

On the Elephant side of the Bourse, Mark sold 25 shares of Graham, Huckabee, Jindal, and Paul.  He bought 24 shares of Cruz, Rubio, and Walker.  He bought 14 shares of Christie and Other. 


As per announcement last month, I sold 100 shares of Bernie Sanders and bought 50 Other and 50 Hillary.  On the Republican side, I sold 100 shares of Lindsey Graham and bought 25 on each Walker, Paul, Other, and Bush.


Presidential Primary Bourses Values as of Close of Business Issue 4, the 28th of June 2015




Due to technical difficulties entirely of my making, the Bourse for this issue (July) is not closing until 8 AM Oregon time, Saturday 1 August 2015.  Then I will distribute the results, new stock values, player holdings, and the next deadline will be Sunday 23 August, 9 AM Oregon time.


For next month, I am selling 100 Lincoln Chafee, and using 2/3 of my money on Hillary and 1/3 on Other.  On the repub side, I’ll sell 100 shares of Jindal and split again, evenly, between Walker, Paul, Other, and Bush.


Comments from Jim Burgess: think it's funny that you have Donald Trump in your Other category, but you do have a policy for changing it if he stays big in the race.  He's certainly going to have his niche from now until the primaries.  He is sort of inoculated against anything to knock him out of the race (like he's really pro-choice, doesn't practice religion, etc.) that would kill another Republican candidate.  He never apologizes, never.

GM response:  I assume there will be the first televised debate this month, featuring Trump among the select group.  Hopefully the bourse is going smoothly by then with at least six entrants.  I will explain the split of Trump and Other in the August 23rd issue and allow all to choose.  Likely, new entrants after the split will have to make a choice as to how to divide 100 shared between Trump and Other, then.  Any advice on par values for each stock after the split will be appreciated. Perhaps I should leave Trump at the value for Other and decrease the value of Other as though each Trump stock is a sale of Other.  ???


The CNN/ORC polls reported in late June show the national bourse prices would be about like this:



















MCj03243400000[1]Brain Farts: The Only Subsubzine With It’s Own Fragrance

By Jack “Flapjack” McHugh –

(or just email Doug and he’ll send it to me)

Issue #70




Work has kept me very busy this month.  Good thing the Phillies are so awful I don’t have to worry about them.  Maybe the Eagles will give me something to cheer for, since Philadelphia doesn’t have a basketball team, it has a MASH unit instead.  I hope Demarco Murray runs for 2000 yards so all those little Cowgirl fans can cry themselves to sleep after every Eagles win.


So short subzine this month.  Just some jokes and a few photos.  But I did get a letter from Jim Burgess:


“For a game, you should test a variant that you want to discuss in DW!!!  I don't care which one, but I'll play if you choose one.


I laughed hysterically at your gaming friends!!! And how COULD you put Adolf and Hillary together???  Well, might mean something.  And as I think you know, my Father passed away this year, so this was my first Fatherless Father's Day, but your picture (as they always do) made me laugh.  Don't go away, someone has to make Doug readable!!!”


I try to save funny pics when I see them but my laptop has been slower than your publishing schedule.  I’m thinking about Crowded but I don’t want to commit to a game yet.


Two girls take a walk on a hot summer day.  They see an old lady sitting in front of her house eating watermelon.  They notice she isn't wearing any panties. "Is it cooler without panties?" they ask. She says, "I don't know if it's cooler, but it sure keeps the flies off the watermelon."

What do you get when you put Raggedy Ann and the Pillsbury Doughboy together?   A redhead with a yeast infection.

Two men work in a mortuary.  One says to another, "You should see that woman they brought in today.  She'd been in the water for a week.  Her clit was like a pickle." "Ew!" says the other fellow.  "It was green?" "No, it was sour!"


Doesn’t food get stuck in there?


A bad haircut made worse.



Got enough cheese?


Game Openings

Diplomacy (Black Press): Signed up: Harold Zarr, need six more.

Modern Diplomacy (Black Press): Rules in this issue.  Ten-player variant.  No planes will be used, just armies and fleets.  Signed up: Jack McHugh, Jim Burgess, John David Galt, Geoff Kemp, Harold Zarr.  Needs five more.

Where in the World is Kendo Nagasaki: Rules in issue #102.  Send in your guesses.  Prize for the winner?  Probably!  (Don’t forget to play in Richard Weiss’ subzine too!)

Hypothetical Questions: Just send in answers.  Anybody can play at any time, just takes participation.

By Popular Demand: Join at any time.  Send in your answers!  A prize for the winner!

Multiple Openings in Richard Weiss’ subzine – check them out NOW!!

Coming Soon – Colonia VII?  Deviant Diplomacy?  Kremlin?  Make a suggestion or express interest!

Eternal Sunshine Game Section


Diplomacy, “Milk and Trash”, 2015A, A 02/W 02

Seasons Separated by Player Request (Blechh!)


Austria (Jack McHugh – jwmchughjr “of” Build A Trieste, A Vienna.. Has A Budapest, F Greece,

 A Rumania, A Serbia, A Trieste, A Vienna.

England (Mark Firth – mark.r.firth “of” Has F English Channel, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean,

 F North Sea, A Norway.

France (Paul Milewski – paul.milewski “of” Retreat F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Atlantic

 Ocean.. Build F Brest.. Has F Brest, F Gascony, F North Atlantic Ocean, A Picardy, A Spain.

Germany (Jim Burgess – jfburgess “of” Build A Munich.. Has F Baltic Sea, A Belgium,

 F Denmark, F Helgoland Bight, A Holland, A Munich.

Italy (John Biehl – jerbil “of” Has A Albania, F Ionian Sea, A Tyrolia, F Tyrrhenian Sea.

Russia (Kevin Wilson – ckevinw “of” Retreat A Rumania - Ukraine.. Remove A Silesia..

 Has F Gulf of Bothnia, F Sevastopol, A Ukraine, A Warsaw.

Turkey (John David Galt – jdg “of” Has A Ankara, A Bulgaria,

 F Constantinople, A Smyrna.


All Proposed Draws Fail

Deadline for S 03 is August 25th at 7am my time






Rome (Apr 1, 1903): King Giovanni  the Short (in many ways, height-wise,  assuredly, but also fuse-wise) was in a pensive mood, "Our Austrian Friend is friendly, yes, but he just doesn't listen. He suggests and I agree and I propose, well , we both propose, but then he does something different anyway." What perplexed Giovanni most, however, was why the Emperor proposed one 'thing' then decides not to act. He has forsaken a potential great opportunity. "It must be that in-bred mountain blood of the Hapsburgs", Giovanni mused, "what the Germans call a 'Dumkopf."

Black Press Gunboat, “Noah’s Titanic”, 2015Arb32, W 01/S 02


Austria: F Albania – Greece, A Budapest Supports A Trieste – Serbia, A Trieste - Serbia.

England: Build F London.. A Belgium – Picardy, F English Channel - Irish Sea (*Bounce*),

 F London - English Channel (*Fails*), F North Sea - Norway.

France: Build F Brest.. F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*), A Gascony – Burgundy,

 F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Irish Sea (*Bounce*), A Portugal - Spain.

Germany: Build F Berlin, A Munich.. F Berlin - Baltic Sea, F Denmark Supports F Berlin - Baltic Sea,

 A Holland Supports A Belgium (*Ordered to Move*), A Munich - Tyrolia (*Fails*), A Silesia - Bohemia.

Italy: Build F Naples.. F Naples - Ionian Sea, F Tunis Supports F Naples - Ionian Sea,

 A Tyrolia - Piedmont (*Bounce*), A Venice - Piedmont (*Bounce*).

Russia: Build A Moscow.. F Gulf of Bothnia – Sweden, A Moscow Supports F Sevastopol, A Rumania Hold,

 F Sevastopol Supports A Rumania (*Cut*), A Warsaw - Silesia.

Turkey: Build A Constantinople.. A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*),

 F Black Sea Supports A Armenia – Sevastopol, A Constantinople – Bulgaria,

 A Serbia Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Dislodged*, retreat to Albania or OTB).


Deadline for F 02 will be August 25th at 7am My Time







Germany to GM: I find it interesting how the movement of just one army can have such a profound impact.  As everyone knows, Silesia is a major source of raw materials, finished goods and food stuffs for my army.  We have traditionally moved our army in Munich to Silesia for summer war games, and then return to Munich in the fall.  This year, following our long established pattern we did the same, but low and behold, the upset these maneuvers caused was profound.


Russia denounced my move and sought to entice other countries to attack me.  Now, Turkey is poised on his southern border to take both Rumania and Sevastopol in 1902.  Italy attempted to take Munich in a futile attempt to re-establish the bankrupt Holy Roman Empire.  Fortunately, my army in Silesia blocked this attempt and prevented the depredations of his solders from being inflicted on my loyal subjects.  Italy will soon have Turkish fleets to contend with in the Mediterranean, and Turkish armies in the Balkans.


I seek peace with all, and war with no one.  I ask my fellow monarch’s to return to the days of peace and trade so that we all may prosper in the days that lie ahead.


GM –Germany: While you’re at it, may as well wish for a pony.


Germany to Italy: So, you think you know who I am.  All I can say is … you don’t know crap!


Rus - Tur:  the Tsar would like to re-affirm the Rus desire for peace with Tur. If the Sultan wishes to convoy A Arm - Bul,  the Tsar has no objection. The Tsar hopes that Tur might leave Rus alone. The Tsar would like to travel in another direction via motor car and train but cannot when Tur threatens Sev. Such a trifle, Crimea, is it worth conflict when you have such greener pastures to the west.


Rus - Tur: Thankx for the friendliness, with friends like you who needs enemies.


Rus - Aus: Why Aus, why did you do what you did


Rus- Ita: All up to you now since Aus found a way to go backwards


Rus - All except Ger: Is anyone going to stop him.


Rus -  Fra: Why Fra do you ignore Bel & Bur


Il Duce – Popeye: I see my work is done.


Il Duce – Archduke: Now you know I‘m your friend, how about that ticket to Greece we discussed?


Il Duce – Sultan: It seems the Persian Linguistics Dep’t is in Perugia. It’s the Pisan Linguine Dep’t at the Tower. Please send your message again (you could hand it over to us in Greece if you like).


By Popular Demand


The goal is to pick something that fits the category and will be the "most popular" answer. You score points based on the number of entries that match yours. For example, if the category is "Cats" and the responses were 7 for Persian, 3 for Calico and 1 for Siamese, everyone who said Persian would get 7 points, Calico 3 and the lone Siamese would score 1 point. The cumulative total over 10 rounds will determine the overall winner. Anyone may enter at any point, starting with an equivalent point total of the lowest cumulative score from the previous round. If a person misses a round, they'll receive the minimum score from the round added to their cumulative total. In each round you may specify one of your answers as your Joker answer.  Your score for this answer will be doubled.  In other words, if you apply your Joker to category 3 on a given turn, and 4 other people give the same answer as you, you get 10 points instead of 5.  Players who fail to submit a Joker for any specific turn will have their Joker automatically applied to the first category. And, if you want to submit some commentary with your answers, feel free to.  The game will consist of 10 rounds, with the 10th round being worth double points.  A prize will be awarded to the winner.  Research is permitted, but cooperation or collusion between players is not!


Round 1 Categories


1.    A blues singer.

2.    The number of game years a Diplomacy game lasts.

3.    A movie featuring Clint Eastwood as an actor.

4.    A financially poor country.

5.    An architect (other than Frank Lloyd Wright).


Comments By Category


Blues Singer – Richard Weiss “Susan Tedeschi is my fave for 15 years, but no one else will vote for her.  BB King just died, and is more famous than Billie Holiday, Etta, James, or any of the 100 different artists I have CDs of, so I'll go with BB.  Blues is my genre.”  Marc Ellinger “BB King is the KING!!”  Jim Burgess “This has to be BB King or Muddy Waters, I like Muddy Waters so much more, I go with Muddy Waters.”


Diplomacy Years – Marc Ellinger “If I have a chance to win, the game goes on forever until bad things happen.   If not, then it ends quickly…go figure.”  Brendan Whyte “Real years, 15 if in DtC. Closer to a century in TTT.”  Jim Burgess “The French under C-Diplo play to 1907, I'll lose this one, but aren't the French always right???”


Clint Eastwood – Marc Ellinger “The Good, the bad and the Ugly – Greatest Spaghetti Western of all time…and a top 10 movie in my mind!”  Jim Burgess “This is incredibly tough, I'm going with Unforgiven.  The inside choice would be High Plains Drifter or the Outlaw Josey Wales.  And what about Dirty Harry, I think this one will be all over the place.”


Poor Country – Dane Maslen “As a European this answer [Greece] springs so obviously to mind that I feel I have to give it even though there are many poorer countries in other parts of the world - I suspect Haiti might well prove to be a more popular answer.”  Marc Ellinger “If Illinois was available, I’d opt for it instead!”  Jim Burgess “Greece, gotta be the choice of the moment.”


Architect – Richard Weiss “Architect not FL Wright (who was bankrupt twice, out of favor twice, and whose wife convinced him to open an institute and teach and then the third renaissance).  Well, one of the three loves of my life was an architect.  I am/was family friends with a family named Pritzker (our sons are close friends) and once met Jay Pritzker (when his grandson and my son were his guests in Palm Springs and treated to a personal golf pro for a round and lessons), who he and his wife have half of Chicago named after then and have an annual award for architect of the year.  I am more knowledgeable than I guess most would be.  Which doesn't help in this game.  I'm guessing I.M. Pei will be the most frequently mentioned. . Plus, I have seen two of his buildings.”  Marc Ellinger “I.M. Pei – Can’t think of anyone else, it’s an overrated field as a whole.”   Brendan Whyte “George Costanza always wanted to pretend to be an architect. John Cleese played one in a famous sketch.”  Jim Burgess “Another interesting category.  Frank Gehry would be the knowledgeable choice, but I'm going with I.M. Pei.  Mies van der Rohe, Sir Christopher Wren, Gaudi, and Le Corbusier also would be great choices.  I.M. Pei is more known by Americans, I think.”


Congrats to Melinda holley, scoring 55 which was the highest POSSIBLE score given the entries.  Poor Dick Martin starts at the back of the pack.  Remember folks, you can join in now and you’ll start with 20 points, and since there are 9 more rounds (with Round 10 doubled) you can easily catch up!


Round 2 Categories – Don’t Forget to Choose a Joker Category (Double Points)


1.    A U.S. Political Party other than Democrat or Republican.

2.    A pop music star (individual or band) from the 1980’s.

3.    The weight of a newborn baby (in pounds, rounded to the nearest pound).

4.    A poet.

5.    A book by Dr. Seuss other than The Cat in the Hat.


Deadline for Round 2 is August 25th at 7am My Time


General Deadline for the Next Issue of Eternal Sunshine:  August 25th, 2015 at 7:00am my time.

Hope to See You Then!