Archive U
Doug’s Diplomacy
(This page last updated on 1/12/2011)
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Postal Diplomacy Zine Archive
Udun – Greg Costikyan’s flyer for games in The Pocket Armenian
Udun #1
Ultimately Cool – Supposedly a zine by Keith Sherwood (of The Inner Light)
This would have appeared immediately before The Inner Light #1, but it may be a fake
Ultimately Cool #1
The Unknown Soldier – Tom Moore’s zine for the North American Gunboat Tournament
The Unknown Soldier #1
Urf Durfal – First version was for playtesting variants.
The second version, subtitled, “Grandson of Pouch,” was a general Dipzine. Both were published
by Greg Costikyan and friends. Lots of strong opinions in the letter column, good humor, and many games
Urf Durfal #1
Urf Durfal #2
Urf Durfal #3
Urf Durfal #5
Urf Durfal #6
Urf Durfal #7
Urf Durfal #8
Urf Durfal #9
Urf Durfal #10
Urf Durfal #11
Urf Durfal #12
Urf Durfal #26/27
Urf Durfal #28
Urf Durfal #34/35
Urf Durfal #36
Urf Durfal #37
Urf Durfal #38
Urf Durfal #39
Urf Durfal #40
Urf Durfal #41
Urf Durfal #43/44
Urf Durfal #45
Urf Durfal #46
Urf Durfal #47
Urf Durfal #48/49
Urf Durfal #50
Urf Durfal #51
Urf Durfal #52
Urf Durfal #53/54
Urf Durfal #55
Urf Durfal #56
Urf Durfal #57/58
Usurper – Al Snider’s Dipzine/flyer, renamed this after it had been called Attention!.
Those earlier issues can be found under that name.
Usurper #15 - #25
Usurper #26 - #41
Utopia – Rod Walker’s zine for Youngstown
Utopia #11
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