By Douglas Kent 911
Irene Drive, Mesquite, TX 75149
Email: diplomacyworld@yahoo.com or dougray30@yahoo.com
On the web at http://www.whiningkentpigs.com
– or go directly to the Diplomacy section at http://www.whiningkentpigs.com/DW/. Also be sure to visit the official Diplomacy
World website which can be found at http://www.diplomacyworld.net.
All Eternal
Sunshine readers are encouraged to join the free
Eternal Sunshine Yahoo group at http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/eternal_sunshine_diplomacy/
to stay up-to-date on any subzine news or errata. We also have our own Eternal Sunshine Twitter
feed at http://www.twitter.com/EternalSunshDip,
and a Facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/group.php?gid=112223650909
Check out my new Internet radio station, “Music You
Should Know,” at www.live365.com/stations/musicyoushouldknow
Quote Of The Month – “Now! Now! I
have to go! I have to see the frozen
Charles tonight!” (Clementine in “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”)
Welcome to Eternal
Sunshine, the only Diplomacy zine where the publisher leaves the front
page for last, which means he has little energy and even less time to say
anything of interest! So, I’ll keep this
amazingly short. Sign up for some games! Check out the columns and subzines,
including the two – count ‘em – two issues of The
Abyssinian Prince that are included here.
Participate, so I don’t fold this zine like a paper airplane. Oh, and when the Movie Photo quiz ends next
issue, I’ll be going back to quotes. See
you in July!
The Complete Hits Collection – Billy Joel; Greatest Hits – Neil Young; Dulcinea – Toad the Wet Sprocket; Caldera – Raina Rose.
Last month, we gave
you these hypothetical questions or situations: #1 – A friend who is a
strict vegetarian is coming for dinner.
You’re feeling proud of your bean stew, until you remember that you used
a beef stock.
Do you keep quiet and serve the dish?
#2 – You promise to sublet your apartment to someone. Another person offers you $1,000 cash if you
rent it to him instead. Do you keep your
word to the first party?
Taylor - #1 – No, I tell them and let them decide if they want it or want
something else---yes it is a pain but I would want them to do the same if it were
#2 – Yes,
but I would tell the first party that I had another offer .
I would want to make sure that they are really wanting
it. If they are not sure or say no, they changed their mind then I will tell
them I am going with the other offer.
Holley - #1 - No. I would apologize to my
friend and explain what happened. Then
I'd offer to spring for dinner somewhere.
#2 - Yes. Since I've promised this to somebody else,
it's reasonable to figure that this person has made plans based on that promise. I'd like to think our friendship is worth
more than $1000.
Murphy - #1 - I'm tempted to say yes, but sadly my conscience would force me
to admit it. I'd try and offer an alternative.
#2 –Since
it's not a written agreement, no. Any agreement I would make to sublet would
have to be in writing, and I would not consider myself bound to the promise
unless it is in writing. I would however telephone the person immediately and
advise them of what has taken place.
Had the agreement been in writing then of course I would abide by
the agreement.
Gardner - #1 - Of course not. That would be a mega dick move.
#2 - I
always keep my word to my friends. Money is meaningless compared to human
connection. It's what we're here for.
Robin ap Cynan
- #1 - Yes. It makes it taste better anyway. But I'd say what was in
it; down to them whether they eat it or prefer an omelet.
#2 – No. Serious
property transactions are never binding unless evidenced in writing (in the UK
Martin - #1 - nope. i'd
reveal and if they're strict and opt not to have any...oh well
#2 - if
there's enough lead time for person 1 to find another place, yes - assuming
that both parties are equally qualified otherwise as roomies & renters.
Don Del
Grande - #1 - Absolutely not! For all
I know, my friend is vegetarian for a medical reason.
–Absolutely! If your word stops being
your bond, then you had better stop living your life as if you don't need to
depend on anyone else.
Weiss - #1 - Vegetarian and beef stock:
Nah, been there never done that. You did call the person a
"friend." Respect. Disclosure. choice on the
other's part.
#2 - I'm
the mortgagee (?) for my daughter's 3rd floor of 4 story building in SF, not a
nice area, but not far from one, 3 stories occupied, 3 BR tenants-in-common
flat (TIC is below condo status and value).
One BR with shared bath and access to all common areas is way more than
$1k a month. The entire flat/apartment
would be in access of $3K per month. And
yes, $3K is above the mortgage due each month.
Two renters nearly equal the payment.
Nah. and Nah. The
difference would have to be in six or seven figures for me to do away with all
these years of honesty and the value of my stated word.
Howell - #1 - I did something similar to this once. Served rabbit and let the guests assume it
was chicken. They were squeamish due to
having a pet rabbit... Now, though, if
I'd forgotten an item like that, very
unlikely, I'd
scramble to set things right: start an new - quicker - dinner, take them out
somewhere, whatever necessary.
#2 - Yep.
#2 – IF
Andy Lischett - #1 - I apologize and tell him of
the beef stock. He's vegetarian for a reason, and it's not up to me to ignore
#2 - I ask the
first person if he will sublet for sure. If yes, then I stick to the agreement.
If he's not sure then I explain that I have someone else interested (without
mentioning the $1000 bonus) and ask him to decide.
John Biehl - #1 - Yes, you tell your
vegetarian friend about your beef stock and also prepare a small batch of the
same recipe without using the beef stock to serve him/her.
#2 - I would
sublet my apartment to the first person and forgo the 1,000 cash. A deal is a
deal and that first person offered to sublet first and might be stuck for a
place if you turned him/her down. Also, who in their right mind would pay extra
to get a rental - just go out and find something else.
Williams - #1 - I shouldn’t be this intolerant, but I generally think of true
vegans as pains in the ass. I get that
they’re making both a political and religious statement, but I wish they’d do
it more quietly – let them model the behavior, not mouth off about it. That said, I’d have
to honor the commitment my friend has made and offer a vegan PB&J sandwich
over my super-duper soup.
#2 - You
honor your promises. End of story.
York - #1 - I'll serve the dish presuming other folks are joining us and I can
whip up a suitable replacement dish for my vegan friend. Otherwise, presuming there isn't sufficient
time to create a new dish, when he got there I'd confess and offer to treat at
his favorite local restaurant.
#2 - My
answer remains the same for those types of situations, I'd honor my original
agreement. However, in this case, I might talk to the original subleaser and see if we could split the $1000 if he'd make other
For Next Month (For the time being, I am usually selecting
questions from the game “A Question of Scruples” which was published in 1984 by
High Games Enterprises). Remember you can make
your answers as detailed as you wish.: #1 (From Don
Williams) - You and your spouse decide to go to the movies. You’re running late as you get to the theater
and opt to valet park. As you enter the
theater you remember that in your rush to go you’ve left $40 cash in the center
console of your car and mutter “dammit” under your breath. When the car is returned after the movie you
check the console and, sure enough, the two $20 bills are gone. You don’t accuse the valet of theft but
inform him that he won’t be getting a tip tonight as “someone” has taken the
$40. He swears that’s not true but you
drive off feeling stupid and pissed off for leaving the money there in the
first place. The next day, you pull two
soggy $20 bills out of the washing machine – they came from the jeans you were
wearing before you went to the movies last night. You mutter “dammit” under your breath
again. What do you do next? #2 – The house next to you was vacant
for a while, but now a family has bought it and moved in. They have seven people in a two bedroom
house, and four cars which come and go at all hours of the night. They seem to have made it their mission to
slap every door of every car whenever they get into one, and they constantly
move cars in and out of the driveway to let another one out. They have junk in their backyard, and a
highly annoying, un-collared and likely unregistered little yappy dog which can
escape from their back yard whenever it wants to. When it does it tears up trash, barks
incessantly, and probably impregnates other dogs in the neighborhood since they
won’t get it fixed. You’ve decided to
burn down their house in an attempt to get them to move, and to possibly plant
false evidence of a meth lab inside before the fire. Do you do it yourself, or hire someone?
Seen on DVD – Solstice (B-, not a terrible
little movie, more a bit creepy than scary); Suburban Mayhem (B+, a ton of fun and the lead actress was super
cute); Village of the Damned (B, the
original, great for its time); Dorothy
Mills (D+, just utterly boring), A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 3 – Dream
Warriors (C-, the scenes which were cool when it came out are laughably bad
now); Safety Not Guaranteed (B, from
the people who brought you Puffy Chair and Baghead,
another low budget winner).
Phil Murphy: As always, enjoying
the most recent issues of Eternal Sunshine. So will we see TAP make a return in
ES #77? Perhaps we should start a pool on which issue it will be? I am calling
dibs on ES #88 by the way.
lose…it’s this issue, double…]]
should not talk... Th' Edge of Th'
Abyss is still on hiatus after two issues... and three years.
problem is time. None of us can manipulate the laws of time and space to suit
our ends. And zines are hard work, as I discovered
the hard way.
of time, real life has mortgaged mine of late. I should also point out that I
have recently gotten engaged... and I sadly cannot make herself a Diplomacy
Widow (after the ceremony is time enough *grin*). No date set, no finalized
plans as yet. We're in wait and see mode and just enjoying the moment.
want some lingerie shots so I can approve.]]
that you're steaming along towards the full century, do you have any plans to
mark the 100th issue of Eternal Sunshine?
up the good work Doug. Eternal Sunshine's got great things going for it, and
long may it reign supreme!
Does this mean my stock gets a boost? ;) Or do I have to actually release an
issue of TEOTA at last?
Mark Firth: Actually listened
to a link somewhere for once (SHEL) and was glad I did. Ta.
is great. You should go back and try
some of the other musical interviews I’ve done.
Raina Rose’s new CD, for example, is
W. Andrew York - I'll be in
Arlington on Thursday for the Rangers' game against Arizona. A friend got
tickets nearly on the field (3rd row) a little bit beyond 1st base. It'll be my
first Major League game for the year. I'm also definitely going to have to go
to Houston for some games - with Reid Ryan (up 'til then he ran the Round Rock
Express) there, things should turn around (though fixing the team will be a
major effort).
hope they fare better at home. Then
again they had a 13-inning game against Seattle at the worst possible time: the
night before a doubleheader against Arizona.]]
Twisting Tale
This is a rotating story, with
a different author every issue, and a chapter of 500 words. If you’d like to participate, please email me
and let me know, and I’ll let you know when your turn comes up. We need more particpants! Email me
at dougray30@yahoo.com if you’d like
to participate!
Chapter 20 – by Mark
was no sudden crack, no stark announcement of his arrival. Rather, the screen
parted and the revealed wall fissured. Just a little at
first, then sufficiently for his still glistening head to gain an incipient
First and final.
each flexion, his confidence grew; as the cell walls yielded, his certainty of
mission solidified, a mirror to the firming of his skin in the outside air,
curiosity succeeding mere atavistic compulsion.
timeless, his world grew around him. Now there were fresh movements, undreamed
there were others.
opaque capsules, not yet discharged of their prisoners. He sensed time and
discerned he was first.
-- ?
in the warmth he manoeuvred his body, so best to
address the issue.
Cognate Issue.
flood of impulses unwonted:
- Recognition, of primogeniture
- Desire, of this condition
- Will, to maintain it
a kind) he had jaws, did he not? …Coils, newly sprung?
let his brethren meet his gentle kiss, his tender embrace!
How far his purpose could now take him. How high his
imagination might elevate him.
How rapidly, apotheosis.
So, to primal action. He contorted his frame and rose unsteadily. An augmented perspective. Swaying watchfully, he towered
above the fracturing shells, each shard a laurel to life’s brief victory.
Soon to be a wreath.
here, the brood was divested of all semblance of similarity. Lesser
this mattered. Were kinship in his genes, or conscience in his blood, they
remained as yet unwakened. And this was no creature
of empathy.
of the latecomers strove to rid itself of its carapace, stuck deeper into the
nest and implacable to its writhing.
one would surely wait.
rippled to the nest’s edge, as though aware of and in flight from imminent
need not.
now, a larger one began itself to climb. An ascent no more
faltering, perhaps, than his own. But crucially an age
first then, but to be first now!
prepared to strike, noting his prey seemed unaware of his intent - or even his
presence. His jaws widened, his back tensed…
was done.
the fleetest descent she came upon him. In an instant he was taken up, taken
in, devoured.
First, final.
settled alongside the nest, beholding with satisfaction the remaining
hatchlings, now free of the first tyranny.
It is our way, new ones. The
first, the cursed. Always we must sacrifice, so always we prosper. Now,
eat and grow. I must sleep.
- Fin –
Next up – Chapter 21 by Jim Burgess
A game of
survival, bad breath, and fish odor…
This is the simple game of Lifeboat. Everyone plays this, whether you participate
or not. Each turn everyone still alive
in the lifeboat may make a single vote to throw someone off the lifeboat, or a
single vote to remove one vote from yourself (a
defensive measure). The high vote getter
is thrown overboard, as well as any player getting 2 or more net votes (due to
the damage caused when Sanka was tossed overboard). In a tie, everyone with that score is thrown
over. Last one in the boat wins. I’ll probably give a prize, as usual. Press
is encouraged. Note that the votes
themselves are NOT revealed. I just
simply announce who is thrown overboard.
If you’re not listed as in the lifeboat right now but want to be, email
me and I will add you next issue. If you
are listed and don’t’ want to be…well, too bad.
There is no suicide in this game; you just can ignore it if you want
in the lifeboat:
Hugh Polley and John Biehl
Carol, lonely for the company of Andy Lischett,
jumps into the water. She quickly
discovers being eaten by sharks is NOT as romantic as any of the scenes in
Into the Shark Infested Waters: Douglas Kent, Jack McHugh,
Chris Babcock, Paraic Reddington, Sanka the Cat (safely made it to land), Andy
York, Toby the Helpful Kitty (safely made it to land), Phil Murphy, Fred
Wiedemeyer, Don Williams, Kayza the Dog (safely made it to land), Michael
Quirk, Dane Maslen, Larry Cronin, Chuy Cronin, Richard Weiss. Tom Howell,
Jeremie Lefrancois, Harley Jordan, Cal White, Andy Lischett, Rick Desper,
William Wood, Jim Burgess, Hank Alme, Kevin Tighe, Per Westling, Kevin Wilson,
Jeff O’Donnell, Graham Wilson, Melinda Holley, Michael Cronin, Pat Vogelsang,
Robin ap Cynan, Lance Anderson, David McCrumb, Heather Taylor, Brendan Whyte,
David Burgess, David Latimer, Allison Kent, Amber Smith, Geoff Kemp, Michael
Moulton, Martin Burgdorf, and Tom Swider,
Paul Milewski, Marc Ellinger,
Carol Kay.
Shark to John: What do you call a couple of shark bellies
full of lawyers?
John to Shark: A good start?
Shark to Carol: Are you coming to dinner next? You look like a tasty bit. Or, are you going to trick one of those
unappetizing guys into helping you throw the other in?
Anonymous: Any of those three
lawyers? I know I'm not (am I still in the raft?).
Deadline for your vote and any press
is June 25th at 7:00am my time
Eternal Sunshine Index – ESI
A Scientific
Measure of Zine Health
Current Index: 61.49
The Eternal Sunshine Index
is a stock-market-like index of the zine. You don’t do anything in this game,
except write press or commentary on price movements (or why you think your
stock should have gone up or down). I
move the prices beginning with next issue based on my own private formula of
quantity and quality zine participation (NMR’s, press, columns, etc.). Any new zine participants become new issues
valued at at 50, but the stock for anyone who disappears will remain
listed. The average of all listed stocks
will result in the ESI closing value each month, which will be charted issue to
issue after we have a few months’ worth of data. If you don’t like the stock symbol I have
assigned you, you may petition the exchange to change it. Blame Phil Murphy for suggesting this section
to me.
Commentary: The return of The Abyssinian Prince and the other subzines and columns (as well as only a single NMR) kept
the index moving higher yet again. Is
this a sign of Federal Reserve stimulus, or something else? Only time will tell. Getting some more sign-ups on the Game
Opening page could really push the index to new highs.
Stock |
Price |
% +/- |
- Allison Kent |
71 |
1.4% |
- Hank Alme |
29 |
3.6% |
AMB - Amber Smith |
0.01 |
0.0% |
AND - Lance Anderson |
0.01 |
0.0% |
BAB - Chris Babcock |
4 |
33.3% |
BIE - John Biehl |
110 |
1.9% |
- Martin Burgdorf |
99 |
2.1% |
- Brad Wilson |
115 |
1.8% |
- Andy Lischett |
101 |
1.0% |
CAL - Cal White |
0.01 |
0.0% |
CHC - Chuy Cronin |
0.01 |
0.0% |
CIA - Tom Swider |
0.01 |
0.0% |
- Kevin Wilson |
98 |
-3.9% |
- Carol Kay |
25 |
-10.7% |
- Dane Maslen |
97 |
1.0% |
DBG - David Burgess |
0.01 |
0.0% |
DGR - David Grabar |
3 |
-40.0% |
- Brendan Whyte |
93 |
1.1% |
- Don Williams |
88 |
2.3% |
FRD - Fred Wiedemeyer |
94 |
2.2% |
- Jeremie Lefrancois |
0.01 |
0.0% |
FRT - Mark Firth |
95 |
3.3% |
GAR - Heath Gardner |
63 |
3.3% |
GRA - Graham Wilson |
0.01 |
0.0% |
HAP - Hugh Polley |
38 |
5.6% |
- Heather Taylor |
98 |
2.1% |
HLJ - Harley Jordan |
84 |
2.4% |
JOD - Jeff O'Donnell |
84 |
1.2% |
KMP - Geoff Kemp |
97 |
2.1% |
- Kevin Tighe |
35 |
-12.5% |
- David Latimer |
83 |
1.2% |
LCR - Larry Cronin |
0.01 |
0.0% |
MRK - Mark Nelson |
0.01 |
0.0% |
MCC - David McCrumb |
40 |
-9.1% |
MCR - Michael Cronin |
0.01 |
0.0% |
- Michael Moulton |
22 |
-8.3% |
- Marc Ellinger |
96 |
2.1% |
OTS - Tom Howell |
94 |
2.2% |
- Per Westling |
94 |
2.2% |
PJM - Phil Murphy |
32 |
6.7% |
QUI - Michael Quirk |
13 |
8.3% |
- Robin ap Cynan |
69 |
1.5% |
- Rick Desper |
102 |
2.0% |
- Melinda Holley |
100 |
2.0% |
- Paraic Reddington |
106 |
1.9% |
- Richard Weiss |
114 |
4.6% |
- Jack McHugh |
188 |
7.4% |
- Jim Burgess |
121 |
7.1% |
- Pat Vogelsang |
0.01 |
0.0% |
- W. Andrew York |
98 |
2.1% |
WLK - Richard Walkerdine |
141 |
0.0% |
WWW - William Wood |
0.01 |
0.0% |
YLP - Paul Milewski |
125 |
4.2% |
Where in the World
is Kendo Nagasaki?
Rules in ES #58.
Send in your guesses. I’ve played
this in Brandon Whyte’s Damn the Consequences a few times and it’s fun, takes
only a minute or two each turn, and helps you work your brain! As soon as this one ends, a new one will
Comments from Last Game
Phil Murphy: This
game seems simple. But isn't. I'd never have gotten the answer this time round.
Oh well...
Kevin Wilson: Once
again I waited to the last minute and ran out of time. I was pretty sure it was Phil Spector. Not from any analysis I did but from the
guesses in the previous round leading me there.
But I didn't have
a clue where he was.
Dane Maslen: Curses!
I'd calculated that there was a narrow arc of places that Phil Spector
could be hiding in. The places of any
significance within the arc certainly included Billings and Cheyenne, while
Calgary, Denver and Edmonton were all sufficiently close to the edge of the arc
that I wasn't sure if they were in or out.
It seemed best to pick one or other of the two I was sure of. Alas it turned out to be one of the ones I
had been unsure of.
Andy Lischett: I got sucked into looking in Africa after
Round 2 when the hint mentioned that the person guessed and the mystery person
probably did not share favorite foods. I Googled the people guessed and thought that Wikipedia only
mentioned Steve Jobs as having a favorite food. I
guess I missed Cromwell. After Round 5 it was obviously Phil Spector and I
worked backwards and randomly picked a city north of Cheyenne.
Brendan Whyte:
Spector in Edmonton
Phil Murphy:
King in Lincoln, NE
Kevin Wilson:
in Lima, Peru
Tom Howell:
Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough in Melbourne, Australia
Paraic Reddington:
Churchill in Lagos, Nigeria
Dane Maslen:
in Nairobi, Kenya
Jim Burgess:
John Franklin in Thule (Qaanaaq) Greenland
Richard Weiss:
Cromwell in Novosibirsk, Russia
Jack McHugh:
Hitler in Johannesburg, South Africa
Andy Lischett:
Richard in Little Rock, Arkansas
Marc Ellinger:
Caesar in New York City
Martin Burgdorf:
Aznavour in Paris, France
Jim Biehl:
Nimoy in Juist, Germany
Mark Firth:
in Laramie, Wyoming
to Closest Guess Geographically: I was born within a year or two of your death.
Deadline for Round 2 is June 25th at 7:00am my time
Brain Farts: The
Only Subsubzine With It’s Own Fragrance
By Jack “Flapjack” McHugh – jwmchughjr@gmail.com
(or just email Doug and
he’ll send it to me)
Issue #55
I figure I’ll be out of my house by the
end of the summer. I can’t afford to
move, and I don’t really have anywhere to go but to my mom’s. I’m not happy with the living arrangements
there so I may decide just to live out of my car. I’m still looking for a job. These interviews I go on are a waste of my
time. I went to one where specific Cisco
experience was one of the requirements.
But of course they didn’t list that on the job, or tell me when they set
up the interview, and that ISN’T on my skills list or my resume. So why the hell did they call me in? Did they think I had that skill but I was
HIDING it, keeping it a secret? I think
the next time I go on a job interview and find out they start asking me
questions which are answered by my resume, proving they never looked at it, I’m just going to tell them to go fuck themselves and
walk out. Oh, and every fucking time I
go to the city I get a parking ticket.
Yes, I know my attitude sucks. The only distraction I have is Fantasy
Baseball. And that’s simply
depressing. I run three teams, and two
of them suck. The only good team I run I
co-own with Sackiepoo, and of course he makes most of
the good moves and constantly reminds me that he should get the credit. Fucking whiner.
Thanks for all the support you haven’t
shown me. I hope each and every one of
you find a decaying rat the next time you bite into a
jelly donut. No jokes, just pics, because I hate you.
April 30, 2013 |
Jim Burgess, 664 Smith Street, Providence, RI 02908-4327 USA, (401)351-0287, jfburgess of gmail.com
E-MAIL/WEB ONLY ISSUE! PDF will be available on the website.
Web Page Address: http://www.diplom.org/DipPouch/Postal/Zines/TAP/index.html
Some of you are still not on the E-Mail list for this szine,
I keep trying to sign you up, please accept the offer! I am being a bit more
systematic about that right now. I am going ahead and finishing all the games
here, and then we'll see what happens.
This issue continues the szine/subszine inversion. As most of you know, this thing began as a ßubszine" to Terry Tallman's North Sealth, West George, then became its own szine with a host of subszines. The subszines remaining will appear as sub-subszines to our new flipflopped home in Doug Kent'sEternal Sunshine. Doug's incessant nagging is not keeping us on schedule, but will make it so we will charge forward and finish the remaining games that I have in here. After that, we'll see how it goes and what I do next. I'd like to keep writing and doing some game GMing. You all should see first what I actually do.
For production, in addition to the HTML's of each separate product on the web page, I will also have a PDF that you can print of the entire subszine (including my famous handdrawn maps!). You can just print the maps if you like, but remember maps are for pikers anyway, you don't need no steenkin' maps, keep them up in your head where they belong. I don't think there are very many people I owe money, but if you think I owe you money, just ask and I will pay. ONE GROUP that is definitely owed money is the players with NMR insurance. NMR insurance still continues, I will still call you for it, and when your game ends, I will refund the money.
General information about the mailing list is at: http://www.diplom.org/mailman/listinfo/tap You can sign up from there, or send E-Mails to: Tap-request of diplom.org; with the word `help' in the subject or body (don't include the quotes), and you will get back a message with instructions. You must know your password to change your options (including changing the password, itself) or to unsubscribe.
((Let's keep talking about
FTF tournament diplomacy! World DipCon is fast
approaching in August 23-25 in Paris. See the WDC 2013 Facebook site or www.worlddipcon.com. At this point, I
don't think I'm going to be able to go, but YOU all should. And I might still
yet change my mind. This is going to be a pretty tremendous turnout, led by the
inimitable Toby Harris...))
((For these and other upcoming cons around the world: http://devel.diplom.org/Face/cons/index.php))
Warren Goesle (Thu, 28 Mar 2013 14:24:01 -0500)
Subject: That time again... ((Note that this all was before the season started....))
What if they gave a baseball season and Summer decided to not show up?
The good news is that it looks like we could be talking about the Bruins and Blackhawks well into June.
The bad news is that they might be able to play the Stanley Cup Finals in outdoor games at Wrigley and Fenway. Actually, given the Cubs' and Red Sox' predicted fortunes that might be good news.
So where do we start this year?
Goz, Warren.Goesle of Navistar.com |
((OK, so what do I have to say about this year of baseball? I have always
been a "the enforcement of the rules on PEDs are
the enforcement of the rules" guy. I think the baseball writers are some
of the most hypocritical lame writers on the planet if they won't vote for
anyone for the HOF who they wrote positively on when they were playing and
refused to see the glaring evidence in their faces. Within the power of the
baseball writers was to force an end to the PED era. But they were enjoying the
HRs too much. Period. Nevertheless, A-Rod's physical problems
could not be happening to a more deserving guy, and you all saw where Manny is
playing right? Yeah. Are PEDs out of baseball now? Of course not, though they
are less pervasive, and it seems that those still using, like A-Rod, are mostly
reaping the downside of PEDs. Yet, eternal optimist that I am, I really am
looking forward to a great season of baseball this year! Who do I think will
((AL East: I think this
"love of the Blue Jays" is way out of line. Did they see how these
players screwed up the other teams they were on before? But they still have
enough talent to finish third. And the Red Sox don't have enough hitting, but
they DO have enough pitching, the second best pitching in the toughest division
in baseball, behind the Rays. So, that's the order. Rays, Red Sox (WILD CARD),
Blue Jays, Orioles, Yankees, but only 13 games separating top to bottom in the
((AL Central: Tigers,
Indians (Yes, Tito IS a good manager), Royals, White Sox, and Twins are useless
in last. The Tigers are the class of the American League and it will be fun
with such great managers going up against each other. The Indians don't have
the talent to win, but they have the talent to make it fun.))
((AL West: Rangers and
then the Angels yet again, taking the second WC. The A's magic is only enough
to be third. Then a big jump to the Mariners, and finally the
Astros, who aspire to be the worst team in baseball again now, BUT watch out in
three years.))
((Tigers and Red Sox go to
the ALCS, and Tigers win.))
((NL East: Everyone thinks
the Nationals go for it again, history suggests some regression to the mean and
a WC spot. I really like the Braves team. So Braves, then Nationals, then
Phillies, then Mets, and the other team that wants to be last, the Marlins,
taking up the rear.))
((NL Central: Cardinals
surprise and beat out the Reds, with both teams doing poorly enough so the Reds
don't get the WC. Then Pirates, then Brewers, finally Cubs,
another team playing for three years from now.))
((NL West: Giants, then
Dodgers as WC, Diamondbacks, Padres, and Rockies take up the rear.))
((Playoffs: Giants and
Braves come through to play in NLCS, and the Giants win again as Tim Lincecum makes a brilliant comeback.))
((Giants repeat World
((A-Rod is waived by the
Yankees, they keep paying people to try to get out of the basement and spend
$300 million. Verlander and Lester vie for Cy Young in the AL, a Nationals pitcher does NOT win it in
the NL, probably a Phillies pitcher wins it, if Lincecum
doesn't. MVP is Miguel Cabrera in the AL, unless it is Longoria; NL I am
tempted to take PED superstar Ryan Braun, but bet he gets injured and Bryce
Harper surprises here.))
((I'm looking forward to it!))
Rick Desper (Sat, 30 Mar 2013 20:19:28 -0700
You're picking the Yankees for last? ((Why not??)) Well I guess that's not as weird as picking the Blue Jays to finish ahead of and behind the Red Sox.((Yeah, I fixed that typo above.))
AL East: Rays, Yankees (WC), Orioles, Red Sox, Jays really, I have no idea.
AL Central: Tigers, White Sox, Indians, Royals, Twins
AL West: Angles, Strangers, Aaaas, Mariners
NL East: Nats, Braves (WC), others
NL Central: Reds, Brewers, Cardinals, bad teams
NL West: Giants, Dodgers, whatever
Jim is pretty badly wrong about the Nats, who have the best pitching in the NL. Strasburg should be able to give the team an entire season this year. Regression to the mean doesn't mean that the team with the best run differential should suddenly get worse.
((UPDATE at Press Time: As of this date, my predictions for the NL East are right on... we'll see how it goes for the rest of the season.))
OTOH, the Orioles are likely in trouble, since regression to the mean does mean that a team that won an unusually large number of close games is likely to lose more.
I'll randomly pick an Angels-Nats WS, that the Nats win.
The Red Sox are not going to make a huge comeback this year. Some of the pitchers should rebound under Farrell's management, but others won't, most notably Lackey, who is about five years removed from being a strong starter. But Lester and Buchholz will be good. Too bad they don't have any good young power hitters. Well, I suppose they had to let Adrian Gonzalez go to get rid of two hideous contracts (Crawford and Beckett).
Rick, rick_desper of yahoo.com |
Warren Goesle (Sun, 31 Mar 2013 19:30:37 -0400
So in a very unpredictable year it surprises me that my predictions really aren't all that different from either Rick or Jim-Bob. For a change I see a leveling of the playing field, and for a change I see a lot more teams in it. I did have to alter my philosophy of picking teams that spend the most money to picking the teams that spend the most money to players who will actually be playing, and playing for those teams paying them...
AL East: Sitting down? I think NEITHER the Yankees or Red Sox make the playoffs. In fact I think that, to their eventual detriment, the Yankees stay close enough in a very down division to NOT be sellers at the deadline, even though they should be. I'm not sold on the Blue Jays either, but I am on the Orioles. Baltimore, Tampa Bay, Toronto, NY Yankees, Boston. NO wild card from this division.
AL Central: Ok, it's Detroit and then everyone else. But some of those everyone else's aren't bad, Twins excepted. Detroit, Cleveland (WC), Chicago, Kansas City, Minnesota. Royals get to 80-82 by losing their last 6 games, after being in it most of the year.
AL West: The Astros move took 4 wins away from each of the other NL Central teams and gave them to the AL West. They might have BOTH wild cards, but I'll take Los Angeles, Texas (WC), Oakland, Seattle, Lastros. Is that trademarked? Houston could break the record for futility this year.
NL East: I think the Nationals come together BETTER than last year, and might wind up with the best record after 162. Washington, Atlanta (WC), Philadelphia, NY Mets, Florida.
NL Central: The only division worse than the AL East. Cards are down, Brewers are down. Pittsburgh can't get enough wins without Houston. Cincinnati, Milwaukee, St. Louis (below .500), Pittsburgh, Chicago. My Cubs are better than last year's 61-101...so make it 67-95. Tell me about this Theo guy again?
((Yeah, well, we'll see, won't we?? We in Boston think we're doing just fine without Theo. I like him as a guy, but maybe he really isn't such a good GM?))
NL West: 3 legitimate WS contenders. Here I think the Giants take the dive far enough to miss the playoffs. Los Angeles, Arizona (WC), San Francisco, San Diego, Colorado.
ALCS: Tigers over Angels.
NLCS: Dodgers over Nationals.
WS: Detroit.
Goz, warrengoesle of wowway.com |
Warren Goesle (Wednesday, May 1, 2013 1:26 PM)
Subject: Ok, so it was a bad idea to begin with
I put a Cubs' sticker on my laptop.
Now it won't Save or Close.
Goz, Warren.Goesle of Navistar.com |
Dave Partridge (Wednesday, May 01, 2013 12:59 PM)
The choke on my car wasn't working so I put a Red Sox sticker on it.
Dave, rebhuhn of rocketmail.com |
Warren Goesle (Wed, 1 May 2013 15:36:33 -0500)
Goz, Warren.Goesle of Navistar.com |
(First Round of Four Tournament Nor'Easter)
Thanks to everyone and to the great TempleCon hosts, I reserved two crash rooms this year for five people. I think having crash rooms is a really important part of helping travelers who come from a distance to the con.
Round 1 |
Round 2 |
Round 3 |
Round 4 |
Raw Total |
Adj. |
Final Total |
Randy Lawrence-Hurt |
110 |
26.32 |
20.34 |
156.66 |
156.66 |
Robert Rousse |
15.09 |
12.96 |
31.58 |
35.59 |
95.22 |
-12.96 |
82.26 |
Bill Hackenbracht |
33.33 |
22.81 |
15.25 |
71.39 |
71.39 |
Roland Cooke |
26.42 |
7.41 |
8.77 |
15.25 |
57.85 |
-7.41 |
50.44 |
Colin Davis |
33.33 |
33.33 |
33.33 |
Jim Burgess (TD) |
15.09 |
7.41 |
22.50 |
22.50 |
Alex Amann |
15.09 |
0 |
6.78 |
21.87 |
21.87 |
David Burgess |
15.09 |
0 |
5.26 |
20.35 |
20.35 |
Carl Ellis |
7.55 |
0.5 |
1 |
6.78 |
15.83 |
-0.5 |
15.33 |
Paul Camina |
5.56 |
5.26 |
10.82 |
10.82 |
Will Abbott |
5.67 |
0 |
0.75 |
6.42 |
6.42 |
Jim Burgess 2 (TD) |
0 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Daniel Feagans |
0 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Adam Sigal |
0 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Here are the game results with detour09 basic points in parentheses)
Round 1, Board 1 |
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |
06 |
07 |
Austria (Jim Burgess TD): |
4 |
3 |
5 |
5 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
(15.09) |
England (Alex Amann): |
5 |
6 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
6 |
(15.09) |
France (Robert Rousse): |
5 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
(15.09) |
Germany (Carl Ellis): |
5 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
( 7.55) |
Italy (Will Abbott): |
4 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
( 5.67) |
Russia (David Burgess): |
5 |
6 |
7 |
6 |
7 |
6 |
6 |
(15.09) |
Turkey (Roland Cooke): |
5 |
5 |
5 |
6 |
6 |
7* |
7* |
(26.42) |
Round 2, Board 1 |
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |
06 |
07 |
08 |
09 |
10 |
Austria (Adam Sigal): |
5 |
6 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
10* |
12 |
13 |
11 |
9 |
(0.00) |
Lawrence-Hurt): |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
11* |
11 |
11 |
13 |
14 |
18 |
(110.00) |
France (Will Abbott): |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
(0.00) |
Germany (Alex Amann): |
5 |
5 |
6 |
7* |
4 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
- |
- |
(0.00) |
Italy (David Burgess): |
4 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
- |
- |
(0.00) |
Russia (Jim Burgess-2 TD): |
5 |
5 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
(0.00) |
Turkey (Daniel Feagans): |
5 |
6 |
5 |
3 |
3@ |
4 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
(0.00) |
@Carl Ellis took over for
Daniel Feagans in 1906.
Round 2, Board 2 |
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |
06 |
07 |
08 |
09 |
10 |
Austria (Roland Cooke): |
4 |
5 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
7 |
6 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
( 7.41) |
England (Colin Davis): |
5 |
6 |
8 |
7 |
7 |
9 |
11 |
15 |
13 |
13 |
(33.33) |
France (Paul Camina): |
5 |
5 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
( 5.56) |
Germany (Jim Burgess TD): |
5 |
5 |
7 |
7 |
7 |
5 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
( 7.41) |
Italy (Robert Rousse): |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
(12.96) |
Russia (Carl Ellis): |
5 |
3 |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
( 0.50) |
Turkey (Bill Hackenbracht): |
4 |
5 |
8 |
8 |
9 |
8 |
10 |
10 |
12 |
13 |
(33.33) |
Round 3, Board 1 |
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |
06 |
Austria (Carl Ellis): |
4 |
4* |
4* |
1 |
0 |
- |
( 1.00) |
England (Robert Rousse): |
5 |
6 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
(31.58) |
France (Randy
Lawrence-Hurt): |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
10 |
10 |
(26.32) |
Germany (David Burgess): |
5 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
( 5.26) |
Italy (Roland Cooke): |
5 |
5 |
3 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
( 8.77) |
Russia (Bill Hackenbracht): |
6 |
6 |
5 |
7* |
7 |
9 |
(22.81) |
Turkey (Paul Camina): |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
( 5.26) |
Round 4, Board 1 |
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |
06 |
Austria (Robert Rousse): |
5 |
6 |
9 |
8 |
10 |
11 |
(35.59) |
England (Roland Cooke): |
4 |
5 |
6 |
6 |
7 |
6 |
(15.25) |
France (Alex Amann): |
4 |
4 |
3 |
4* |
2 |
2 |
( 6.78) |
Germany (Bill Hackenbracht): |
5 |
5 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
(15.25) |
Italy (Carl Ellis): |
4 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
( 6.78) |
Russia (Randy
Lawrence-Hurt): |
6 |
6 |
6 |
8 |
7 |
7 |
(20.34) |
Turkey (Will Abbott): |
4 |
3 |
2 |
0 |
- |
- |
( 0.75) |
This is also the first tournament in the regional sub-Grand Prix tournament
that is in its fifth year that we've dubbed the "Nor'Easter".
The next tournament in that group is the new Philly Massacre in Philadelphia
the first weekend of July; the new NYC/Brooklyn con in September; and Carnage,
November 8-10 in Vermont, now at Killington. We will again have a First Place Nor'Easter prize to be awarded and with more help from
Robert Rousse (Carnage co-organizer) we should have Second and Third Place
prizes as well. More on that to come.
Drop Dead Time Deadlines: These worked like a charm as usually, this is the way to play tournament dip, you're always moving, no waiting around while people write orders. The games really moved along, I again used my loud voice with reminders to people as needed, and people respected other players' space with need for order writing time. And the atmosphere was great. I ended up going again with the 17 minute spring, 15 minute fall continually running clock that gives more time for beer after the games.
More experience on selling Diplomacy on site: I was still not as successful as I would like to be here. I was very careful to post notes on the game forums on the web site so that people knew we were there. These generated discussions but only one actual player. I did a lot of my usual tricks, trying direct E-Mails to Judge players and other players I could identify as being in the area, this again was not successful, but I will keep trying again. I didn't try walking around the Con playing Edi Birsan's Teaching Videos from You Tube again like I did a few years ago.... don't believe me, yes, I really, really did this a few times, but it didn't really gain anything but laughs, especially from the miniatures players, so I didn't do that this time around.
Although the TempleCon people are lovely, having TempleCon on SuperBowl weekend just doesn't get the travelers that it might. We all agree that an early year northeastern tournament is a good idea, but we wondered if we should have just held it ourselves outside of a gaming convention. We will continue that discussion as the year progresses.
Some time I'd like to run a DipCon or World DipCon, but that probably won't be able to be at TempleCon.
This is the latest incarnation of this team based tournament. I am helping to lead the Nor'Easter team for people in the Northeast part of the United States. https://www.facebook.com/groups/123795024327261/ is the Facebook page for the event.
And you can sign up for the Tournament at: http://aqmn.asciiking.com/. Other US regional teams are the ones in the Pacific, Dixie, and Chicago. Its unique aspect, that is proving to be a bit distorting but in interesting ways, is its "solo only" feature. You advance from the preliminaries to the finals only by soloing, and then need solos in the finals against the other soloists. Though this started in January, it probably will be going on for at least two years, and there is PLENTY of time to jump in. As usual, for those who know me well, I screwed up my first game and allowed a solo to someone from team US. I still don't have a solo in over three decades, but maybe I can do it in my next game.
So, really, come join, it is being operated on a web-assisted Judge platform that is really pretty easy to use. Ask me if you have any questions.
I am continuing to note cut or failed support orders with a small "s" instead of a capital "S". This will make it easier on the E-Mailed version of the szine to see what happened, since the italics don't show there. The italics DO show on the web page just fine. Since I'm not postal mailing the szine any more, I've dropped back to just reporting the disguised E-Mail addresses. As someone notes, if you need some more contact information, go back to past issues or ask me.
Standby lists:
Mike Barno, Dick Martin, Brad Wilson, Jack McHugh, Glenn Petroski, Steve Emmert, Mark Kinney, Vince Lutterbie, Eric Brosius, Paul Rauterberg, Bob Osuch, Doug Kent, Sean O'Donnell, Heath Gardner, Paul Kenny, and Jeff O'Donnell stand by for regular Diplomacy. Let me know if you want on or off these lists, especially OFF given the new policies.
I'm going to start the game opening list over. Under the new regime, who wants to play?
DIPLOMACY: First off, another regular Diplomacy game is open. Doug Kent and Brad Wilson are in, anyone else?
BREAKING AWAY: Also, a new Breaking Away game is open. Currently Andy York is on board. This is the game I really like running and want to start another one. It's easy, very low maintenance.
THE PHIL REYNOLDS MEMORIAL: 2006B, Regular Diplomacy |
Pre-Fall 1907
AUSTRIA (Burgess): has f ION, a GAL, a VEN, a VIE, a TRI, f NAP, a SER, a BOH.
ENGLAND (James): has a DEN, f NTH, f TYH, f NWY, a HOL, f ROM, f SWE.
FRANCE (Williams): has a GAS, f MID, a BUR, f GOL, a MUN.
GERMANY (Ellinger): has a KIE, a BER.
ITALY (Crow): has f TUN, a PIE.
RUSSIA (Barno): has a SEV, a WAR, a SIL, a FIN, f CON, a PRU, f GRE, a RUM, f GOB.
E-Mail Addresses of the Participants
AUSTRIA: David Burgess, burgesscd of roadrunner.com or dburgess of glensfallshosp.org
ENGLAND: Drew James, kjames01 of twcny.rr.com or karelanddrew of gmail.com
FRANCE: Don Williams, wllmsfmly of earthlink.net or dwilliams of fontana.org ($5)
GERMANY: Marc Ellinger, mellinger of blitzbardgett.com
ITALY: John Crow, johnny.crow of hotmail.com
RUSSIA: Mike Barno, mpbarno of gmail.com
TURKEY: Fred Wiedemeyer, wiedem of telus.net or wiedem of shaw.ca
Game Notes:
1) I have orders from about half of you, I will follow up with people in the next week or so, so you will be sure what orders I have on file for you. I know some of you really wanted the maps and that's what you have with this issue.
SPIRALS OF PARANOIA: 2005A, Regular Diplomacy |
Pre-Fall 1910
FRANCE (Jim Tretick for Buddy Tretick): has f ENG, f NTH, a GAS, f GOL, a BUR, f TYH,
f ION, a MAR, f LON.
GERMANY (Ozog for Tallman): has f KIE, a MUN, f HOL, a TYO, a PIE, a SER, a TRI,
a VEN, a ROM, f DEN, a APU, a BEL, f EDI.
ITALY (Kent): has a NAP, f ADR, a GRE.
RUSSIA (Sundstrom): has f NWY, f BLA, a UKR, f AEG, a RUM, a BUL, a CON, a SEV.
E-Mail Addresses of the Participants
AUSTRIA: Paul Rauterberg, paul.rauterberg of att.net
ENGLAND: Fred Wiedemeyer, wiedem of telus.net or wiedem of shaw.ca
FRANCE: Buddy Tretick, 5023 Sewell's Pointe Way, Fredericksburg, VA 22407
FRANCE: Temporary Standby is Jim Tretick, jtretick of gmail.com
GERMANY: Terry Tallman, ($2) terryt of whidbey.net
GERMANY: Temporary Standby is Eric Ozog, ElfEric of Juno.com
ITALY: Doug Kent, dougray30 of yahoo.com
RUSSIA: Matt Sundstrom, Matt.Sundstrom of bbdoch.com or mattandzoe of earthlink.net
TURKEY: Vince Lutterbie, melvin4852 of sbcglobal.net
Game Notes:
1) We now have two medical replacements, as Buddy's son Jim (who some of us played with many years ago as James Alan) will be playing for Buddy as Eric is playing for Terry.
2) I have orders from about half of you, I will follow up with people in the next week or so, so you will be sure what orders I have on file for you. I know some of you really wanted the maps and that's what you have with this issue.
FLIP FLOP: 2003G, Regular Diplomacy |
Supply Center Chart
ENGLAND (Kent): |
EDI,LVP,LON,por,den,kie, |
nwy,swe,ber,stp |
FRANCE (McHugh): |
PAR,MAR,BRE,spa,bel,hol |
TURKEY (Levinson): |
ANK,SMY,CON,bul,sev,ser,gre, |
(18, WINS!) |
tun,rom,rum,nap,ven,tri,mos,bud,vie,war,mun |
Neutral: |
none |
(Total=34) |
E-Mail Addresses of the Participants
AUSTRIA: Brad Wilson, bwdolphin146 of yahoo.com
ENGLAND: Doug Kent, dougray30 of yahoo.com
FRANCE: Jack McHugh, jwmchughjr of gmail.com
GERMANY: Matt Sundstrom, Matt.Sundstrom of bbdoch.com or mattandzoe of earthlink.net
ITALY: Don Williams, wllmsfmly of earthlink.net or dwilliams of fontana.org
RUSSIA: Sean O'Donnell, sean_o_donnell of hotmail.com
TURKEY: Alexandre Levinson, al of tolkin.nl ($5)
Game Notes:
1) Congratulations, Al, for sticking this out to the solo!!! I'll have a Supply Center Chart next time and I still am interested in endgame statements. I know this has been hanging for a while, and I might have some endgame statements in hand, if you think you sent one and you're unsure if I have it, check with me.
May 22, 2013 |
Jim Burgess, 664 Smith Street, Providence, RI 02908-4327 USA, (401)351-0287, jfburgess of gmail.com
E-MAIL/WEB ONLY ISSUE! PDF will be available on the website.
Web Page Address: http://www.diplom.org/DipPouch/Postal/Zines/TAP/index.html
Some of you are still not on the E-Mail list for this szine,
I keep trying to sign you up, please accept the offer! I am being a bit more
systematic about that right now. I am going ahead and finishing all the games
here, and then we'll see what happens.
This issue continues the szine/subszine inversion. As most of you know, this thing began as a ßubszine" to Terry Tallman's North Sealth, West George, then became its own szine with a host of subszines. The subszines remaining will appear as sub-subszines to our new flipflopped home in Doug Kent's Eternal Sunshine. Doug's incessant nagging is not keeping us on schedule, but will make it so we will charge forward and finish the remaining games that I have in here. After that, we'll see how it goes and what I do next. I'd like to keep writing and doing some game GMing. You all should see first what I actually do.
For production, in addition to the HTML's of each separate product on the web page, I will also have a PDF that you can print of the entire subszine (including my famous handdrawn maps!). You can just print the maps if you like, but remember maps are for pikers anyway, you don't need no steenkin' maps, keep them up in your head where they belong. I don't think there are very many people I owe money, but if you think I owe you money, just ask and I will pay. ONE GROUP that is definitely owed money is the players with NMR insurance. NMR insurance still continues, I will still call you for it, and when your game ends, I will refund the money.
General information about the mailing list is at: http://www.diplom.org/mailman/listinfo/tap You can sign up from there, or send E-Mails to: Tap-request of diplom.org; with the word `help' in the subject or body (don't include the quotes), and you will get back a message with instructions. You must know your password to change your options (including changing the password, itself) or to unsubscribe.
((Let's keep talking about FTF tournament diplomacy!
World DipCon is fast approaching in August 23-25 in
Paris. See the WDC 2013 Facebook site or www.worlddipcon.com. At this point, I
don't think I'm going to be able to go, but YOU all should. And I might still
yet change my mind. This is going to be a pretty tremendous turnout, led by the
inimitable Toby Harris...))
((For these and other upcoming cons around the world: http://devel.diplom.org/Face/cons/index.php))
Nothing this time...
This is the latest incarnation of this team based tournament. I am helping to lead the Nor'Easter team for people in the Northeast part of the United States. https://www.facebook.com/groups/123795024327261/ is the Facebook page for the event.
And you can sign up for the Tournament at: http://aqmn.asciiking.com/. Other US regional teams are the ones in the Pacific, Dixie, and Chicago. Its unique aspect, that is proving to be a bit distorting but in interesting ways, is its "solo only" feature. You advance from the preliminaries to the finals only by soloing, and then need solos in the finals against the other soloists. Though this started in January, it probably will be going on for at least two years, and there is PLENTY of time to jump in. As usual, for those who know me well, I screwed up my first game and allowed a solo to someone from team US. I still don't have a solo in over three decades, but maybe I can do it in my next game.
So, really, come join, it is being operated on a web-assisted Judge platform that is really pretty easy to use. Ask me if you have any questions.
I am continuing to note cut or failed support orders with a small "s" instead of a capital "S". This will make it easier on the E-Mailed version of the szine to see what happened, since the italics don't show there. The italics DO show on the web page just fine. Since I'm not postal mailing the szine any more, I've dropped back to just reporting the disguised E-Mail addresses. As someone notes, if you need some more contact information, go back to past issues or ask me.
Standby lists:
Mike Barno, Dick Martin, Brad Wilson, Jack McHugh, Glenn Petroski, Steve Emmert, Mark Kinney, Vince Lutterbie, Eric Brosius, Paul Rauterberg, Bob Osuch, Doug Kent, Sean O'Donnell, Heath Gardner, Paul Kenny, and Jeff O'Donnell stand by for regular Diplomacy. Let me know if you want on or off these lists, especially OFF given the new policies.
I'm going to start the game opening list over. Under the new regime, who wants to play?
DIPLOMACY: First off, another regular Diplomacy game is open. Doug Kent and Brad Wilson are in, anyone else?
BREAKING AWAY: Also, a new Breaking Away game is open. Currently Andy York is on board. This is the game I really like running and want to start another one. It's easy, very low maintenance.
THE PHIL REYNOLDS MEMORIAL: 2006B, Regular Diplomacy |
Fall 1907
AUSTRIA (Burgess): f ion-AEG, a GAL-rum, a VEN h, a VIE S a boh-gal, a tri-BUD,
f nap-ION, a SER S a gal-rum, a BOH-gal.
ENGLAND (James): a DEN S a hol-kie, f nth-BEL, f TYH S f rom, f NWY S f swe, a hol-KIE,
f ROM S f tyh, f SWE S f nwy.
FRANCE (Williams): a gas-MAR, f mid-WES, a BUR-mun, f GOL S a gas-mar, a mun-TYO.
GERMANY (Ellinger): a kie s a ber-mun (d r:ruh,otb), a ber-mun (d ann).
ITALY (Crow): f TUN S ENGLISH f tyh, a PIE-mar.
RUSSIA (Barno): a SEV S a rum, a WAR-gal, a sil-BER, a fin-STP, f con-SMY,
a PRU S a sil-ber, f GRE h, a RUM h, f GOB h.
Supply Center Chart
AUSTRIA (Burgess): |
TRI,VIE,BUD,ser,nap,ven |
(has 8, rem 2) |
ENGLAND (James): |
EDI,LVP,LON,nwy,bel,swe,hol, |
(has 7, bld 3) |
den,kie,rom |
FRANCE (Williams): |
PAR,BRE,spa,por,mun,MAR |
(has 5, bld 1) |
GERMANY (Ellinger): |
none |
(out) |
ITALY (Crow): |
tun |
(has 2, rem 1) |
RUSSIA (Barno): |
WAR,STP,SEV,MOS,rum,con,ank, |
(has 9, bld 1(PLAYS ONE SHORT)) |
gre,bul,ber,smy |
Neutral: |
none |
(Total=34) |
E-Mail Addresses of the Participants
AUSTRIA: David Burgess, burgesscd of roadrunner.com or dburgess of glensfallshosp.org
ENGLAND: Drew James, kjames01 of twcny.rr.com or karelanddrew of gmail.com
FRANCE: Don Williams, wllmsfmly of earthlink.net or dwilliams of fontana.org ($5)
GERMANY: Marc Ellinger, mellinger of blitzbardgett.com
ITALY: John Crow, johnny.crow of hotmail.com
RUSSIA: Mike Barno, mpbarno of gmail.com
TURKEY: Fred Wiedemeyer, wiedem of telus.net or wiedem of shaw.ca
Game Notes:
1) Here we go, back in business. Thanks to Marc for playing out the German position.
(ENGLAND to WORLD): I can't remember who stated this war, why it started, or even who my enemies are anymore. That said, I'm out to be on the winning side!
(BOOB to ENGLAND): Sorry you had to wait so long, you win the prize this turn for the most builds...
(FRANCE to ITALY): I do this with an almost heavy heart. I say "heavy" because this was not the way we envisioned this would go... what?... seven?... eight?... ten?... a score?... four score and seven?... years ago when we started. I say “almost” because, unlike us, you may be done with this misery before you succumb to old age, and so I must confess I feel as though I’m doing you a favor.
(BOOB to DON): It has "only" been seven...
(DON to MIKE): Working on it... he’s been away or something.
(FRANCE to WORLD): Do you realize that, if this game were counted in dog years, it'd now be over the age of fifty...? Another way of looking at it... I was seven years from retirement age when this started and now I’m seven months beyond it... Hell, Jim, let’s get on with it before your grandkids start at Brown...
(BOOB to FRANCE): I'm game for that... let's see who else will draw the time comparisons?
(JAMES to JIM-BOB): Since this game started I've changed where I work and have had four different jobs there. My oldest son has graduated from both high school and college. My youngest son has "graduated" from Middle School, Jr. High, High school, and completed his freshman year of college. I've celebrated both my 20th and 25th wedding anniversaries. This game has been going on longer than WWII! But hey, if you think it still has life, then I'm on board to see it through. However, if you could hold off 1908 for another 5 years I'll be retired and could put more thought into the game...
SPIRALS OF PARANOIA: 2005A, Regular Diplomacy |
Fall 1910
FRANCE (Jim Tretick for Buddy Tretick): f eng-NTH, f nth-NWG, a gas-PAR, f gol-TYH, a BUR h,
f tyh-NAP, f ION s f tyh-nap, a MAR h, f LON S f eng-nth.
GERMANY (Ozog for Tallman): f kie-HEL, a mun-RUH, f HOL S a bel, a tyo-MUN,
a pie-TUS, a SER S RUSSIAN a bul-gre, a TRI S a ser, a VEN S a rom, a ROM S FRENCH f tyh-nap,
f DEN S f kie-hel, a APU S a rom, a BEL h, f EDI-nth.
ITALY (Kent): a nap h (d ann), f ADR s f tun-ion (nsu), a gre s a bul-ser (d r:alb,otb).
RUSSIA (Sundstrom): f NWY-nth, f bla-CON, a UKR S a rum, f AEG-ion, a RUM S a con-bul,
a bul-GRE, a con-BUL, a sev-MOS.
Supply Center Chart
FRANCE (Tretick): |
PAR,BRE,MAR,spa,lvp,lon, |
(has 9, even) |
por,tun,nap |
GERMANY (Ozog/Tallman): |
KIE,BER,MUN,hol,den,bel,swe, |
(has 13, bld 1) |
vie,rom,bud,ven,tri,ser,edi |
ITALY (Kent): |
none |
(out) |
RUSSIA (Sundstrom): |
WAR,STP,SEV,MOS,rum,ank,con, |
(has 8, bld 3) |
smy,nwy,gre,bul |
Neutral: |
none |
(Total=34) |
E-Mail Addresses of the Participants
AUSTRIA: Paul Rauterberg, paul.rauterberg of att.net
ENGLAND: Fred Wiedemeyer, wiedem of telus.net or wiedem of shaw.ca
FRANCE: Buddy Tretick, 5023 Sewell's Pointe Way, Fredericksburg, VA 22407
FRANCE: Temporary Standby is Jim Tretick, jtretick of gmail.com
GERMANY: Terry Tallman, ($2) terryt of whidbey.net
GERMANY: Temporary Standby is Eric Ozog, ElfEric of Juno.com
ITALY: Doug Kent, dougray30 of yahoo.com
RUSSIA: Matt Sundstrom, Matt.Sundstrom of bbdoch.com or mattandzoe of earthlink.net
TURKEY: Vince Lutterbie, melvin4852 of sbcglobal.net
Game Notes:
1) We still have two medical replacements, as Buddy's son Jim (who some of us played with many years ago as James Alan) will be playing for Buddy as Eric is playing for Terry.
2) Here we go again, and there is real cooperation still going on! I'll keep this chunking along now. Thanks to Doug for playing this out to conclusion, not only are his strings cut, but his survival has run out.
3) With three survivors left, a DIAS FGR and a GR draw are both proposed. Please vote with your Winter orders, as always no vote is a veto.
(ITALY –- GERMANY): You seem to have forgotten I was a puppet by choice. Now that you’re trying to cut my strings, I’m going to let someone else hold them.
(BERLIN-BELGIUM): Sorry to write you off, but your retreat path may be more useful.
(BOOB to BELGIUM): Doesn't look like you were going anywhere...
FLIP FLOP: 2003G, Regular Diplomacy |
E-Mail Addresses of the Participants
AUSTRIA: Brad Wilson, bwdolphin146 of yahoo.com
ENGLAND: Doug Kent, dougray30 of yahoo.com
FRANCE: Jack McHugh, jwmchughjr of gmail.com
GERMANY: Matt Sundstrom, Matt.Sundstrom of bbdoch.com or mattandzoe of earthlink.net
ITALY: Don Williams, wllmsfmly of earthlink.net or dwilliams of fontana.org
RUSSIA: Sean O'Donnell, sean_o_donnell of hotmail.com
TURKEY: Alexandre Levinson, al of tolkin.nl ($5)
Game Notes:
1) I have to go research this back to 2003 to build the SC chart and I want to get this out before Memorial Day just to stun the players in the other two games. I have one Endgame statement from Doug Kent, so let me print that now in hopes in generates some others. But hey that was TEN years ago...
End Game Statement:
DOUG KENT - ENGLAND: I think I entered this game as a standby, but I’m not sure. Sackiepoo Mchugh and I managed to work together, but Brad Wilson was crushed and had no hope of joining the fight. I blame Turkey’s win on Don Williams entirely. If he had done things differently the results would not even resemble these. Sackiepoo and I remain blameless. If you can’t see what I mean by going back and looking over the prior seasons, you have no business playing Diplomacy.
to DixieCon in North Carolina this Memorial Day
weekend coming up, get out and play some Dip!!! OR, if you can't make it that
far, our very own Matt Sundstrom is hosting a game at
his place in Glenview. Last I knew, they needed four
more players to make it happen. Who's interested? The game will start at 11
a.m. See http://windycityweasels.org/current-games-signup. In other Chicago
area Dip news, Weasel Moot VII is coming up in the Chicago suburb of Willowbrook on June 22-23, that's exactly ONE month from
now. I hear that big time politician Edi Birsan is
going. You can find more details on the Weasels website at:
http://windycityweasels.org/wm7. How can you stay home??? And there you are,
and for those who thought it wouldn't happen (Cough, Doug; Cough, Don) here we
ZERO SUM, Subzine
to Eternal Sunshine, Issue 14 May 26,
Published by Richard Weiss. richardweiss@higherquality.com. All orders due by 8 AM of the Sunday before
orders are due for Eternal Sunshine. For June, I presume that makes the due
date June 23.
Current Games: 1. Yahtzee (in process, no new players)
2. What’s My Line – new panelists encouraged to join in at any time
3. Drone Wars – a variant Diplomacy
GM Musings: May’s my favorite month. Growing up in Vermont, at higher elevations and before global warming, spring arrived, for sure, in May. Here in Folsom, we’ve already had 90 degree days. No 100 degree days yet. Non-watered areas at low elevation are turning yellow-brown. A color more pleasing to me than the late Fall drabness and the early spring dirty-snow look of Vermont.
The Golden Gate Bridge has eliminated its toll-takers. Cars either have an electronic signal box or a picture is taken and an invoice for the toll is mailed to the owner of the car. I would bet only some lanes allow pictures and some require the electronic box and going through those will carry fines. The Golden Gate Bridge spans the “Golden Gate,” the passage of water boats must traverse to get in or out of San Francisco Bay. The Golden Gate has that name because (later in this subzine is the answer)
Drone Wars Diplomacy
Game offer
to the world of Eternal Sunshine. First
seven to sign up are in for this Gunboat with Press variation based on Jim
Burgess’s game that might have been called Evil Yuppie Empire Nuclear War
Diplomacy. Send me your interest to play
and a ranking as to which country you want to be. First in gets first choice. Game will be named Margaretha Geertruida Zelle. My email remains: richardweiss@higherquality.com
Wars Diplomacy is a variant based on the variants Evil Yuppie and Black Hole
Dip. Seven players, each a regular country on the Dip board.
Gunboat with press. One drone stocked with one nuclear
weapon each supply center owned. Each turn order your units and your drones.
No requirement to move or bomb.
Units ordered same as regular dip. Drones are ordered as to what map location to
bomb. Drone orders are valid to any map location. You can name
your drones, number them, or just order “Drones to:” and a list of map locations to
A piece
that ends a turn in a map location that experienced a drone attack that turn is
annihilated. Once a space is bombed, the space remains contaminated with
225 rem (2+ Sieverts) for slightly more than 100,000 years. You may order
units through a space with 225 rem radiation. Each unit can survive going
through one map location with 225 rem of radiation.
Your unit remains carrying the 225 rem of exposure for the rest of its life.
You may
build new units in home SCs that have no or 225 rem contamination. SCs that have no or 225 rem
both count towards how many drones you can order and how many units you
can support
same map location can experience more than one drone attack. Each drone attack increases the level of
radiation by 225 rem.
450 rem is lethal (the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s 50/30 level, with
50 being % of population expected to die and the 30 being the number of days it
will take for that 50% of the population to die). Go through two spaces with 225 rem and the
unit dies. Go through one space with 450
rem and the unit dies. Cannot birth (build)
a unit in a home SC with 450 rem. Units built in home SCs with 225 rem carry
that dose with them and die going through another contaminated space (or
staying in the home SC for another turn). [Sounds
complicated. Play won’t be.]
Start Spring 01. No season separations. Spring and Fall. Autumn retreats, Winter
builds and Spring orders together. Last country with a unit and a SC with
less than 450 rem contamination wins.
I don’t have an
e-map version of Diplomacy. Thus, I am begging for one (probably I need
instructions how to use) from those who GM Dip games. Otherwise, this will be one lame appearing
game. (Beg, beg)
Is there still a
custodian who assigns variants numbers and such? Fisher? Boardman? Andy York?
Rules for regular Yahtzee published in Eternal Sunshine #65. Scoring and play modified from Milton Bradley’s Yahtzee Game copyrighted 1982. Hasbro lists the official rules at: http://www.hasbro.com/common/instruct/Yahtzee.pdf
Yahtzee Game: Kim Philby
First Roll of Round 7 was: 6,4,5,5,4
Doug saved the 4,4,5,5.
Kevin saved the 4,4.
Dane saved 5,5
Geoff saved 4,4,5,5
Second Roll of Round 7 was: (sequentially) 3,5,2
Doug saved the 4,4,5,5 (and no prayer)
Kevin saved the 2,3,4,5
Dane saved 5,5,5
Geoff saved 4,4,5,5 and a prayer
Third Roll of Round 7
was: (sequentially) 1,3
Doug scored the 4,4 as Fours for 8
Kevin is NMR, had the 2,3,4,5 and added the 1. Kevin scored 1,2,3,4,5 for a large straight = 40.
Dane scored 5,5,5 as Fives for 15
Geoff scored 3,4,4,5,5 as Chance for 21
First Roll of Round 8 was: 6,6,3,4,3
Doug saved the 3,3
Kevin saved the 3,3,
Dane saved 6,6
Geoff saved 3,4,6
Second Roll of Round
8 was: (sequentially) 1,1,4,3,5
Doug saved the 3,3
Kevin saved the 3,3, and added the 1,3,1 and is looking good without orders, but, with divine intervention, seeing he has Aces and a full house, the YahtzeeMaster saves 3,3,3.
Dane saved the 6,6
Geoff saved the 1, 3,4,6
Third Roll of Round 8 is: (sequentially) 1,3,1,3,5
First Roll of Round 9
was: 3,2,6,3,6
Doug saved 6,6,3,3
Kevin NMR’d and has to take the most popular choice of others, the 3,3,6,6.
Dane saved 3,3
Geoff saved 3,3,6,6
Second Roll of Round
9 is: (sequentially) 5,3,2,3,2
First Roll of Round
10 is: 1,5,4,2,4
For the next issue of Zero Sum, send in want to score for Round 8, what you want to save after Round 9, Roll 2, & what you want to save after Round 10, Roll 1.
Scoring at the End of
Round 7
Upper |
Doug Kent |
Kevin Wilson |
Geoff Kemp |
Dane Maslen |
Ace = 1 |
1 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
Twos = 2 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
Threes = 3 |
Fours = 4 |
8 |
8 |
Fives = 5 |
15 |
15 |
15 |
Sixes = 6 |
24 |
24 |
18 |
Total |
Bonus +35 if >63 |
Total Upper |
Lower |
3 of a Kind |
24 |
22 |
4 of a Kind |
28 |
28 |
Full House = 25 |
25 |
25 |
Sm Straight =
30 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
Lg Straight =
40 |
40 |
40 |
YAHTZEE = 50 |
Chance |
24 |
21 |
Yahtzee Bonus |
Total Lower |
108 |
144 |
142 |
128 |
End of the Seventh Scoring Round
Oleg Kalugin: What’s My Line?
Apologies, if any
needed, in stealing a great idea from the original producers/creators. Per Wikipedia (retrieved 3 May 2013) Produced by Mark Goodson and Bill Todman for CBS Television, the show was
initially called Occupation Unknown before deciding on the name What's My Line?
Oleg Kalugin officially started on 3 May, when Andy Lischett was the first panelist to submit questions. Andy is also the only panelist. My fedora is off to you, Andy.
Next Turn: I will
answer the question set of ALL players who send them to me (become a
panelist). If you know my occupation but
want to submit strange and unusual questions that may or may not contain clues
to others, please do.
Panelist: Andy Lischett’s questions:
1. Do you work predominately in an office? YES
2. Do you or your employer create a tangible product? Like
vacuum cleaners rather than insurance? NO
3. If so... Is it smaller than a bread box?
4. Is it computer related?
5. Do you sell counterfeit Rolexes? NO
Panelist: Mata Hari’s questions:
Excerpts from Adam Smith’s The Wealth
of Nations
by Paul Milewski
Adam Smith lived from 1723—1790, and his great work covers a variety of subjects. Here are a few favorite selections of mine. The page numbers in square brackets are from the 2000 Modern Library Paperback Edition, ISBN 0-679-78336-9.
By the 8th of Elizabeth, chap. 3, the exporter of sheep, lambs or rams, was for the first offence to forfeit all his goods for ever, to suffer a year’s imprisonment, and then to have his left hand cut-off in a market town upon a market day, to be there nailed up; and for the second offence to be adjudged a felon, and to suffer death accordingly. [Page 701]
In England, it becomes every day more and more the custom to send young people to travel in foreign countries immediately upon their leaving school, and without sending them to any university. Our young people, it is said, generally return home much improved by their travels. A young man who goes abroad at seventeen or eighteen, and returns home at one and twenty, returns three or four years older than he was when he went abroad; and at that age it is very difficult not to improve a good deal in three or four years. In the course of his travels, he generally acquires some knowledge of one or two foreign languages; a knowledge, however, which is seldom sufficient to enable him either to speak or write them with propriety. In other respects, he commonly returns home more conceited, more unprincipled, more dissipated, and more incapable of any serious application either to study or to business, than he could well have become in so short had a time, had a lived at home… Nothing but the discredit into which the universities are allowing themselves to fall, could ever have brought into repute so very absurd a practice as that of travelling at this early period of life. By sending his son abroad, a father delivers himself, at least for some time, from so disagreeable an object as that of a son unemployed, neglected, and going to ruin before his eyes. [Pages 832-3]
The post office is properly a mercantile project. The government advances the expence of establishing the different offices, and of buying or hiring the necessary horses or carriages, and is repaid with a large profit by the duties upon what is carried. It is perhaps the only mercantile project which has been successfully managed by, I believe, every sort of government. The capital to be advanced is not very considerable. There is no mystery in the business. The returns are not only certain, but immediate. [Page 881]
The tax was afterwards repealed, and in the room of it was established the window-tax, which has undergone too several alterations and augmentations. The window-tax, as it stands at present (January 1775), over and above the duty of three shillings upon every house in England, and of one shilling upon every house in Scotland, lays a duty upon every window, which, in England, augments gradually from two-pence, the lowest rate, upon houses with not more than seven windows; to two shillings, the highest rate, upon houses with twenty-five windows and upwards. [Page 911]
In some parts of Lancashire it is pretended, I have been told, that bread of oatmeal is heartier food for laboring people than wheaten bread, and I have frequently heard the same doctrine held in Scotland. I am, however, somewhat doubtful of the truth of it. The common people in Scotland, who are fed with oatmeal, are in general neither so strong nor so handsome as the same rank of people in England, who are fed with wheaten bread. They neither work so well, nor look so well; and as there is not the same difference between the people of fashion in the two countries, experience would seem to show, that the food of the common people in Scotland is not so suitable to the human constitution as that of their neighbours of the same rank in England. But it seems to be otherwise with potatoes. The chairmen, porters, and coal-heavers in London, and those unfortunate women who live by prostitution, the strongest men and the most beautiful women perhaps in the British dominions, are said to be, the greater part of them, from the lowest rank of people in Ireland, who are fed with this root. No food can afford a more decisive proof of its nourishing quality, or of its being peculiarly suitable to the health of the human constitution. [Page 185]
The discipline of colleges and universities is in general contrived, not for the benefit of the students, but for the interest, or more properly speaking, for the ease of the masters. Its object is, in all cases, to maintain the authority of the master, and whether he neglects or performs his duty, to oblige the students in all cases to behave to him as if he performed it with the greatest diligence and ability. [Page 824]
Diplomacy (Black Press – Permanent Opening
in ES):
Signed up: Dax Gorham (?), Paul Milewski,
Arthur Shulman, Brad Wilson, needs three or four more.
Youngstown IV (Black Press): Ten-player variant,
with off-board boxes to make it “worldwide.”
A classic.
Rules on request. Signed up: Brad Wilson, Heath Gardner, Andy Bate. Needs 7 more.
By Almost Popular Demand: Same as By Popular
Demand, except the top choice in every category scores zero.
Join at any time.
Eternal Sunshine Movie Photo Quiz: Join anytime. When this is over the next quiz will either
be quotes again, or maybe overly-simple plot
Where in the World is Kendo Nagasaki?:
Rules in ES #58. Join anytime!
What’s My Line?: In Richard Weiss’ subzine. Ongoing,
join anytime!
Drone Wars: Diplomacy variant
being offered in Richard Weiss’ subzine. Sign up now!
Soon?: 1898, Colonia VII-B. If
you’re interested in one of these variants, or have a suggestion, let me know.
Standby List:
HELP! I need standby players! – Current
standby list: Richard Weiss, Jim Burgess (Dip only), Hank Alme, Martin
Burgdorf, Paul Milewski (Dip only), Brad Wilson (including Woolworth), Chris
Babcock, Don Williams, Marc Ellinger, Heath Gardner, and whoever I beg into it
in an emergency.
I’m going to continue to go through my
files and seeing what other variants I can offer, until I find one that gets
enough interest to fill. When I offer a
variant I’ll give it an issue or two, but if nobody signs up I’ll drop the
opening and replace it. If somebody
wants to guest-GM a game of anything, just get in touch. If you have specific game requests please let
me know.
– “Winterbloom”
Players: Tom Howell, Hank Alme, Per Westling, and
Martin Burgdorf.
Turn 6
Tom Howell: Plays 9-D, forms Worldwide. Gets one Worldwide free and buys three
Hank Alme:
Plays 10-E. Buys three Festival.
Per Westling: Plays 3-B, merging Tower into American. Per receives $3,000 and Tom gets $1,500. Per trades two Tower
into one American, keeps the rest. Tom
trades two Tower for one American. Nobody else owned any Tower. Buys one Imperial.
Martin Burgdorf: Plays 7-F.
Buys three Festival.
Tom Howell: Plays 6-F. Buys three Festival.
Turn Order for Turn 7: Hank Alme,
Per Westling, Martin Burgdorf,
Tom Howell, Hank Alme.
for Turn 7 is June 24th at 7pm my time.
“Dulcinea” 2008C, F 23
(Martin Burgdorf – martin_burgdorf
“of” hotmail.com): Retreat A Kiel -
A Belgium Supports A
(*Cut*), F Brest
Supports F North Sea -
English Channel (*Void*),
A Budapest Supports A Galicia – Rumania, A Galicia - Rumania (*Fails*), A Gascony - Spain (*Fails*),
A Holland Supports A Munich - Kiel (*Dislodged*, retreat
to Ruhr or
A Marseilles Supports A Gascony – Spain, A Moscow - Warsaw (*Bounce*), A Munich - Kiel (*Fails*),
A Norway - Sweden (*Fails*), A Picardy Supports A Belgium, A Piedmont - Venice (*Fails*),
A Sweden - Denmark (*Bounce*), A Vienna Supports A Budapest.
England (Hank Alme – almehj “of”
alumni.rice.edu): F
Helgoland Bight
Supports A London – Holland,
A Kiel - Denmark (*Bounce*), A London – Holland, F North Sea Convoys A London - Holland.
Turkey (Jim Burgess
– jfburgess “of” gmail.com): F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea,
F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Bounce*), F
Black Sea Convoys A Constantinople – Sevastopol,
A Bulgaria Supports A Rumania, A
Constantinople – Sevastopol, F English Channel - Belgium (*Fails*),
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea, F Mid-Atlantic
Ocean Supports F Spain(sc),
A Rumania Supports A Serbia (*Cut*), A
Serbia Supports F Trieste, A Silesia - Munich (*Fails*),
F Spain(sc) Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Cut*), F Trieste
Supports F Venice, F Tuscany - Piedmont (*Fails*),
A Ukraine - Warsaw (*Bounce*), F
Venice Supports F Trieste (*Cut*).
W 23/S 24 Deadline is June 25th at 7:00am
my time
Center Chart
Belgium, Berlin, Brest,
Budapest, Marseilles, Moscow, Munich,
Norway, Paris, St
Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna=12, Even or Remove 1
Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland,
Kiel, Liverpool, London=6, Build 2
Ankara, Bulgaria,
Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Portugal, Rome, Rumania, Serbia,
Sevastopol, Smyrna, Spain, Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Warsaw=16,
(BOOB to MARTIN): We just don't seem to see eye to eye ANYWHERE, do we?
(BOOB to HANK): I hope we are the friendly witches in the new Graustark
game too!!!
(BOOB to DOUG): And I hope we are somewhere where I can just make you spin in that
same game!!!
Doug – Boob: Three of us have already agreed you’re the initial target
regardless of what nation you play.
(BOOB to DOUG): Don't expect this to end anywhere before 1930.
Doug – Boob: Assuming you don’t screw it up.
And if you don’t, you act like I care how long it goes!
Diplomacy Bourse
Billy Ray Valentine: Probably in his
Duke of York: Travelling.
Smaug the Dragon: Sells 500 Crowns. Buys 300 Piastres.
Rothschild: Sells 500 Crowns
and 500 Piasters. Buys
1660 Pounds.
Baron Wuffet: Eating spider stew.
Wooden Nickel
Gluing up sawdust for nickels.
VAIONT Enterprises: Sells 500 Crowns. Buys 438 Piastres.
Insider Trading LLC:
Bourse Master: Taking some
Smaug the Tiny Lizard to
ALL: Um...
someone get Rick Moranis in here! I need embiggening!!!! *snorts flamelessly*
SMAUG THE MAGNIFICENT TO BILBO: Come here.... barrel rider. I promise
you won't suffer. *hssssss hsss
Bilbo to
York: Second breakfast was scrumptious!
Third breakfast was even better! Time for a smoke and a nap.
You may join us for the smoke, but find your own furz
bush for your nap.
Churner to Duke: We certainly hope so!
Duke of
York to Churners: I am unafraid of your market manipulations! The continued success of the English already
has been exploited in these quarters, I am the Duke of
York after all!!!!
Next Bourse Deadline is June 24th at 7:00pm my time
Graustark Diplomacy Game 2006A,
F 22
Austria (Don
Williams – dwilliams “of” fontana.org): A Rumania - Sevastopol
Trieste Supports F Venice, F Venice Hold.
England (Fred Wiedemeyer – wiedem “of” telus.net):
Retreat F Bulgaria(sc) - Aegean Sea,
A St
Petersburg - Finland.. F Aegean Sea Supports F
Constantinople – Smyrna, A Belgium Hold,
Black Sea - Sevastopol (*Bounce*), A Burgundy - Munich (*Bounce*), F
Constantinople – Smyrna,
English Channel Supports A Belgium, A Finland –
Sweden, A Marseilles Hold, F North Sea – Denmark
(*Dislodged*, retreat to London or Helgoland
Bight or Skagerrak or Edinburgh or Yorkshire or OTB),
Norway Supports A Finland – Sweden, F Norwegian Sea Supports F Norway, A
Silesia - Berlin (*Bounce*),
F Spain(sc) - Portugal.
France (Hank Alme – almehj “of” alumni.rice.edu): No units.
(Harley Jordan – harleyj “of” alum.mit.edu):
Retreat A Marseilles - Piedmont..
Ankara – Constantinople, A Bulgaria Supports A Ankara –
Denmark Supports F Holland - North Sea, A Greece
Supports A Bulgaria, F Helgoland Bight – Holland,
Holland - North Sea, F Kiel - Berlin (*Bounce*), A Moscow Supports A St
Petersburg, A Naples Hold,
Picardy – Paris, A Piedmont – Tyrolia, A Rome –
Tuscany, A Ruhr - Munich (*Bounce*),
Smyrna Supports A Ankara - Constantinople (*Dislodged*, retreat to Armenia
or Ankara or Syria or OTB),
A St
Petersburg Supports F Sweden – Norway, F Sweden - Norway (*Dislodged*, retreat
to Skagerrak or
Sea or Gulf of Bothnia or OTB), A Warsaw - Silesia (*Fails*).
W 22/S 23 Deadline is June 25th at 7:00am my time
Center Chart
Budapest, Rumania,
Trieste, Venice, Vienna=5, Build 2
Belgium, Brest, Edinburgh,
Liverpool, London, Marseilles, Norway,
Portugal, Smyrna,
Spain, Sweden, Tunis=12, Even or Remove 1
France: None=0,
Germany: Ankara, Berlin, Bulgaria, Constantinople,
Denmark, Greece, Holland, Kiel, Moscow, Munich, Naples, Paris, Rome, Serbia,
Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Warsaw=17, Even or Build 1 or Build 2
None. You guys suck.
“Jerusalem” 2012A, F 05
Austria (Melinda
Holley – genea5613 “of” aol.com): A Vienna
Supports A Galicia - Bohemia.
England (John Biehl – jerbil “of” shaw.ca): F
English Channel Convoys A London – Brest, A London –
Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports A London – Brest, F North
Sea – Denmark, F Norway Hold,
Portugal Supports F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc), A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Fails*).
France (Jack McHugh – jwmchughjr “of” gmail.com): F Brest Hold (*Dislodged*, retreat
to Gascony
or OTB), A Marseilles Supports A Spain, A Paris Supports
F Brest (*Dislodged*, retreat to Gascony or OTB),
Spain Supports A Marseilles (*Cut*).
(Don Williams – dwilliams
“of” fontana.org): Retreat A Marseilles - Burgundy..
Berlin Supports A Silesia (*Cut*), A
Bohemia Supports A Vienna (*Cut*), A Burgundy – Paris,
Picardy Supports A Burgundy – Paris, A Silesia
Supports A Bohemia,
Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc)
Italy (Mark Firth – mark.r.firth “of” capita.co.uk): F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea,
Naples Supports F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea, A Piedmont
Supports A Venice – Tyrolia,
Tunis Supports F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea, A Venice
– Tyrolia.
Russia (Richard
Weiss – richardweiss “of” higherquality.com): A Moscow - St Petersburg
Prussia - Berlin (*Fails*), A Warsaw Supports A Galicia - Silesia (*Void*).
Turkey (Geoff Kemp -
ggeoff510 “of” aol.com): F Aegean Sea -
Ionian Sea, A Albania - Trieste (*Bounce*),
Black Sea Hold, A Budapest Supports A Rumania - Galicia (*Fails*), A
Galicia - Bohemia (*Fails*),
Greece Supports F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea, A Rumania - Galicia
(*Fails*), A Serbia - Trieste (*Bounce*).
W 05/S 06 Deadline is June 25th at 7:00am my time
Supply Center Chart
Vienna=1, Even
Brest, Denmark, Edinburgh,
Liverpool, London, Norway, Portugal,
St Petersburg, Sweden=9, Build 2
Marseilles, Spain=2, Even
or Remove 1
Belgium, Berlin, Holland,
Kiel, Munich, Paris=6, Even
Naples, Rome, Trieste,
Tunis, Venice=5, Even
Moscow, Sevastopol,
Warsaw=3, Even
Ankara, Budapest, Bulgaria,
Constantinople, Greece, Rumania, Serbia, Smyrna=8, Even
(Heard throughout the halls of the Austrian Chancellory) -
"Don't bother me with military matters! I'm listening to
Moscow - London: Please
resume sending press. I'll pretend your press is really diplomatic
communications. Then there would be some in this game.
Warsaw - Dresden: I have some
bombs for you. That reminds me, Mr. GM, I request a game of Evil Yuppie
Empire Nuclear War Diplomacy. Maybe one of your subzines
would offer it, if you're too chintzy to do it yourself, or if you want to drop
a few big ones on someone. Oh, never mind, go look in Zero Sum and
join the new variant game there - DRONE WARS Diplomacy.
Black Sea - Istanbul: Stay
calm. Mother Nature likes it that way.
Diplomacy “Walkerdine” 2012D, F 02
(Jeff O’Donnell – unclestaush “of” yahoo.com): Retreat A Tyrolia - Trieste..
Budapest Supports A Serbia (*Cut*), F
Greece Supports A Serbia (*Impossible*), A Serbia Supports F Greece
(*Dislodged*, retreat to Albania or OTB), A
Trieste Hold (*Dislodged*, retreat to Albania or OTB),
Vienna Supports A Budapest.
(Marc Ellinger - mellinger
“of” bbdlc.com): F English Channel - North Sea,
North Sea - Norwegian Sea, A Norway - St Petersburg (*Bounce*), F Sweden
(Jim Burgess – jfburgess “of” gmail.com): A Belgium Hold, F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea,
Marseilles – Piedmont, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Africa, F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean.
(Steve Cooley – tmssteve “of” gmail.com): F Baltic Sea Supports F Denmark,
Denmark Supports F Baltic Sea, A Munich – Tyrolia, A
Ruhr – Holland, A Silesia - Galicia (*Fails*).
(Harold Zarr - skip1955 “of” hotmail.com): A Rome Supports A Venice, F Tunis -
Ionian Sea (*Fails*),
A Tyrolia – Trieste, A Venice Supports A Tyrolia
- Trieste.
(Hank Alme – almehj “of”
alumni.rice.edu): F Constantinople - Aegean Sea,
Galicia - Budapest (*Fails*), F Gulf of Bothnia - St Petersburg(sc) (*Bounce*), A Livonia – Warsaw,
Rumania Supports A Bulgaria - Serbia.
(Don Williams – dwilliams “of” fontana.org): F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea, A Bulgaria – Serbia,
Eastern Mediterranean Supports F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea, A
Ukraine Unordered,
A Galicia – Warsaw (No Such Unit).
for W 02/S 03 Will Be June 25th at 7am My Time
Supply Center Chart
Budapest, Greece,
Vienna=3, Even or Remove 1
Edinburgh, Liverpool,
London, Norway, Sweden=5, Build 1
Belgium, Brest, Marseilles,
Paris, Portugal, Spain=6, Build 1
Berlin, Denmark, Holland,
Kiel, Munich=5, Even
Naples, Rome, Trieste,
Tunis, Venice=5, Build 1
Constantinople, Moscow,
Rumania, St Petersburg, Warsaw=5, Even
Ankara, Bulgaria, Serbia,
Sevastopol, Smyrna=5, Build 1
(BOOB to VATICAN): You're just lucky I
like bad puns. You better watch out for me, Boobs are very dangerous for
(BREST to BOOB): Hey, you're
stealing my moniker!!!
(BREST to ST. PETE): We'll see if we're
still friendly homes or if the expansionist Brits are taking over the world.
Sure, let's go ahead and concede to Marc or Cooley now.... oh, you meant
we should concede to you?!?! MOOOhahahahahaha,
I'm rolling on the floor.
GM – Burgess: Why? Fell out of your high chair again? Or off your high horse?
Yeah, yeah, we prostrate ourselves before your brilliance.
(BREST to VIENNA): I hope you're
Italy to France: Our mutual danger
is ultimately Turkey. My build was
designed to show my friendly intentions.
I hope you with understand.
Rome-Vienna: I’m heading your
way. You can’t stop me and I won’t be contained. “Fortress
Italia” eh? I’m a gonna
show you some a dis Italia, eh?
Vatican-Italy: Y’know, on second thought, the Pope thinks your build was .
. . terrible, beyond redemption, something only a Protestant could love.
GM – Vatican: Harry, I would
like you to sell me a condom. In fact
today I think I’ll have a French tickler.
GM-Williams: Good news for you,
Donnie me boy! We can take the concession vote now, so please, stop proposing
it! 6 emails was enough.
Munich-Boob: I thought you said
Turkey was weak?
GM – Munich: No, he said Turkey
was the flavor of the week.
Berlin-Boob: Hey pal, just be
thankful you’ve got hair to tear out! Btw, you make a fine Santa Claus—so may
we presume you’re giving your dots away?
GM – Berlin: Doubtful. He’s a Grinch.
Press Gunboat, “Fred Noonan”, 2013Arb32, F 02
Austria: Retreat A Vienna - Galicia.. A Budapest
Supports A Galicia – Vienna, A Galicia – Vienna,
Greece - Ionian Sea (*Bounce*), A Trieste Supports A
Galicia - Vienna (*Dislodged*, retreat
to Albania or Serbia or OTB).
England: A Belgium Hold
(*Disbanded*), F English Channel Supports F North Sea,
Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*), F North Sea Supports A Belgium
France: F Brest Supports F Spain(sc) - Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Burgundy – Picardy, A Gascony –
Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Atlantic Ocean, F Spain(sc) - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
F Denmark Supports F Helgoland Bight -
North Sea, F Helgoland Bight - North Sea (*Fails*),
A Holland Supports A Ruhr – Belgium, A Munich Hold, A Ruhr -
Italy: F Apulia - Adriatic Sea, F Tunis -
Ionian Sea (*Bounce*), A Tyrolia – Trieste,
A Venice Supports A Tyrolia
– Trieste, A Vienna Supports A Tyrolia
- Trieste (*Dislodged*, retreat
to Bohemia or Tyrolia or OTB).
Russia: F Black Sea – Sevastopol, A Moscow Supports F Black Sea – Sevastopol, A Norway
Supports F Sweden,
F Sweden Supports A Norway, A Ukraine Supports
F Black Sea - Sevastopol.
Turkey: F Ankara - Black Sea, A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*), A
Bulgaria Supports A Rumania,
Constantinople Supports F Ankara - Black Sea, A Rumania Supports A Armenia - Sevastopol.
for W 02/S 03 Will Be June 25th at 7am My Time
Supply Center Chart
Budapest, Greece, Serbia,
Vienna4, Even or Play 1 Short
Edinburgh, Liverpool,
London=3, Even
Brest, Marseilles, Paris,
Portugal, Spain=5, Even
Belgium, Berlin, Denmark,
Holland, Kiel, Munich=6, Build 1
Naples, Rome, Trieste,
Tunis, Venice=5, Even or Build 1
Moscow, Norway,
Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw=6, Build 1
Ankara, Bulgaria,
Constantinople, Rumania, Smyrna=5, Even
Rome to Constantinople:
Budapest is nice this time of year, cool wine cellars and hearty food. Check it
Rome to Germany: I
see you're busy.
Ger - Fra: I
understand your defensive move in Burgandy.
However, I'm sincerely hoping you can read the board as well as I & understand I have no aggressive intentions towards
La Belle France.
Ger - Rus: No harm in trying. I hope you understand I
couldn't allow such a large neighbor at this point. My eyes are fixed
elsewhere and not on you. Your northern holdings are safe from me.
Good luck in the south.
Ger - Eng: Sorry, but you lost the coin toss.
T => I: You can have the
Austrian home scs as long as I get all of
the Balkans.
T => A: It's a deal, I get
all of the Balkans, and you try to defend your home scs.
T => R: Once I
have got the whole coast of the Black Sea, I shall have no interest in
further conquests of Russian scs.
France to GM: An Austria army in
Trieste, yet the territory is “painted” green!
And there is both an Italian army and an Austrian army in Vienna! Very strange.
GM – France: You can’t make me believe you don’t know what’s going
on. But for anybody who can’t,
“painting” only changes after the Fall turn, and two
units in one province means the one on the bottom must retreat.
France to GM: The convoy to Ireland
will be in place very soon. I have
decided to open up trade relations with the Irish by exchanging Irish whiskey
for French wine. Good times to had by all!
“Sweet Spot” 2013A, S 02
(Fred Wiedemeyer –
wiedem “of” telus.net): A Budapest Supports A Galicia –
Galicia – Rumania, F Greece Supports F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea
(*Disbanded*), A Trieste - Serbia.
(Harold Zarr - skip1955 “of” hotmail.com): F London - North Sea, F North Sea - Helgoland Bight,
Norway Supports F Sweden (*Cut*), A Yorkshire - London.
France (Melinda Holley – genea5613 “of” aol.com): F
Belgium Supports F Brest - English Channel,
Brest - English Channel, A Burgundy – Ruhr, A Paris –
Picardy, A Spain Hold.
(Jack McHugh – jwmchughjr “of” gmail.com):
A Bohemia – Vienna, A Kiel – Denmark,
Sweden Supports A Kiel - Denmark.
Italy (Heath
Gardner - heath.gardner “of” gmail.com): F
Ionian Sea Convoys A Tunis – Albania,
Munich – Tyrolia, F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea, A Tunis – Albania, A Venice - Trieste.
Russia (Chris
Babcock – cbabcock “of” asciiking.com ): F Baltic Sea - Gulf of Bothnia,
Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*), A Silesia – Warsaw, A St Petersburg -
Norway (*Fails*).
Turkey (Larry
Peery – peery “of” ix.netcom.com):
F Aegean Sea Supports A
Bulgaria – Greece,
A Bulgaria – Greece, A Constantinople – Bulgaria, A Syria - Armenia.
Deadline for Fall 02 Will Be June 25th at
7am My Time
(Versailles) -
The Woman leaned forward and looked over the balcony at the magnificent gardens
below. Taking a deep breath, she sighed, "Ah, Paris in the Springtime." Several massive sneezes immediately
followed. After blowing her nose several times, the Woman wrathfully
glared at the garden. "Damn pollen!" Turning, she marched
back into her office, slamming the glass doors shut behind her.
"Robert! Robert!" Impatiently, the Woman pointed to her
aide. "Robert!" she screamed.
The aide looked around then
grimaced. "It's Etienne...I mean...Pierre, Madam." He
gulped at the glower thrown towards him. "Robert. Yes, Madam."
The Woman sighed. "Any word from the foreign embassies?"
"No, Madam. Our agents in
Munich report the Italians are still...making merry."
"Well, the Italians like to
party," the Woman admitted. "Did you send that case of wine to
Madam. They were most
hmmm. Well, we'll find out just how
By Larry Peery
Nearly two thousand years ago the
apostle Mark wrote, “And if a house be divided against itself, that house
cannot stand.” (Mark 3:25).
Four hundred and fifty years ago Europe
was divided for over a hundred and fifty years by a series of religious wars
fought between Catholics and Protestants.
A hundred and fifty-five years ago
Abraham Lincoln’s House Divided Speech said much the same thing when talking
about the dangers slavery posed to the Union.
A generation ago Europe was a continent
divided against itself: West vs. East, Christian vs.
Communist. Today Europe is still divided against itself: North vs. South,
Christian vs. Muslim.
If Lincoln were a Turk living today he
might write something like the following: “A mosque divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this Republic cannot endure,
permanently, half secular and half fundamentalist. I do not expect the Republic
to be dissolved---I do not expect the mosque to fall---but I do expect it will
cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. Either the
opponents of secularism will arrest the further spread of it, and place it
where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of
ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall
become lawful in all the Provinces, old as well as new---cities as well as in
rural areas. “
At times the battle between secularists
and fundamentalists seems funny. At others not so much.
Consider the recent stories circulating about Turkish Airlines. First the
airline announced it was banning lipstick. Then it said it was only banning red
lipstick. Then it said it was only banning bright lipstick. And finally it said
pastel lipsticks were OK. Modern stewardess uniforms are out and the new ones
require full length skirts and head coverings. The Airline announced it was
banning alcohol on its flights, but after international travelers raised a
ruckus the Airline said the ban would only apply to flights to and from Russia
because of their unruly passengers. In the meantime Turkish Airlines is buying
117 new Airbuses, Istanbul Airport will become the world’s largest by 2020,
just in time to host the Olympics Turkey is hoping for. And then just a week
ago the international media featured a story of a couple who had intended to
fly from Los Angeles to Dakar, Senegal, but ended up 7,000 miles away in Dhaka,
Bangladesh because the airline (Turkish Airlines, of course) coded their
tickets and luggage
LAX-IST-DAC instead of LAX-IST-DKR< Not to worry, the Turkish
Air Force is replacing its F-16s with locally built (with Swedish Saab’s
assistance) jet fighters. Perhaps it intends to use them to shoot down
passenger jets arriving at its new airport for the 2020 Olympics?
On a more serious note, and returning
to the mosque analogy I mentioned above, Istanbul has 19 mosques (some of which
are now museums) that were originally built by the Byzantines but converted to
mosques by the Ottomans. Istanbul has 39 purpose built mosques built by the
Ottomans. Istanbul has 1 mosque, the Sakirin Mosquem built in the post
Ottoman period. It opened in 2009, and is built on top of a three level parking
garage! End of story? Not quite. ANS Amed reports:
“Some 17,000 new mosques have been built during Turkish Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s
10 years of leadership. In the same period the amount of public schools has
remained at 32,000, while the number of mosques has jumped from 76,000 to
93,000. Turkey’s secular opposition has accused Erdogan
of having a “secret plan” to re-Islamisize the
nation. Erdogan recently announced the construction
of a new mega-mosque in Istanbul which will “be seen from every corner of the Bosphorus” and will have the tallest minarets in the
And what of
Turkey’s foreign affairs?
Turkey conquered the Balkans five
centuries ago. Now Turkish power is making inroads through friendlier means
according to a Washington Post article, “In Bosnia, Turkey brings back a gentle
version of the Ottoman Empire.” (24 March 2013). Still, many in the Balkans
think they are merely a way point on the route to Turkey’s broader goals. “They
are a big regional power,” said Hayruddin Somun, a former Bosnian ambassador to Turkey. “The Balkans
was always their path to conquering Europe. They had to come through here.”
Will history repeat itself in “Sweet Spot?” Only time will tell.
At about the same time Time was saying, “Turkey’s Big Week Means New Clout In An Emerging Middle East.” (Time, 28 March 2013). Time hailed Obama’s role as peacemaker
between Israel and Turkey, Ergodan’s success in
brokering a deal with the Kurdish PKK, and Turkey’s growing influence in
Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.
Reuters, a couple of months later,
lauded Turkey’s becoming a “creditor” rather than “debtor” nation after it
finished paying off its IMF loans, capping a decade of rapid growth, financial
stability and political reform by a “tiger” economy on the seam of Europe and
Asia. Still, as EU members around the Mediterranean wallow in financial crises,
Turkey remains outside the EU because of Cypriot and French obstruction.
Erdogan visited Washington in late May for talks with President
Obama. The two discussed Syria, and peace in the Middle East. Both supported
the idea of getting rid of Assad and supported peace in the Middle East, but
offered no clear idea of how to achieve either. The possibility that Turkey’s
agreement with the PKK and Kurds, and its deal with the Iraqi government to
bring oil fields in the Kurdish area of Iraq back on line may give pause to oil
producers in the Bakken oil fields of the USA. Not
mentioned, I’m sure, was the fact that Erdogan has
lost prestige at home in the last couple of years. The winds of history seem to
be blowing in a different direction and nobody is now calling Erdogan a “neo-Ottoman Sultan.”
Finally, if you’re unhappy with your
current bank and tired of dealing with ATMs, online banking systems that don’t
work, and telephone banking operations that never seem to do what you want
instead of what they’re programmed to do, I have an alternative. Pay a visit to
the Sovereign Bank’s Dorchester, Massachusetts branch on Morrissey Boulevard
and talk to Santina. Santina
moved into the bank’s building courtyard last winter and was quickly adopted by
employees and customers alike. A 20-pound female turkey of sweet temperament,
unlike more aggressive, territorial tom turkeys, Santina’s
curious about how to help you. In fact, when she sees you in the windows and
doors, she’ll come toward you. Oh, and if you decide to ignore the “Do Not
Feed” signs Santina will happily take your deposits
of popcorn, sunflower seeds, and turkey feed; but no chicken feed please.
England to Russia: I’m impressed with
your skill in the game. Lots of
movement, no builds in the first year.
If Austria and Turkey can get on the same page, I predict a short life
for the Russian bear!
II-D “Coney Island” 2013Bcb19, W 01/S 02
(Secret): Build
A Vie..A Vie-Tyr, F Tri-Ven, A Gal S A Bud, A Bud S A
(Secret): A Rum S A Ser, A Ser
S A Rum, F Alb-Gre.
(Secret): F Edi–Cly, A Wal-Lpl, F Lon-Ech.
(Heath Gardner - heath.gardner “of”
gmail.com): Build F
Mar..A Bel
S A Bur, A Bur S A Bel,
F Bre-Ech, F Mar-Gol.
(Marc Ellinger - mellinger
“of” bbdlc.com): Build
A Mun, A Ber..A Ber S A Mun-Sil,
A Mun-Sil,
A Kie S F Hol,F Hol
H, A Swi H.
(Secret): Build
A Nap..F Ion-Gre, F Tun-Ion, A Ven S F Tri(OTM), A Nap-Apu.
(Jim Burgess - jfburgess
“of” gmail.com): A War
H, A Lvn H, A Sev H, F Bla H(Destroyed).
(Geoff Kemp - ggeoff510 “of” aol.com): F Nwy-Nwg, A Den H, F Nth S F Bre-Ech.
Spain (Secret): F NAO-Ice, F Mid S F
Bre-Ech, A Gas-Mar.
Turkey (Hugh Polley – hapolley “of” yahoo.ca):
Build F Con..F Bul-Bla,
A Per-Arm, A Arm-Ank,
F Con S F Bul-Bla.
for F 02 is June 25th at 7am My Time
to Bulkans - We will support the Austria in all
matters regarding Tri, ADR, Ion.
Italy to Austria - notice we have
supported Tri as promised against any outside power. Our relationship is not an alliance but rather a promise to help out
whenever a third party enters territory along our joint border.
Ank for Ser: What happened, I expected to be stood off in Bul not to take it! Consider me your partner in the STOP
Russia alliance. Your humble servant the very grateful
Sultan of Turkey. I pledge to use the
Fleet loan wisely; never aid the Austrian against you, and to support your
units when ever viable!
Ank for Bud: I will not help you out
against my buddy in the Bulkans but if you are in
position to cause Russia some trouble, and I can lend a hand, expect help. The
taking of Bul was not expected. Hope my buddy
has an easy time taking it back.
Ank for Ven: Damm! I was hoping to take a run at Cre
but Russia moved to Bla ruining my Con move to Aeg. You are doing well, I was not expecting such an
easy time for you in conquest of Tun. Is move to WMS in cards?
Eng - Scan: Thanks to your meddling, we might have to jpin
forces to get it, Although is that such a bad idea in these early stages?
Eng – Spain: Rather than a grab at Iceland, can we divide France
Austria to Balkans: Hey, I'm stuck down here, how about if someone
gives me some room, I'm all about peaceful
Separators to Non-Separators: If Spring
goes forward those of us lazy Separators may have some problems as secret
powers are revealed.... Or are they???
By Almost
Popular Demand
The goal is to pick something that fits the
category and will be the a popular answer but NOT the "most popular"
answer. You score points based on the number of entries that match yours. For
example, if the category is "Cats" and the responses were 7 for
Persian, 3 for Calico and 1 for Siamese, everyone who said Persian would get 7
points, Calico 3 and the lone Siamese would score 1 point. However, if your answer is the most popular answer, you score ZERO. The cumulative total over 10 rounds will
determine the overall winner. Anyone may enter at any point, starting with an
equivalent point total of the lowest cumulative score from the previous round.
If a person misses a round, they'll receive the minimum score from the round
added to their cumulative total. In each round you may specify one of your
answers as your Joker answer. Your score for this answer will be
doubled. In other words, if you apply
your Joker to category 3 on a given turn, and 4 other people give the same
answer as you, you get 10 points instead of 5.
Players who fail to submit a Joker for any specific turn will have their
Joker automatically applied to the first category. And, if you want to submit
some commentary with your answers, feel free to. The game will consist of 10 rounds, and the
score is doubled for Round 10. A prize
will be awarded to the winner. Research
is permitted!
Round 4 Categories
1. A film
featuring Kevin Spacey.
2. A flavor
of ice cream.
3. A character
from the television show M*A*S*H.
4. Part of
a cat.
5. Another
word for beautiful.
Selected Comments By
Spacey – Brad Wilson “almost said Glengarry Glen Ross but no one will
remember that.” Kevin Wilson “Lots to
pick from here. Lots of good stuff
too. I think this one will get some
picks but not be #1. Seven or American
Beauty I think will be #1.” Andy Bate “Not
being a film buff, I'll just go see what I have to choose from... LOL Looks to be a toss-up between American
Beauty, L.A. Confidential and The Usual Suspects.” Marc Ellinger “Maybe
I should be embarrassed, but this is the only movie I can think of with Spacey
in it….are there others?”
Ice Cream – Phil Murphy “Vanilla - Especially nice with good quality
chocolate sauce in my view.” Kevin
Wilson “Surely vanilla or chocolate will be #1.”
M*A*S*H – Kevin Wilson “I think Hawkeye will be #1.” Andy Bate “Immediate reaction is Radar, so
going to avoid that one on the basis that it could be the most popular. Hotlips has to be
in the running for that accolade, too, even though it wasn't anywhere near the
top of my list. I've just started
watching the DVDs from the beginning, so let's go with Trapper John and hope
most people remember the later series.”
Marc Ellinger “So many great characters from
my childhood through high school, but it really focused on Hawkeye.”
Cat – Dane Maslen “I thought 'tail' was the obvious answer for 4 so
I've desperately avoided it. No doubt
everyone else will too so 'claw' will score zero instead.” Andy Bate “Tail seems to be the obvious
choice.” Marc Ellinger
“I hate cats, so if you bury one this is all that sticks up!!!! (Just kidding…sort of!)” John Biehl “The
(cat)egories this time are,
I think, particularly 'feline fiendish'. Thre are so
many good answers to each (cat)egory
{notice how slyly a 'cat' got insinuated
in) {btw, I like cats too} that it will be most interesting to see which answer
comes in second for each.”
Beautiful – Marc Ellinger “Gorgeous – Just like
my wife!”
Congrats to Michael Quirk who scored 24. Poor Mark Firth
hit the bottom with 2.
Round 5 Categories
1. A film
featuring Chevy Chase.
2. A
company which makes fine crystal.
3. A
fictional detective.
4. A ship
associated with Christopher Columbus.
5. An Ivy
League school.
Deadline for Round 5 is June 25th at 7:00am
my time
There are ten rounds of movie photos, and
each round consists of ten photos. Identify the film each photo is from. Anyone may enter at any point. If you want to
submit some commentary with your answers, feel free to. The game will consist of 10 rounds. A prize will be awarded to the winner – and
it might be a very good prize! Research
is not permitted! That means NO
RESEARCH OF ANY KIND, not just no searches for the
photos themselves. The only legal “research”
is watching movies to try and locate the scenes. Each round will also contain one
bonus question, asking what the ten movies being quoted have in common. The player with the most correct answers
each round gets 3 points, 2nd place gets 2 points, and 3rd
place gets 1 point. In the event of
ties, multiple players get the points (if three players tie for first, they
EACH get 3 points). High score at the
end of ten rounds wins the game, and a prize (unless
you cheated). If there’s enough
participation I may give a prize for 2nd and maybe even 3rd
place overall too. The final round will
be worth double points.
The Sting. Correct – KW, RD, PR, JM, DW
Man With One Red Shoe.
Correct – RD, DW. Splash – PR.
Philadelphia – AL.
The Rosary Murders. Correct – DW. Klute – RD. Invasion of the Body Snatchers – PR.
O Brother Where Art Thou. Correct – KW,
Dog Day Afternoon. The Parallax Effect – RD. Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind –
PR. Dirty Harry – AL. Man From UNCLE – DW.
Tracey. Correct – KW, RD, PR, AL, DW
IQ. Correct – PR. Sleepless in Seattle – RD,
AL. I Love You – DW.
Starting Over. Correct – DW. Network – RD. Sleepless in Seattle – PR. Carnal Knowledge – AL.
The Front Page. Correct – JM. Save the Tiger – RD, DW. The China Syndrome –
PR. Gengarry
Glen Ross – AL.
True Confessions. Correct – PR, DW. The Godfather – JM. Schindler’s List – HA.
Bonus – What do these films all have in common? Charles Durning
Appears in All of Them. All Based on a Classic Story – KW. Won Oscars for Best Score –
RD. All Won Best Picture – JM. Don Williams – They All Have a Con Artist.
Points This Round: Don Williams [DW] – 7; Paraic
Reddington [PR] – 5; Rick Desper
[RD] – 4; Jack McHugh [JM] – 3; Kevin Wilson [KW] – 3; Andy York [AY] – 1; Andy
Lischett [AL] – 1; Hank Alme
[HA] - 0.
Scores So Far: Rick Desper [RD] – 21;
Kevin Wilson [KW] – 10; Paraic Reddington
[PR] – 8; Andy Lischett [AL] – 7; Hank Alme [HA] – 7; Andy York [AY] – 5; Jack McHugh [JM] – 5;
Don Williams [DW] – 4; Kevin Tighe [KT] – 3; Brad
Wilson [BW] – 2; Heather Taylor [HT] – 1.
Bonus – What do these films all have in common?
Deadline for Round 10 is June 25th at 7:00am
my time
General Deadline for
the Next Issue of Eternal Sunshine: June
25th, 2013 at 7:00am my time.
See You Then!