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Doug’s Diplomacy
(This page last updated on 12/24/2019)
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Postal Diplomacy Zine Archive
Xenogogic – Larry Peery, the IDA, and friends produced this very sizable zine.
“A Gaming and Simulations Quarterly”
Xenogogic Volume 4 #6
Xenogogic Volume 4 #6.5
Xenogogic Volume 4 #8.5
(mislabeled 1971)
Xenogogic Volume 5 #1
Xenogogic Volume 6 #1
Xenogogic Volume 6 #2
Xenogogic Volume 6 #3
Xenogogic Volume 6 #4
Xenogogic Volume 18 #2
Xenogogic Volume 19 #3.1
Xenogogic Volume 19 #4
Y Ddraig Goch- Iain Bowen’s popular Dipzine
Before he let real-life Politics take up all of his hobby time!
Y Ddraig Goch #57
YDRA – Robert Johnson’s zine for Diplomacy hobby “New Blood”
YELK – “Ye Lustie Krawnykul and Tymmes-Sunne-Trybunne-Herallde of Hammo”
Was a Rod Walker zine for a game of Feudalism, a 50-player game.
YELK Volume 1 #1
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus Jim Burgess’ occasional publication for the US Orphan Service
Yes Virginia #4
Yes Virginia #5
Yes Virginia #6.5
Yes Virginia #7
Yes Virginia #7.5
Yes Virginia #8.5
Yes Virginia #9
Zeppelin– J.P. Gillespie’s Canadian zine with Dip and hexgames (courtesy of Craig Reges)
Zeppelin #54
Zeppelin #56
Zeppelin #57
Zeppelin #58
Zeppelin #59
Zero Sum– Richard Weiss’ Diplomacy and variant zine
Zero Sum #2
Zero Sum #9
Zimiamvia– Rod Walkers secondary zine for the North American Variant Bank
This zine was for anything which didn’t fit in the main NAVB zine, ARDA
Issues 1 through 3 all carry the same date
Zimiamvia #1
Zimiamvia #2
Zimiamvia #3
The Zine Register – A listing of every known Diplomacy zine at the time, with info and reviews
Zine Register #5
Zine Register #6
Zine Register #7
Zine Register #8
Zine Register #9
Zine Register #11
Zine Register #12
Zine Register #14
Zine Register #18
Zine Register #20
Zine Register #21
Zine Register #22
Zine Register #23
Zine Register #24
Zine Register #26
Zine Register #27
Zine Register #28
Zine Register #29
Zine Register #30
The Zine Whose Name No Man Dare Speak
John Leeder game flyer for a variant game (1975Rgr)
Zothique – Rod Walker’s zine for the Aberration variant
Zothique #38
Zothique #39
Zothique #40
Zothique #41
Zothique #42
Zothique #43
Zothique #47
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